Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/geography

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Map of the Lands of the Black Sea
Map of the Lands of the Black Sea

Swamps, Fens, & Mires

Dire Fens

A massive swamp that forms the southern border of Athervon; an evil place that is avoided if at all possible – but few venture in, and even fewer return.


Lion’s Teeth Mountains

Iron Mountains

Grey Mountains

Copperwash Mountains

Shrouded Peaks

Deserts & Steppes

Sea of Sands

Maqra-jī-masraīf in Jhonian.

The Whispering Desert



Great Western Forest

Bloodthorne Forest

A no-mans land between civilization and the terrors of the Dire Fens, The Bloodthorne Forest is infamous for being infested with dangerous Blood Ravens, which will attack humans if hungry. It is a place most avoid if at all possible.


A small forest outside of Avis Armois in Athervon, Mistwood has few roads through it, and it sees few travellers - most of which are patrols from the city and the Kingdom of Athervon. The Blackwater River forms the boundary between the unnerving but generally safe Mistwood, and the dangerous and wild Bloodthorne Forest. The small village of Abateurs and the fortified tower of Navro are found at the Blackwater delta - a beleaguered outpost on the edge of the wilds.

Purcell Royal Forest Preserve

Oceans & Seas

Sea of Lost Souls

Bay of Oerni

Imurian Sea



River in Dire Fens


Islands & Archipeligos

The Forbidden Isles

A string of tropical, heavily forested islands that are populated by a variety of creatures. Small human tribes; clans make their homes here, and due to their lack of large militaries and navies, they raided regularly by slavers.


The Frozen Wastes