LC Var Magic User
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Magic User[edit]
Description: Magic users are humans who have studied the arts of magic and can cast spells. Spells are stored in a magic user's personal spell book. Spells are too complicated to cast without referencing the spell book, so magic users cast directly from the spell book when they can. However, in the typical adventure, things happen too fast to depend on that. True Magic Users learn to memorize spells that can be cast directly from their mind. This is difficult, so beginning magic users can only have one spell memorized at a time. As they gain experience they can memorize additional spells, and more complicated spells.
Magic users develop a repetoire of spells as they advance in level. A 2nd level MU has two memorized spells and may cast two spells a day from their mental ability. They can cast either of their memorized spells twice in one day if they wish. A 3rd level MU could cast a 1st level memorized spell from their 2nd level memorized 'slot' if they wished.
Restrictions: Magic users cannot use any sort of armor or shield and are limited to using only daggers or staffs in combat. They can, in theory, learn something of the fighting arts, but most magic users disdain the use or arms and armour as a distraction from their art. There are some, however, who learn a modicum of arms, or the rigor of wearing heavier armours. The common Elf is a magic user who is trained in all arms and armour.
Prime Requiste: Their prime requisite ability is Intelligence. Magic users with a 13-15 Intelligence gain a +5% bonus to earned experience. Magic users with a 16-18 Intelligence gain a +10% bonus to earned experience. Likewise, Magic users with a 6-8 Intelligence suffer a -10% penalty to earned experience, and Magic Users with a 3-5 Intelligence suffer a -20% penalty to earned experience.
Spell Book:
- A magic users spell book is his most precious possession, for it contains all the spells s/he has access to. Many of these spells will not be memorized, but may be cast through hours long rituals or ceremonies, incantation or runeweaving, depending on the background of the mage.
- A magic user never forgets their memorized spells, but cannot change them or cast ritual spells without their spellbook.
- Special consideration should be given to carrying a spell book on adventures with the magic user. Ritual spells cannot be prepared without the book, so it is tempting to take the book on the adventure. At the same time, a spell book that is lost or destroyed leaves the magic user without the ability to prepare ritual spells, memorise new spells or add to their repetoire without replacing the entire book, which is a considerable undertaking. With sufficient funds, additional books may be purchased.
Magic User Spellbook
- Weight: 100cn
- Cost: 500gp
- Holds: 50 levels of spells (25 pages)
Travelling Spellbook
- Weight: 50cn
- Cost: 250gp
- Holds: 20 levels of spells (10 pages)
Spell scribing.
- It takes 1hr/level of a spell to scribe it into a spellbook.
- It takes 1 week/level to learn it (Memorize it) or to swap memorized spells.
- Scribing from a scroll releases the bound magic of the spell as if cast.
- At this point, I'm leaning toward any new spell having to be studied for the same period that it would take to memorize it before a MU can cast it from their book,
Levels | Title | Experience Points | Hit Dice | Spells | |
1 | Medium | 0 | 1d4 | 1 - - - - - | |
2 | Seer | 2500 | 2d4 | 2 - - - - - | |
3 | Conjurer | 5000 | 3d4 | 2 1 - - - - | |
4 | Magician | 10000 | 4d4 | 2 2 - - - - | |
5 | Enchanter | 20000 | 5d4 | 2 2 1 - - - | |
6 | Warlock | 40000 | 6d4 | 2 2 2 - - - | |
7 | Sorcerer | 80000 | 7d4 | 3 2 2 1 - - | |
8 | Necromancer | 150000 | 8d4 | 3 3 2 2 - - | |
9 | Wizard | 300000 | 9d4 | 3 3 3 2 1 - | |
10 | Wizard | 450000 | 9d4+1 | 3 3 3 3 2 - | |
11 | Wizard | 600000 | 9d4+2 | 4 3 3 3 2 1 | |
12 | Wizard | 750000 | 9d4+3 | 4 4 3 3 3 2 | |
13 | Wizard | 900000 | 9d4+4 | 4 4 4 3 3 3 | |
14 | Wizard | 1050000 | 9d4+5 | 4 4 4 4 3 3 | |
15 | Wizard | 1200000 | 9d4+6 | 4 4 4 4 4 3 |
Attribute adjustments: Magic users may lower Strength and/or Wisdom by 2 points to raise Intelligence by 1 point. This process may be repeated, though Strength and Wisdom may not be lowered below 9, and Intelligence cannot rise above 18. These adjustments may only be done at character creation.
Starting Spells: All magic users are taught Read Magic and Detect Magic as prerequisites to learning other magic. Starting magic users have also acquired a number of additional spells equal to their Intelligence bonus. These additional spells are determined randomly.
Additional Spells: New spells may be learned by finding an instructor to teach the magic user a new spell. It takes 1 week/level of spell and costs 1000 gp/level of spell, if the instructor agrees to teach a spell. It generally requires a positive reaction for this to happen. A neutral reaction may require addition expenses or a task. A negative reaction will result in the spell not being taught, while a very negative reaction may result in attack from the potential instructor. A magic user who finds another magic user's book may learn from it with a Read Magic, but it requires roll. A magic user may learn from another magic user of similar experience, but this also requires a roll for the process to be successful.
Magic User Spells[edit]
1st Level: Charm Person Detect Magic Floating Disc Hold Portal Light Magic Missile Protection from Evil Read Languages Read Magic Shield Sleep Ventriloquism 2nd Level: Continual Light Detect Evil Detect Invisible ESP Invisibility Knock Levitate Locate Object Mirror Image Phantasmal Force Web Wizard Lock
3rd Level: Clairvoyance Dispel Magic Fireball Fly Haste Hold Person Infravision Invisibility 10' radius Lightning Bolt Protection from Evil 10' radius Protection from Normal Missiles Water Breathing
4th Level: Charm Monster Confusion Dimension Door Growth of Plants Hallucinatory Terrain Massmorph Polymorph Others Polymorph Self Remove Curse Wall of Fire Wall of Ice Wizard Eye
5th Level: Animate Dead Cloudkill Conjure Elemental Contact Higher Plane Feeblemind Hold Monster Magic Jar Pass-Wall Telekinesis Teleport Transmute Rock to Mud Wall of Stone
6th Level: Anti-Magic Shell Control Weather Death Spell Disintegrate Geas Invisible Stalker Lower Water Move Earth Part Water Project Image Reincarnation Stone to Flesh
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