The Soft Breath of Seasons
- Year 0 in the Eye of Hiparkes
- A School For All
- The First Generation: The First of the Amalgams.
- Spring Market
- The Trials of Righteous Judgement
- Chronicles of the Daybringers: Stories from the 5 brave amalgams sent into the east.
- Chapter 1: We are the Daybringers!
- Chapter 2: Wing's Three Gifts.
- Chapter 3: There is only one Yao Ye.
- Gaiden 3.5: Shai Mei's roots run deep.
- Chapter 4: Showmanship and Selara.
- Chapter 5: Sagacious Shu Zhuang.
- Gaiden 5.5: Lu Fei, Seraph of the Burning Bastion.
- Gaiden 5.6: Marta's many tools
- Chapter 6: Where has the sun gone?
- Gaiden 6.5: Unlikely Sifu, Unlikely Student
- Chapter 7: Still More Day to Bring
- Gaiden 7.5: What might have been.
- Appendix 1: The Southern Expedition: Excerpts from the lives and journals of those who work in the most dangerous direction.
- Appendix 2: Reckoning of Heroes Unsung: List and locations of three remaining directional teams.
- The Methods of the Minister of War
- Distant Thunder: Stories from the time immediately following Lytek's Admonition
- Four Farewells: Nameless Ravine begins a season of wandering.
- Hope in Varsi: A nameless monk. A stern abbot. A selfless act.
- Sha Yan Shi and the Wayward Eye of Ma-Ha-Suchi: In love, as in war, timing is everything.
- Something to Break: The twins make a discovery.
- Thirsty Soku and the Righteous Man: Thirsty Soku wins another battle... and loses another war.
- The Prison of Oaken Rebuke: Nameless Ravine sets a trap for his alter-ego.
- Sha Yan Shi and the Monkey-Picked Messenger: It's not about whether you win or lose. It's how you play the game.
- While the cat's away: Stories of the Scavenger Lands in the days of the greater circle's meditation.
- Putting Out Fires: Rivers and Skies struggle to keep the the Marukan running without their powerful leaders.
- The Crow and Cloud Formation: Choshu Ishi learns what it means to be a hero and leader of men.
- Strategies For Mountains and Valleys: Choshu Ishi's second encounter with Mayhiros Xenon.
- Tactics For Hosts and Guests: Choshu Ishi's final(?) confrontation with his foe.
- Strategies For Mountains and Valleys: Choshu Ishi's second encounter with Mayhiros Xenon.
- Falling Bridges: Rivers and Mite Xu discuss bridges in the Southern Marukan.
- Responsibility and Authority: The ruination of a good breakfast.
- On Distant Seas and Shores: While the circle rides the Scavenger Lands in the wake of their new power, their allies are busy elsewhere.
- The Second Southern Expedition: Nameless Ravine and his allies fight a shadow war in the no-man's-land between Marukan and Thorns
- Not One Tiger Warrior: Cathak Nekuto loses his temper.
- A Conspiracy of Virtue: The makings of a deadly mistake.
- Gaiden 7.5, No Man's Land: Shai Mei reflects on Doing Good and Being Awesome.
- Sha Yan Shi and the Mandate of Heaven: Soho delivers an improbably homily to an even less probable audience.
- Powder Kegs (and other delicate matters): The Mask's servants learn, yet again, that the Nameless Ravine does not negotiate with the dead.
- Divine Intervention: After Nameless Ravine confronts yet another of the Mask's abominations, Soho makes a terrible mistake.
- Sha Yan Shi and the Law of the Pack: Sha Yan Shi has a fateful encounter with an old enemy
- Hurry Home, Sweet Voice: Nameless Ravine buys some time for his comrades.
- Sha Yan Shi and the Long Dark Night: The last two members of the expedition are reunited in shadow and grief.
- Oaths and Reflections: The expedition may be concluded, but what will become of the traitor? And what ever happened to Sha Yan Shi?
- Voices Prophesying War: A message from the solars to the Roseblack
- The Second Southern Expedition: Nameless Ravine and his allies fight a shadow war in the no-man's-land between Marukan and Thorns