Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/religion/is-rian pantheon

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By IY 2126/ JY 23/ AY 734, and the death of The Prophet, Jhon had begun its rise to power. Beginning in IY 2188/ JY 85/ AY 796, Jhon and Is-ri’a waged a series of wars for regional supremacy. These wars culminated in IY 2193/ JY89/ AY 800 with Jhon victorious over Is-ri’an forces in the battle of A'alat-Amur. Jhonian forces overran the Is-ri’an mainland and rebirthed it as an Emirate in the Jhonian Empire. The True Faith of A’Salam became the official state religion of Is-ri’a, which was re-named Issyria by its new masters. The Jhonians began a programme of construction to convert the ancient temples to the Is-ri’an pantheon into mosques, particularly in the capitol, but the Old Gods, as they are now known, are still heavily worshipped throughout the realm. The worship of the Old Gods is not prohibited under Jhonian rule with the exception of those who hold political office in the Emirate; but they tax those who follow the old practices, particularly in the cities.


Goddess of Wealth; Patron of Guardians; Queen of Cobras


Goddess of War, Murder, Death; Passion; Desire, Lust; Madness


God of of the Dead, Magic


God of Beasts, Craftsmen, Farmers, Earth


Goddess of the Wind, Rain, Storms, Seasons Weather


God of the Sun, Light, Fire, Writing, Civilization


God of Lies, Thieves, Deceit

He of the Many Faces; The Faceless One


Queen of the Undead; Goddess of Darkness and Evil


God of Famine, Misfortune, Disease


Goddess of the Moon and Stars


Goddess of the sea, water, sailors