Brick City

"We're not your classic heroes.
We're the other guys."
- The Shoveler, "Mystery Men"
METRO CITY is a shining jewel in the crown of truth, justice and the American way, a thriving metropolis that is home to some of the greatest heroes this world has ever known. The Order of Exemplars looks down from its mighty space station in geosynchronous orbit directly above the downtown area, keeping the City safe from evildoers, and occasionally inviting the best and brightest of the next generation of heroes to join its ranks and fight crime alongside the likes of Übermensch, Arachno-Man and Firefox.
And BRICK CITY, about 30 minutes to the west, is ... one of METRO CITY's neighbors. Perhaps due to the numerous toxic waste dumps dotting the landscapes nearby, BRICK CITY has in recent decades grown from a town known for its high-quality building materials to a town known for its low-to-medium-quality superheroes. Approximately one in seven people born here possesses some sort of power. And while the practical usefulness of the vast majority of these powers are another story entirely, many of these extraordinary citizens have taken on the mantle of heroes, feeling that it is their duty to use their gifts to better the lot of their fellow man.
Or, even better, make a buck or get a cereal endorsement or something.

In Brick City, about 15% of the population has some sort of super-power. The vast majority of these powers are minor and essentially useless ... the ability to remove and re-attach one's thumb, perhaps, or uncanny skill at correctly guessing how many jellybeans are in a jar. A small minority, however, have some real power: the ability to fly, command the elements or read minds. Those who are really good at it may someday receive the coveted golden envelope that means an interview with the Exemplars in Metro City. For those who aren't, or at least aren't yet ... well, that's why most superheroes in Brick City have day jobs. And no, freelancing as a reporter and expecting a steady paycheck for taking pictures of yourself in costume doesn't fly around here.
Welcome to the BRICK CITY campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game using the M&M system called "the ACCEPABLES - Adventures in Brick City". This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be edited by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and editable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".
PCs in this campaign start out at power level 4, with 90 pp to spend. (see below for details) Just about any character concept is workable, although I'd recommend that you stick to one basic 'signature power' and branch off from there, if you like. Don't feel like you necessarily have to max anything out, either ... if you were really that powerful, you wouldn't still be in Brick City ... but you can still be really good at what you do, whatever that may be. If your average superhero is the best of the best, think of yourself as somewhere in the top 10% of the bottom 5% of the best.
- the ACCEPTABLES Yahoo Discussion: This is where the group actively discusses game events, recaps as well as the planning of game gatherings and general group chit chat.
- the ACCEPTABLES Back Issue Bin: This is the story so far. Catch up with the adventures of the Acceptables.
This is a serial campaign broken into story arcs.

- Battle Cry: " ??? !!"
- Team Headquarters: ???
A pawn shop owner, whose pawn shop seems to be a place where interesting gadgets and artifacts find themselves. He has 4-5 of these at any given time.
With the power to talk to corn, no one thought he could be a hero - especially in Jersey... He's since learned to animate corn and use corn as weapons.
Criminals and friends alike fear getting unwanted tunes looped in their head, causing Confusion and sometimes Nausia or even Draining Will...
Cursed by a gypsy when fighting over the last action figure at a "Space Trek" convention - he now dies and comes back moments later, each time with a random power/ability.
the GOOD (heroes)
The Order of Exemplars

