Running Sheet Gangdis
Gangdis of Cogswell
- Hero of Bunny Free's Siege Gangdis
When assigned as Realmopator's Elite.
After regaining his youth.
- Cogswell, also known as Cosowell. Old Cog. Coso.
Description: a jovial, sarcastic man. 6'5". 250lb. Currently very fit but still hindered by drink.
- Gambling,
- Drinking,
- singing,
- scrimshaw
- Valorous Knight of Amber, First Class. hero of the Siege of Bunny free
- Knight of the Elites
- His official Elite rank is Sergeant. His unofficial Rank is Captain(Valorous Knight-First).
- Knight of Adagalsack,First Class
- Spiral Knight of the South Wind
Total: 123= 37 Stats +15 Powers +30 Skills +42 Items +10/10 allies/Enemies +4 Good Stuff +25 Storage
- 5 Adagalask et al-Spent
- Spent-Raise Strength 3 * Endurance 1, Ally 1 Relmapator.
- 2021 Anniversary Advancement.
- 10 Pips- Advancement: spent
- 3 Pips to Endurance: spent
- 2022 Anniversary Advancement.
- 10 Pips- Advancement:
- 2 Pips to Psyche:
- 2 Pips to Skills:
- 1 Pip to Ally/Enemy
- 2023 Anniversary Advancement
10 pip Anniversary Advancement
- 3 pips of skills for new skills.
- Knight of Adagalsack,First Class-10 pips
- A fatal sack service: 25(Julian)
55 pips +5 new skills+2 Pips to Psyche+1 Pip to Ally/Enemy
- Psyche:5 (defends as 50)
- Strength:22
- Endurance:27
- Warfare:30
Powers {15}
- 4 cantrips Gangdis's Spells
- 20 Power Words. Gangdis's Spells
- 5 Thievish Skills . Gangdis's Spells
- 1 Hexery. Gangdis's Spells
Skills {30}
- 2 Scavenger
- 1 Fixer
- 2 Horsemanship-Combat Horsemanship
- 1 Joust-CCC
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanshi
- 2 Acrobatics & Athletics
- 1 Parkour
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Gymnastics
- 1 Seamanship
- 2 Brewing-Beers & Meads
- 1 Vinting
- 1 Distilling
- 1 Whittling - wood carving
- 1 Scrums haw
- 2 Music-Song-Remembers any song he hears. A Knack-Hexery-Gangdis's Spells
- 1 Stringed Instruments
- 1 Drums
- 2 Games of Chance. dice.
- 1
- 1
- 2 Card Games-Cardsharp. Known for denouncing card cheats. Pokar, Tonk
- 1 Fancy shuffling
- 1 Card Games-Remembers any card game he plays. A Knack-Hexery-Gangdis's Spells
- 2 Cooking
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.
- 2 Doctoring. Most fixing bones. Battle Trauma
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Medical Training
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Technology
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Command and Communications.
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Thievish Tops
- 1 Alchemy Duplicate Common
- 2 Bow +critical.
- 3 Code making+3i
- 4 Code break +2i
- 5 Escape from restraints +3da
- 6 Forgery +80%
- 7 Juggle +90%
- 8 Game of skill +30%
- 9 Lock smithing +40%
- 10 Move silently +60%
- 11 Pick locks +90%
- 12 pick pocket +95%
- 13 Taste analysis identity
- 14 Slight of hand +99%
- 15 streetwise+40%
- 16 Dice manipulation +75%
- 17 Entertaining +2c
- 18 Heist from pack and bundles +50%
- 19 Lip reading+75%
- 20 Jewelry smithing +20%
- 21 Juggle +60%
- 22 Dagger sure strike x3
- 23 Dagger throw +15%
- 24 Entertaining+c
- 25 Brawl +3
- 26 Bypass traps +75%
Allies & Enemies {11/11 = 0}
- 4 Tesa Resa
- 2 Cordelia Feldane
- 1 Bunny Free
- 1 Relmapator of Amber
- 1 Duchess Solange Charenton
- 1 Dame Margot of Anisi
- 1
- 4 various Members of the Amber military
- 1 Shannon Feldane
- 1 Wyndham Feldane
- 1 William Feldane
- 1 Ronan Mikhale
- 1 Tyler Smials
- 1 Lady Ain Breakwithe-Smythe
- 1
Items {42}
Gangdis's broadsword. (18)
A gift from Oberon at his Awarding of Valorous Knight
- 2 Double Speed 5-transfer
- 1 Stamina-(Fine Construction-light to use) 5-transfer
- 1 combat mastery- Balanced for throwing.
- 4 Invulnerable- Mithril
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 4 Seek in Shadow-Can be found by Giovanni.
- 1 Ability-Awkward and unbalanced in the hand of others.
- 1 Ability-Call to Hand
- total 18
Gangdis's Coat of Holding-24 pips
- 4 Invulnerable-5 Transfer
- 2 Rapid Healing-5 Transfer Repairs damage to self-Speeds healing of wearer.
