Character:Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady
Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady

Character in Once more with feeling, played by Andrensath.
Concept:A musician and singer who dabbles in fencing to defend herself.
First Impression and Appearance Text
Become the best performer in all of Creation. Take over the Scavenger Lands.
- Writing songs.
- Kitsune Princess (Lunar Bond, True Love)
- Performing her creations.
Describe here in full your Caste anima power. Also tell us your totemic form.
- Strength ****
- Dexterity ****
- Stamina ****
- Charisma ****
- Manipulation ****
- Appearance ****
- Perception ****
- Intelligence ****
- Wits ****
Caste Abilities
- Integrity ***
- Performance *****
- Presence ***
- Resistance ****
- Survival ***
Favored Abilities
- Athletics ****
- Awareness ****
- Dodge ****
- Lingustics ****
- Lore ****
- Melee *****
- Socialize ****
Unfavored Abilities
- Artifact
- Cult
- Followers
- Influence
- Lunar Bond
- Manse
- Resources
Each Background
How much you have in it, and describe it
- Artifact ** (Orichalcum Reaper Daiklave)
- Cult ** (Church of the Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady. Worships Solitary Talon as an avatar of the Unconquered Sun.)
- Followers ***** (Solitary Talon's personal army. Led by her in person.)
- Influence ***
- Lunar Bond ***** (With True Love) (Solitary Talon's bond of love to Kitsune Princess, her Lunar Mate.)
- Manse *** (Gem of Grace) (Solitary Talon's secret manse, located a week's ride from the city of Nexus.)
- Resources *****
Each Ability or Attribute
Charms for that Ability/Attribute (include short description and page #)
- Essence: 5
- Personal: *****************/23
- Peripheral: ******************************************************/54
- Committed: *****
- Willpower: ********/8
Compassion: **
Conviction: ***
Temperance: ***
Valor: ****
Limit Break
Foolhardy Contempt
- 5 mortal concubines
- Ripe as Summer Fruit Waiting to be Plucked
- 4 fine warhorses
- 4 lavish saddles
- A grand palace, with posh furnishings
- Royal raiment and jewellery
- Lamellar Armour
- Superheavy Plate
The woman who would become Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady was born Mnemon Opile, the seventh daughter of a relatively minor member of House Mnemon. Raised in the lap of luxury, the young Opile was constantly schooled in diplomacy, musicianship, singing, dancing, and the arts of fencing. At 16, her mother was sent to Nexus as the Realm Ambassador, ordered to take her family with her.
On the way there, Opile got bored and took a side trip, ending up in a Manse that had been lost since the First Age. While exploring the Manse, she freed one of the Mice of the Sun from where it had been trapped for centuries. Shortly after, Opile suddenly had a strange vision of conversing with the Unconquered Sun while bearing the image of a large, golden disk on her forehead. When the vision finished, she awoke as one of the Zenith Caste of the Solar Exalted. Taking the artifact, the newly renamed Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady set out for Nexus once more, now planning to become the best performer in the entirety of Creation, and take over the Scavenger Lands along the way.
Give at least one short paragraph
Merits and Flaws
Each Merit and Flaw
Describe the Merit/Flaw and it's cost