Kirielle "Kiri" D'Vadalis

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Kirielle d'Vadalis ('Kiri'), Human (Infected Werewolf) Female, Neutral Good, Artificer 8

A tall young woman, roughly 20 years old, with brown eyes and brown hair cut short. She normally wears greens or browns. She is reserved, and a trifle shy.

Kirielle is a scion of House Vadalis. Her personal view of her relationship with the family is that she is an embarrassment to the House, and she has left to make her own life. She makes sure that her family know she is alive and well, and certainly feels no hostility towards other members of House Vadalis, but she limits her contacts with them, and, given her reasons, the House as a group respects her wishes.

House Vadalis bears the Mark of Handling. Caring for and breeding animals is in their blood. Kirielle was expected to follow in the family trade, but from a young age it was apparent that this was not likely to happen. She is violently allergic to nearly all animals. In the cradle she sneezed around cats and dogs, and as she grew older, the reaction became more and more violent. By adolescence, mere proximity to animals could leave her choking for breath, while being near people who had contact with animals left her coughing painfully. The best that House Jorasco healers could do for her was to provide a herbal remedy that suppressed the most dangerous symptoms, limiting her reaction to 'just' painful coughing and sneezing. To add insult to injury done to her by life, she manifested a least dragonmark, granting her power to calm animals. Unfortunately she can't approach close enough to use it without a coughing fit.

The result of her affliction was that while Kirielle did well at theoretical studies in the House business, her mastery of the more practical beasthandling skills expected of a scion of House Vadalis was non-existent. And since even too much proximity to those who worked with animals could become painful and debilitating, it became clear in her own mind that Kirielle would be best off finding a different path. She chose to become an artificer, and to travel. Eventually she ended up at Caer Shadowfast, where she has rented a workshop, and makes a living both as a tinker and by selling potions she brews to adventurers. She has accompanied groups into the Mournland on occasion, but doesn't trust most of the parties foolish enough to head into the wasteland in search of loot. She is something of an artist, and items she crafts usually have an animal motif. This is exemplified by her homunculus iron defender, which is sculpted to resemble a miniature wolf made of steel. She calls it Clangor.

While she has been travelling under her real name and the records in Caer Shadowfast record her identity and House affiliation, Kirielle is generally just known as 'Kiri' to the locals. She is noted for being a trifle short with druids and rangers - most people attribute this to some sort of hostility, rather than the real reasons, the reminder they pose to her of what she would have preferred her life to be like, and the risk that she might wind up choking from her allergies to animal companions if she spends too long in their company.

During her time in Caer Shadowfast, Kiri took part in the defense of the town against the lycanthropic attack, during which she was scarred by one of the werewolves. In the aftermath of the battle her dragonmark grew to Lesser status, granting her the Greater Magic Fang power. It appears slightly different to the normal Lesser Mark, but Kiri has yet to work out precisely what that means. (OOC Note - It signifies the Mark of Twelve Moons feat)

In the recent defense of the village of Rose Quartz from the Blood Claws and Twelve Deadly Gods, Kiri took part in the attack on the enemy base. Her planned role was to avoid direct personal combat as much as possible, while placing magical explosive charges to do as much damage to enemy personnel and equipment as possible. Unfortunately she was forced into combat against Keltis Dorran, one of the Twelve. Miraculously Kiri not only survived but left Keltis for dead, his throat torn out as Kiri underwent a lycanthropic transformation for the first time. Keltis survived his injuries, escaping after Kiri left, and Kiri expects him to return for vengeance in the future.

Currently Kiri is trying to deal with what she did to Keltis, and how she feels about having killed hundreds of bandits, regardless of necessity.

Shadows over Cyre