Star Trek: Mercury

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Revision as of 10:41, 26 October 2021 by Angille (talk | contribs)
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Game Data

Character Rank Role Player PP XP Stress Challenged Values
Isib Ch'tharan Captain CO Daz Florp Lebam 1 0
Mena Commander XO Kittlefish 1 0
Vayla Asura ? Science Sage Genesis 1 0
Doctors Vanderkemp Lt Cmdr Counselor the Inmara 1 0
Chalco Ensign Engineering Brontes 1 0
Tanner van Zandt Ensign Navigation Captain Tylor 1 0
Mili Miyashita Ensign Quartermaster CitizenKeen 1 0
Doctor Aaron "Mack" MacAran Specialist Security brahnamin 1 0

Doom Pool


Crisis Pools

  • (none)

USS Mercury NCC-1946

The ship is a Kelvin Timeline film-era variant of VOY's Nova class, developed from information retrieved from the Jellyfish. As such, she is a small short-range science, research, and surveying ship. Even though Mercury is intended to be a short-range vessel, lessons learned from the Franklin Incident caused Starfleet to include a full fabrication lab and hydroponics bay, in case of "surprise" long deployments.


Scene 1 (downtime)

Mercury, finished with her shakedown, departs from Starbase Yorktown in 2264 with a fresh-faced and excited crew.

Cortex Rules Mods

Star Trek Mercury Rules Doc