Dungeon Sweepers!

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Dungeons! They're dark, dank, drafty, and downright dangerous! Worst yet, due to the Demon Kings meddling, openings to dungeons pop up in all sorts of places, from desolate mountains to little old grannies' basements. If they're left undisturbed, they grow, and get more and more dangerous, as all sorts of monsters appear in them. And those monsters are liable to start wandering when the dungeon gets to crowded (or they just feel like it). Monsters and civilized folks don't get along, so as you can imagine, this is a problem. A problem that needs cleaning up.

Dungeon Sweepers!

For as long as folks can remember, dungeons have been troubling civilized people. Usually the local lord, or king, or mayor would have to have their soldiers take care of it. Problem is, a lot of dungeons are just too dangerous for your average man-at-arms, no matter how doughty and brave. Which means dealing with heroes. Temperamental, greedy, pious, grandiose, ambitious, kind, compassionate, sneaky, treacherous, brave, mysterious heroes. Larger than life sorts that tend to be a lot of trouble in their own way.

Enter the Dungeon Sweepers! Two fine ladies, Darda Juri and Hammu Festen, plain old household servants, maids if you're being fancy, found a dungeon in their employer's pantry. Not being especially content with their lot in life, they decided to clean out the dungeon themselves. Smartest thing ever it wasn't, but it worked out in the end, and they found a nice bit of treasure. Enough treasure to give them ideas.

What if, they thought, there was a service people could hire to clean out dungeons? A service staffed by credentialed professionals, not temperamental heroes. And so Dungeon Sweepers was born. It now has franchises in every major city and land, and all manner of people have signed up to give it a go. Mostly women at first, and it's still got more ladies than gents, but Dungeon Sweepers will hire just about anyone, as long as they do their job professionally.

Each Dungeon Sweepers office will have a job board, with jobs ranked by estimated level, reward, danger, travel distance and what have you. Groups of sweepers will get together and grab a job that they think they can do, head out, and hopefully clear the dungeon. Dungeon Sweepers gets a 10% cut of the dungeon's treasure box and a commission from the client. Individual sweepers get their cut and any treasure dropped by monsters in the dungeon.

The sweepers don't all come back, but there's an endless supply of young dreamers who think that they'll make it to the big time. Fallen nobles, street urchins, wandering priests, scholarly warlocks, tinkers, tailors, candlestick makers, you name it, there's someone out there trying to be a sweeper.

So how about it buddy, you want to try your hand at being a sweeper?

This is a PbP game on RPG.net, run by Alice Sara, using the Heroes Against Darkness rules.


  • Get the rules here.
  • Roll dice here. Remember to log in and use DS as the campaign name!
  • IC thread here.
  • OOC thread here.
  • Recruitment thread here.

Player Characters

Combat Table

Name Initiative/
Current Init
Health Points Anima Status
A'ishah +2/17 18/18 6/8
Gimir +1/21 20/23 6/6 Empower +2 next roll
Marillca +3/11 20/20 3/9
Pentesilia +1/8 18/18 8/8 Boon +2Atk/1r
Raven +4/9 15/15 5/5 Boon +2Atk/2r
Winged Rat 2 +4/20 22/22 4/4
Plague Rat 1 +3/18 4/22 8/8




House Rules


  • Only worry about weapons and armor. If you're carrying a lot of extra stuff, it might count as one or more items, but generally normal adventuring supplies and sundries don't count.

World Notes


  • Dungeon Sweepers!
    • has franchises in every land, and is officially neutral in any disputes not involving dungeons.
    • serves as a job clearing house for dungeon missions. To get access to their job postings, you must be a credentialed Sweepers
    • gets 10% of a dungeon's treasure box on a successful dungeon clear. Sweepers get the rest, and any loot that drops from monsters (or competing Sweepers!)
    • gets a commission from people that need a dungeon cleared on their property.
    • pays Sweepers a scouting fee if they return with new information about a dungeon, but fail to clear it.
    • maintains an inn at each franchise, where Sweepers may stay at discount rates.
    • sells Recall Charms (one per party at a time), to allow Sweepers to flee a dungeon in emergencies (or just avoid a long walk!).
    • offers discounts on Restore Life for dead Sweepers, based on a Sweeper's rank within Dungeon Sweepers. The higher level you are, the more they want to keep you around!


  • The Desert Kingdom
  • The Barony of Everforth
  • The Seven Pillars Freehold
    • A small republic nestled in between the Seven Pillars, seven mountains bordered by the Desert Kingdom to the North, the Five Baronies to the South, the Divine Province of Gesukht to the West, and the Odious Swamp to the East,
      • Haborn is a mid sized city of approximately 20,000.

Gods and Religion

  • The Divine
  • The Seven Who Eat Eyes
  • The Serpent That Dances On The Moon
  • The Demon Kings

Time and Dates

  • Years follow the Chinese system. It's currently the 429th year of the Snake.
  • Months follow the moon system from the HAD rulesbook. It's currently Wolfmoon (Jaunary).
  • Days of the week follow the Somali language (see here.)


  • Green Teria, a Thief
  • The Desert King
  • Jade, a Djinn
  • An Adventurer
  • The Baron of Everforth
    • The Baron of Everforth's Son
  • An Orphanage full of Children

The World

  • Dungeons
    • can appear anywhere, except powerfully sanctified ground.
    • are usually underground, but can be any area with limited entrances, restricted movement and sight avenues, and definite boundaries.
    • appear when a Dungeon Seed sprouts.
    • always have a Boss monster at the end.
    • always have a treasure box guarded by the Boss monster.
    • disappear (slowly) after the Boss monster is defeated.
    • may have sub-Bosses if there are multiple levels. If a sub-Boss is defeated, no more monsters will spawn on that level, until the sub-Boss respawns.
    • have context sensitive soundtracks.
  • Dungeon Seeds
    • are bits of pure malice that the Demon Kings have scattered throughout the World.
    • can be destroyed if they're found before they sprout, but finding them is even harder than destroying them.
  • Magic
    • is common enough that people expect it, but hard enough that not many can use it well.
    • is well codified. A +1 sword will be called a +1 sword, though people might name their weapons to make them sound more powerful.
  • Races
    • are mostly intermingled. There may be some lands that have more or less of some races, but there really isn't an 'Elvish Kingdom' or a 'Dwarvish Kingdom' expect in a historical sense. People can be Elvish, but culturally Dwarvish, for example.
    • are still divided in the sense that Orcs and Drow are regarded with suspicion. Tartareans are given the benefit of the doubt, but not as much as a Human, Elf, or Dwarf would get. Half-Elves are fully accepted.
  • Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
    • is between you and whoever you're having sex with, as long as they're consenting and not being pressured in any way.
    • doesn't really matter for inheritance or anything.
    • Transgender folks may have to travel a bit, but they can get their bodies altered to fit their identity in most major cities. Some places keep Girdles of Masculinity/Femininity/Et Cetera around for just that purpose.