Übermensch was found as a baby inside a tiny meteor-like spacecraft which had crashed into a cornfield, and was raised by a kindly elderly couple of Austrian immigrants. In the decades since, he has grown into one of the greatest heroes the world has ever known, and is currently the leader of Metro City's Order of Exemplars. His frequent appearances on controversial radio and television shows, and a well-publicized videotape circulated last year in which he drunkenly raged against various ethnic minorities, have not decreased his appeal.
Firefox is a mysterious caped vigilante whose true identity is unknown, although he appears to have a benefactor in wealthy bachelor Julian Kane. A well-known member of the Exemplars and fixture of the Metro City crime-fighting community, Firefox has for decades battled evil alongside a procession of teenage sidekicks - some of whom, such as Eagle, Sparrow and Falcon, have gone on to heroic careers of their own. Sadly, Firefox's reputation lately has been somewhat sullied by a series of lawsuits alleging inappropriate sexual misconduct by former sidekicks Swallow, Woodcock and Hummingbird.
- Julian Kane:
- Eagle:
- Sparrow:
- Falcon:
- Wren: [aka. Howard "Howie" Gilbert] Beginning as the eldest of any of Firefox's sidekicks, Howie fancied himself a "cave-dweller" in both the field and in research - small in stature and inconspicuous in general. His primary weapondry was a loud and annoying whistle-call song built into his costume. After turning too many ankles, maxing out the Firefox health plan (and generally getting too old for the likes of his dark avenger benefactor) Howie has since retired from crime fighting with Firefox although he has expressed numerous attempts at gaining entry in various super heroic teams. He has yet to catch on with another hero team - as such he hasn't kept up with his training and is currently completely out of shape. Howie also has the distinction of being the shortest lived career in the Firefox duos...
- Swallow:
- Woodcock:
- Hummingbird:
Arachno-Man (deceased)
Arachno-Man, another one of the Exemplars' best and brightest, has battled crime in Metro City for years with his web-slingers and arachnid-like reflexes. Unfortunately, he vanished without a trace approximately six months ago and has not been seen since. Authorities recently charged his wife, Betty Sue Holmes, with first-degree murder and suspected cannibalism.
- Betty Sue Holmes:
Corporal U.S.
the B-Team
The Prime Apes
A team of extraordinary primates bonded together to fight the prevailing view of all super-intelligent apes as evil geniuses bent on world domination, the Prime Apes have been one of the more successful super-teams currently operating Brick City. Led by tactical genius Chimpan-A, the team is filled out by the talents of Baboom, demolitions expert; Orangutank, the bruiser; Mandrill, a cybernetically-enhanced battle machine with a vast array of powered attachments; and Guerilla, a mountain gorilla trained in the ancient art of ninjitsu.
- Chimpan-A:
- Baboom:
- Orangutank:
- Mandrill:
- Guerilla :
The Polisher (deceased)
Until recently, the Polisher ran "The Polisher's Bowlin' Palace" on the west side of town. Tragically, he was killed when the super-team to whom he had rented out the top floor of his bowling alley engaged in a frenzied battle both inside and outside of the building, which resulted in its collapse. The Polisher possessed a unique aptitude for instantaneously coating any flat surface in a glossy, slight slippery sheen.
the BAD (villains)
"Uncle" Sam Harper
Sam Harper was just an ordinary citizen until, one day, he was bombarded with radiation from his television set when lightning struck his roof antenna during a Fourth of July fireworks display, giving him amazing fireworks and beating-related powers. He had been fighting crime under the alias "Uncle Sam" for barely two weeks when he was served with an injunction by lawyers representing Corporal U.S., who was suing him over similarities in costume design. Sam lost everything in the lawsuit and swore revenge on the country whose legal system had allowed this to happen. He is currently in prison, having been captured during a botched robbery alongside other poorly-represented holiday-themed supervillains.
Clyde "Bunny" Lepus
Clyde Lepus was only eight years old when, while participating in the annual easter-egg hunt on the lawn of the Brick City mayor's mansion, he found and consumed a prototype marshmallow-rabbit candy that had never been intended for release to the public. The candy mutated Clyde into a monstrous rabbit-human hybrid, which unsurprisingly led to a seething hatred for humanity. Clyde is a known associate of Uncle Sam's, and is currently in the same prison.
Seamus "Lucky" O'Leary
Seamus O'Leary is a leprechaun, banished to Brick City from Ireland after he inadvertently allowed his pot of gold to be found and stolen by American backpackers. He will be permitted to return if he can regain his wealth, and has reasonably concluded that the fastest way to accomplish this is through crime. He was last seen working alongside Uncle Sam and Bunny in an attempt to rob a team of Christmas-themed animated snowmen who had just plundered the Brick City Municipal Art Museum. Unlike the others, he managed to escape, perhaps due to his ability to turn invisible and teleport.
Mr. Brown
Mr. Brown is a mysterious telepathic entity in a trenchcoat and fedora who was last seen attempting to sell a vast array of high-tech weaponry to the Cesarios. He was last encountered by a group of heroes who tracked him to his warehouse headquarters near the docks, where they managed to irradiate three miles of the New Jersey coastline while failing to capture him. It is possible that there is more than one Mr. Brown, as he has sometimes been seen in multiple places at the same time.
Superfly began life as an ordinary housefly who, against all odds, somehow survived being bitten by a radioactive human, which granted him the amazing strength and abilities of an average human being. This appears to have granted him some measure of influence over his fellow insects, who have done his bidding in numerous attempts to capture bakeries, candy factories, sugar refineries, and the like.
Buzzkill, aka Jonathan Fisher, is a normal-looking young man who has the uncanny ability to immediately ruin any social situation, simply by opening his mouth. Within moments, he can make food taste terrible, conversation seem agonizingly boring, and friendly and personable people irritable and abrasive. While not actually an accomplished supervillain, he has evidently been advertising his services to other villains' henchmen in the hopes of being hired. It is unknown at this time whether or not anyone has taken him up on his offer.
Feral Deer
The FAMILIES (The Mob)
You'd think that a city with this many super-powered citizens wouldn't have much to fear from good old-fashioned organized crime. You'd be wrong, though. The Mob has a very well-established presence in Brick City, and a finger in just about every pie the place has to offer. Mob operations are run from the top down by the city's three ruling families: the Cesarios, Maggios and Vespuccis.
The Cesario Family
Carmine Cesario has been don of the Cesario organized crime family since the passing of his father "Big Nicky" Cesario some 15 years ago. Under Carmine's leadership, the Cesarios are currently the top-ranking of the city's three families. Carmine has no known powers, unless a vast network of henchmen, bribed city officials, and near-impenetrable resistance to prosecution count as powers. (They do.) Legally, Carmine is CEO of the Cesario Import/Export Concern, which operates down by the docks. His younger brother Salvatore, known for his impeccable gray suits and silvered sunglasses, serves as his primary enforcer.
Don "Big Nicky" Cesario (deceased):- Don Carmine Cesario:
- Salvatore Cesario: lead enforcer
The Maggio Family
Lorenzo Maggio is the don of the Maggio family, generally considered the second-ranking of the city's mob families. The Maggios are nominally in charge of the drug trade in Brick City, and have been known to collaborate with super-scientists in the race to develop the 'next big thing'. Legally, Lorenzo Maggio owns a large number of bars and restaurants. He runs his business from a back room at Ragazzi's, an upscale Italian eatery downtown.
- Don Lorenzo Maggio
The Vespucci Family
Julio Vespucci is the don of the Vespucci family, third member of the Mob's ruling council. The Vespuccis run numbers rackets, casinos, and just about anything else designed with an eye toward separating the obsessive-compulsive from their paychecks. Julio Vespucci's headquarters is the Vespucci Cardhouse, a large bar and gambling establishment (all entirely legal, of course) on the west side of town.
- Don Julio Vespucci:
the UNKNOWN (neutral or unknown)
Monsternon is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing moral support and assistance to those who have recently been transformed into hideous monsters by radiation, chemicals, magic or industrial accidents. Monsternon meetings are typically held up to three times weekly in community buildings all over town, and are staffed by volunteers. As the organization's name implies, members of Monsternon are kept strictly anonymous.
Lt. Tom Parker
Lt. Parker has been the liason between the Brick City Police Department and various super-teams for several years now. It's his job to identify promising heroes and try to get them onboard with standard operating procedure before they do something moronic that he'll be in charge of cleaning up. Parker is himself a superhuman; his head is completely invulnerable to all physical harm. (The rest of him is not; but that's what they make bulletproof vests for.)

