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Revision as of 20:35, 12 November 2020 by Drkrash (talk | contribs) (PCs)
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  • Use double brackets [[]] around your characters name to link to the character page.
  • Rewyn Mage 4, AC -1, HP 12/12. Quarterstaff 9, 1d6, Darts (18) 10, 1d4. 0 2nd level, 0 1st level left.
    • Albrett Fighter 1 (20% Share), AC 3, HP 4/4. Battleaxe 9, 1d8+2, Sling (30) 12, 1d4+1, Cleave 1.
    • Patransa Fighter 1 (15% Share), AC 4, HP 5/5. Spear 9, 1d8+2, Cleave 1.
  • Jelaina Paladin 4, AC 6, HP 13/13. Sword 5 (4 vs. spellcasters), 1d6+4 (+5), Cleave 4. Lay on Hands used.
  • Aldereth the Cunning Mage 3, AC 0, HP 9/9. Quarterstaff 10, 1d6, Darts (5) 10, 1d4. 1 2nd level, 2 1st level left.
    • Lyman Thief 1 (25% Share), AC 5, HP 4/4. Short Sword 10, 1d6, Sling (30) 7, 1d4.
    • Warryn the Hood Thief 1 (15% share), AC 4, HP 3/3. Sword 10, 1d6, Sling (21) 8, 1d4.
    • Nestor the Broad Fighter 1 (15% share), AC 3, HP 7/7. Spear 9, 1d6+2, Cleave 1.
  • Ithael Dwarven Craftpriest 1.
  • Morgansfort Blank Sheet

Deceased and Retired

Henchmen (only started recording these 11/18/18)

Marching Order

  • Current Marching order:
    • Albrett (AC 3, 4hp, fighter)
    • Jelaina (AC 7, 10hp, paladin)
    • Rewyn (AC -1, 6hp, wizard)
    • Aldereth (AC 0, 7hp, mage)
    • Warryn (AC 4,3 hp, thief)
    • Dieterich (AC 7, 4hp, cleric)
    • Patransa (AC 4, 5hp, hireling)
  • Party Speed: 60'/turn





Stonehell Maps Folder -


Area Map

Old Maps

Old Maps Folder -

Campaign Docs

Finances Not on Person

Time Passed

  • Last updated:10/20/20
  • Total time in campaign up to 3/13/18 is unknown (probably only a year or so).
  • Since 3/13: About 15 days (11/30/18)
  • 1 day in Sakkara, then 2 weeks selling, finding a crusader, hiring henchmen, and learning new spells. (Living Expenses paid)
  • 1 day in Sakkara, 2 days healing, 3 days travel to Loria, 2 weeks in Loria selling and hiring, 3 days back to Turos, 1 day in Turos
  • 1 day in Sakkara, 28 days healing (Living Expenses paid; due again in 3 days)
  • During the healing time: 3 days to Silverhollow, 3 days in Silverhollow, 1 day in Nuromen's Necropolis, 2 days in town
  • 1 more day in the necropolis, then back to Silverhollow.
  • 14 days healing (Living Expenses paid; due again in 19 days)
  • 7 days' journey from Silverhollow to Loria, with a 1-day stop at Turos
  • 7 days in Loria selling treasure and looking for henchmen.
  • 4 days across the sea to the haunted forge.
  • 1 day in the forge.
  • 3 days across the sea back to Loria.
  • 2 weeks in Loria selling gems, looking for info, and learning new spells. (Living Expenses paid; due again in 12 days)
  • 4 days across the sea to the forge.
  • 1 day in the forge.
  • 4 days across the sea back to Loria.
  • 1 week in town selling new loot from the forge and looking for new party members. (Living Expenses due)

Magic Items Unclaimed

+1 Shield (formerly held by Jelaina)

Mysterious Umbrella (unidentified)

Scroll of Ward Against Elementals

Scroll of Choking Grasp, Animate Dead, and Web

Scroll of Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Cure Disease

Treasure Unsold

  • 8 Gems worth 50 gp each
  • 6 Amethysts worth 100 gp each
  • 5 Gems worth 100 gp each
  • 9 Bone Fetishes - 32 gp each
  • Book of dwarven poetry worth 120 gp to a collector

Treasure Found

  • Fine suit of chainmail (presently unclaimed)
  • mace with a six-flanged, spiked head set on an iron shaft carved with glyphs (Dieterich )
  • Dice (Aldereth)
  • Journals from the dwarf forge

Reserve XP

  • Dohram: 100 (left the party)
  • Rewyn: 81