Sailing the Silver Seas
Player Characters and Henchmen
- Abeni (Sam I Am) -- Witch 6, AC 10, HP 15/15, Initative+0,
- Okunkun -- Abeni' panther XHD, AC 4 HP XX/XX, Initiative +X
- Cnut (Vektunaxa) -- Cleric 6, AC 1, HP 21/21, Initiative -1, Spear THAC0 15 1d6+2
- Eluan Maerse Tevdran of Rhea's Ford (Atlictoatl) -- Assassin 6, AC 5 or 3, HP 25/25, Init +1, Sword & dagger THAC0 13 1d8+2 (roll twice, taking best result)
- Kemar (Sulldawga) -- Sorcerer 6 | AC 6 | HP 31/31 | Init +1 | Sword THAC0 16, 1d8+1 dmg | Crossbow THAC0 16, 1d6 dmg
- Loman Greyhair (MonsterMash) -- Cleric 6, AC 3, HP 27/27 Initiative +0, Sword THAC0 17 1d8+0 played by MonsterMash
- Stakmar (Safid) -- Berserker 6, AC 3, HP 48/48, Initiative +0, Sword THAC0 13 1d8+2 (1d8+8 while raging)
- Vertaginous Karembeuleau (Random Task) -- Bard 5, AC 5, HP: 16/16, Initiative +1, Sword THAC0:17, 1d8 / Crossbow THAC0 16, 1d6 dmg
- Isidore Redbeard (Koren n'Rhys) -- Scout 6, AC 3, HP 27/27, Init +1, Short Sword THAC0 14 1d6+3 / Long Bow THAC0 15 1d6+2
Use the following format
- PC. Class/level, AC, HP, Initiative Modifier, Main Weapon THAC0 and attack damage
- Henchman. Class/level, AC, HP, Initiative Modifier, Main Weapon THAC0 and attack damage
- Blank Character Sheet
- 5 Longbowmen (stationed on the Horizon Treader) AC 5, Morale 8, longbow 1d6 70/140/210, sword 1d8, chainmail
A Watery Grave
Encumbrance Ape
Cost of Living
5th level PCs 300 gp per month, 6th level 600, and 7th level 1200.
CoL is due on the first day of each month, and is assumed to cover the following:
- Food, drink, and lodging in civilized areas
- Basic gear replenishment in civilized areas (torches, sacks, etc. Basically, if something costs less than 1-2 gp don't worry about having to replenish it, as long as you are somewhere where you can buy stuff)
- Taxes, exchange rates (for converting gold to gems or vice versa)
First month of the game is considered already paid.
Watch Order, Marching Order, etc.
Character Mounts
Treasure and Goods
Carried With Party
On the Ship
98 tons cargo, full hold
- Grain/vegetables. 64 loads, 32 tons (from warehouse)
- Grain/vegetables. 67 loads, 33.5 tons (purchased at 15 gp per load)
- Hides/furs. 56 loads, 14 tons
- Meat, preserved. 37 loads, 18.5 tons
Eluan Maerse's Ship's Hold Inventory spreadsheet
Company Coffers
Deepwater Trading & Adventuring Company
- +8000gp initial capital investment by partners
- -2500 ship's improvements
- - 150 extra quarters x3
- - 600 ship's pay and upkeep (captain, first mate, 10 sailors, 100gp upkeep)
- - 50 marines (5 longbowmen)
- -1005 cost of cargo in Deepwater
- 3695 gp
Overview Maps
Starting East and Central Maps
Other Maps
- The Wilderlands of Absalom - setting info
Trade Info
- Each urban center has the following information.
- Hex and Market Class are given in parenthesis)
- General Notes.
- Demand Modifiers.
- Refer to p. 16 of Domain Building for information about Market Classes and p. 37 of the same for information about Trade modifiers.
- Class 5 market
- Surplus (3). Hides/Fur -3, Grain/Vegetables -1, Salt -1
- Demand (1). Wood, common +3
East Map, North Section
- Joruth (04.60, MC 5)
- Surplus (3) Cloth -1, Hides -2, Weapons/tools -3
- Demand (3) Monster parts +3, Grain/Vegetables +1, Textiles +3
- Maar (31.63, MC 6)
- Surplus (3) Wood (precious) +3, Wine/Spirits +1, Meat (preserved) +3
- Demand (1) Tea/Coffee +3
- Sachar (21.53, MC 5)
- Surplus (0)
- Demand (2) Oil +1, Hides/fur +3
- Grim (26.53. Harbor is too shallow for Horizon Treader, MC 3)
- Surplus (1) Fish (preserved) -1
- Demand (0)
- Tachris (31.53. Harbor is too shallow for Horizon Treader, MC 4)
- Surplus (0)
- Demand (3) Gems +3, Porcelain +1, Beer/ale +1
- Ankim. (38.53. Dragon controls the waterways), MC 4
- Surplus (3). Metal (common) -1, Metal (rare) -3, Fish (preserved) -2
- Demand (1). Wine/Spirits +1
- Canpher (41.63, MC 5)
- Surplus (3). Metals (common) -3, Dye/Pigments -2, Wine/spirits -2
- Demand (0)
- Lastine (18.83, MC 5)
- Surplus (0)
- Demand (3). Hides/furs +1, Pottery +2, Grain/vegetables +3
- Berric (36.85, MC 6)
- Surplus (2). Textiles -2, Grain/vegetables -2
- Demand (1). Weapons/tools +2
Middle Map, North Section
- Phiaric (68.56, MC 5)
- Surplus (0)
- Demand (0)
- Pata (68.83, MC 4)
- Surplus (2) Fish (preserved) -1, Pottery -2
- Demand (2) Wood (common) +2, Hides/Furs +1
- Taman (38.76, MC 5)
- Supply (1). Semi-precious stones -3
- Demand (2). Metals (common) +3, Dye/Pigments +3
- Layge (58.26, MC 4)
- Supply (0).
- Demand (3). Weapons/Tools +1, Hides/Furs +2, Grain/Vegetables +3
- Steste (52.37, MC 3)
- Supply (0).
- Demand (2). Weapons/Tools +2, Armor +2
- Shala (37.24, MC 4)
- Supply (3). Glassware -2, Wine/Spirits -3, Wood (Precious) -1
- Demand (0)
- So (14.54, MC 7)
- Supply (2). Grain/Vegetables -1, Livestock (cows)-2
- Demand (2). Textiles +3, Wood (precious) +2
- Ma (15.58, MC 4)
- Supply (1). Oil -3
- Demand (2). Dye/Pigments +3, Pottery +3
- Heswen (12.35, MC 4)
- Supply (2). Salt -2, Beer/Wine -3
- Demand (0)
- Markdra (08.21, MC 5)
- Supply (3). Weapons/Tools -1, Hides/Furs -3, Wine/Spirits -3
- Demand (3). Cloth +2, Beer/Ale +3, Pottery +1
- Miferd (02.31, MC 3)
- Supply (1). Weapons/Tools -1
- Demand (2). Semi-precious stones +2, Cloth +2