- 4 Pips-Mixed Holding Spaces.
- 1 ability-People tend not to notice the coat, nor take it from him unless magically compelled to. It is usually overlooked. If he is captured and the prisoners are ordered to strip he is generally allowed ot keep his coat for unknown reasons.
- 2 N/N Forms-Battle wear, daily wear, night shirt,
- 1 Ability-Comfortable Environment. Keeps him warm and can confer that warmth to 2 others.
Gangdis's Boots.-8 pips
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Deadly Damage Steel Toed
Gangdis's Clamshell Greaves. 4 pips
- 4 Invulnerable-5 Transfer Mithril.
Gangdis's Green Tankard-(6)
Gift from Gerard
- 4 Invulnerable
- 1 Find in Shadow
- 1 Ability-Everfull with Amber Navy Grog-Gerard's Mix.
Gangdis's Tin Tankard-(12)
Gift from Benedict.
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Ability-Never spill.
- 1 Ability- Neutralize Poison
- 1 Ability- Temperature control
- 1 Ability- Summon to hand.
- 1 Ability- Fills with whatever is poured in. Only a drop of liquid required.
Gangdis's Coffee Flask (5)
Gift From Caine
- 4 Invulnerable
- 1 ability- Everfull with Caine's Navy Coffee
Gangdis's Bowler Hat- 6
- 4 Pip Invulnerable
- 1 Ability- Only he can remove it.
- 1 Ability -Call to hand/return
Nasty Place Graduate Blade (20 pips-Benedict)
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Rack Spell-Fire Ball, centered on blade. Blade is thrown, Fireball explodes on contact.
- 1 Return to Hand/Return to Forge on death
- 4 Shadow Wide
- 2 N/N Forms: NP dagger, Churchwarden pipe, Clay Pipe
Safe Seated Saddle 2 pips
- 2 Ability-Firm Seat in combat
Graduate Cord
A symbolic uniform cord worn by graduates in all situations. 16" long.
- 2 N/N Forms.
- 2 N/N Spells Gangdis's Spells
- 1 ability a call to hand /return
Green & white cord denotes a occasional Rasak instructor
+4 Good Stuff
With 2 pips in Cantrips Gandis can develop new cantrips. With psyche of 5 and 2 pips in Cantrips hee can know 50 cantripss. So most of the listed cantrips.
Cantrip Descriptions
- Anatomics - Subject will involuntarily emit a body noise or reaction of the casters choosing. Belch, blink, nod, yawn, etc; but nothing sophisticated.
- Blend - Blend into shadows – temporary invisibility
- Blind – Creates an instant bright light burst
- Catfall - reduces a character's falling rate, so they take less damage upon impact, provided the fall is from 30' or less.
- Catfeet - Caster’s tread is rendered silent for a few minutes.
- Chains – short term restraint
- Clean -Remove heavy soil, dirt, and like foreign objects from floors, walls, dishes, windows, garments, etc.
- Color _ Alter the color of up to 3 sq. yds. of non-magical, non-living material. Only solid colors are permitted. If cast on objects in the possession of an unwilling subject a saving throw is permitted.
- Gun – allows reciter to shoot a blast of very concentrated air from his finger, includes gun motion
- Map – map of the surrounding but near by area
- Migraine – gives recipient horrible migraine
- Shield – Temporary shield
- Slip – reduces friction where target is walking
- Sober – sobers
- Speed – burst of quick speed
- Stumble - stumble It sort of makes him and expert.
Anointed Valorous Knight, First Class-Psyche defends as 50
Gangdis of Casowill-Active
Until recently Sir Gangdis was considered mostly Retired
A mostly mostly Retired Elite. Aging badly. A known lush. Prone to sleeping on duty. Occasionally brought back for low-priority assignments.
While all Elites receive a knighthood, Gandis received the Valorous Knight of Amber, First Class, during the Siege of Bunny Free. This highest of knightly orders gives him a great deal of leeway among the soldiers of Amber. Amber_Knightly_Order
His official rank is Sergeant. His unofficial Rank is Captain.
While often and object of scorn or pity, Gandis has many strong admirers including Prince Benedict, Prince Gerard, King Corwin, Prince Julian, Princess Fiona, Princess Flora, and Dworkin himself. He is considered a legend and is often found among those recently promoted to the Elites. He is a frequent presence, if not officially an instructor at Nasty Place.
Currently assigned to Protective Services for Lord Relmopator Barimen, Son of Satura. It is unclear if this is a prank on Realmer or a punishment for Gandis.
During his service to Lord Relmapator during his term as Ambassador to Adagalasck Sir Gangdis grew young. The Aging in Amber function also worked in certain parts of Adagalasck. This new youth is as much a surprise to him as it is to everyone else.
His youth made him suddenly a member of the inner circle of the Military of Amber and a member of the Drum Room Council.