Victorian Justice League: A Tale of Two Cities
A PbP game of Victorian era superheroes run by Ryan L.
Player Characters
Flash, played by fireinthedust
Hunter of Mars, played by Leliel
Wonder Woman, played by jmucchiello
Non-Player Characters
Gotham City Police Department
Detective Colton - Sometimes comes to Zatanna for help with occult cases.
Justice League
Wonder Twins - Ki and the ghost of her brother Kal are junior members of the League who live at the Watchtower.
Legion of Doom
A prominent all-star villain group formed by sworn nemeses of the Justice League.

Home of the Bat-Man. A major center of heavy industry and shipping, famous for its thick smogs and robust criminal element.
Home of Supergirl and Wonder Woman. A renowned hub of science and education, sometimes titled the "City of Tomorrow".
Our heroes' base of operations as a team, a former lighthouse situated on the south-east tip of an island halfway between Gotham and Metropolis by the famous Metro Narrows Bridge (itself a marvel of modern engineering and manufacture, showcasing the combined potential of both cities).
Powerful - The team gains 5 extra Super Power Points for each member, but also attracts a major Enemy: the Legion of Doom.
Contested - The team gains a minor Enemy who also claim ownership of the Watchtower: who?
- Features
- Cavorite Chamber - A spherical space carved into the bedrock under the lighthouse, equipped to hold and harness a piece of Cavorite to power the island's main electric generator.
- Hidden Entrance - Secret underground tunnels, traversed by electric rail speeders, that connect Watchtower Island to a number of hidden access points in both cities including the Bat-Man's personal lair.
- Justice Signal - Atop the lighthouse, the former beacon light has been converted into a signal for the League to assemble, an image of what? projected up into the clouds.
- Library - Several floors of the lighthouse furnished with many rugs, desks and comfy chairs, with overflowing bookcases lining the outer walls. Contains an occult library curated by Zatanna (+2 to Occult rolls).
- Planning Room - The top internal floor of the lighthouse houses a number of sofas and a large round conference table. High, private, quiet, a good place for formal meetings or meditation.
- Pump Room - A maintenance space in the foundations of the tower, containing pumps, generators, heaters and tool cabinets, as well as the Wonder Twins' cubbyhole and collection of curios.
- Science Lab - A separate observatory, laboratory and workshop newly built by the League's scientist members (+2 to Science/Research rolls).
Setting Rules
Born a Hero - ignore Rank requirements for edges during character creation
Comic Book Combat - a bunch of little add-ons including Combined Attacks (Support can add to damage instead of skill), Knockback (powerful attacks send people flying), Power Stunts (spend a benny to use a power in an enhanced or non-standard way) and Synergy (different types of attacks hitting the same target in the same round can help/hinder each other)
Conviction - token earned for a great triumph or tragedy, spend to add d6 to all trait and damage rolls for 1 round, can pay a benny to keep it going for an extra round
Creative Combat - if you win a Test with a raise, instead of the target being Shaken roll for a random effect (table on page 137 of the core rules)
Death & Defeat - replaces the Incapacitation table; instead of just dying you gain a point of Conviction, ignore all wound and fatigue penalties for one round, and then you die
Fanatics - dedicated villain minions can take a hit instead of their boss
Gritty Damage - when you take a Wound, also roll on the injury table for a temporary injury (goes away with the Wound)
Hard Choices - GM starts with no bennies, Jokers give no bennies, used player bennies are given to the GM
High Adventure - spend a benny to gain temporary use of a combat edge
Larger than Life - can take an extra major hindrance, for a maximum total of 6 points, at character creation
Never Surrender - if an incapacitated character is dealt a Joker, they can instantly get back up Shaken
Throwdown - ignore the Unarmed Defender rule