Belladonna's Story (Tobyverse)

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In a tiny little town in Virginia, the Advent seemed almost unnoticed. By an astounding probability, no Changelings had been born there. So it was not much of a surprise that when one did, the people had no idea how to handle it. Her name was Nancy Donnel, she was fourteen years old...and she had the longest recorded, and one of the most lethal Awakenings recorded.

Her memory of the event is faint. She remembers her mother and father's dismay when her skin turned green and her hair began to sprout small flowers. She remembers the mob, those who decided to cut her from the shaft. And she remembers the green. Oh, how she remembers the green.

Kadabra had saved others from themselves before, but none like her; not yet, anyway. He arrived to find the town covered in a vast forest, a living forest. He fought his way though, trying to find the terrified girl...and realized he was not alone. Crow had also seen the potential of her power...and wanted it for himself.

The two battled then, for the first time in fact. Phantasms and doorways against magic and the raw power of the elements. Skilled as Kadabra was, he did not have the years of experience that Crow possessed. Their conflict may have ended as soon as it began, had the girl not intervened. Kadabra never knew why she did, but she turned the forest against Crow, and the rage-filled Changeling was forced to retreat.

Kadabra's first student, then, at least the first on his personal team, was the young girl. She has chosen the name Belladonna, and will earnestly fight for those in need.

Powers: Belladonna's powers are immense. She has an astounding control over both the growth and control of all plant matter. In addition, her body functions in many plant-like ways, requiring only water and sunlight for nutrition. The flowers in her hair are deceptive, for she can release a cloud of poisonous mist from them on command. (That took a while to control.) The fact is, though, Kadabra and almost everyone else are unclear of the scope of her powers. From what he has seen, they could reach to any level. He will not admit it, but he sometimes wonders if Crow came to take her because he had apocalyptic dreams of the green covering the earth. He wonders if he has them as well.

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