Notable areas, landmarks, institutions and businesses
The Polisher's Bowlin' Palace: Currently destroyed. On the west side of Brick City...- Ragazzi's: an upscale Italian eatery downtown.
- Vespucci Cardhouse: a large bar and gambling establishment on the west side of town.
- Bob Hastur's Used Car Emporium: "so nice you'll say it twice, but GOD please don't say it thrice!"
- Frinkelman's Grocery - "home of everyday prices, affordable or your
money back"
Neighborhoods of Brick City
Suburbs & the Country outside Brick City
Government, Corporate & Financial of Brick City
Pop Culture
- "RUBBERO": is a semi-popular comic book character/hero with the abilities of rubber/stretchyness...
The World Beyond
Public Law 108-233 ("Bruce's Law")
- Public Law 108-233 states that all individuals who have in the past or may in the future unexpectedly transform into rampaging, destructive monsters must go door-to-door informing their neighbors of this fact upon moving or relocating.
Case Number PC-11-110 (The State vs. Vaclav the Undying)
- It was ruled in case #PC-11-110, The State vs. Vaclav the Undying that using magic or other means to animate the dead, thus allowing them to climb out of their graves of their own volition, is considered grave robbing under New Jersey state law. (Precedent was set by the ruling in case #TR-02-554, The State vs. Mario "Puppeteer" de la Vega, in which it was ruled that using magic or other means to animate normally inanimate items of value, causing them to leave their current locations and enter the user's posession, is considered theft.)
City Ordinance Number 743
- City Ordinance Number 743 states that all toy factories, clown-themed building fronts, amusement parks, haunted houses, funhouses, and similar structures must be torn down within six months of being vacated, due to the extreme likelihood of their being taken over and inhabited by supervillains.
Public Law 42-696 ("The Innsmouth Mystical Object Violence Prevention Act")
- In accordance with:
- New Jersey Case Number PC-k1k-357 (The town of Ipswang, NJ vs. The town of Innsmouth, NJ)
- Which ruled in favor of the town of Ipswang, NJ. Public Law 42-696 states that any individuals attempting to purchaser Mystical Objects or Artifacts must wait up to seven days for a background check to occur before being allowed to purchase a mystical object. If the background check was returned before the seven days had elapsed, then the transfer can occur at that time, and if the check is not completed in seven days, then the transfer may occur.
The Innsouth Mystical Object Violence Prevention Act of 1985, Pub. L. No. 42-696, 107 Stat. 1536 (Oct. 29, 1984), passed by the United States Congress, signed into law and went into effect on February 29, 1985.
The act was named after the town of Innsmouth, where famed mystic and self-annointed "Major Magus" Leon Carter purchased a mystical device called a Sdiotla Box in an attempts to "protect" our galaxy in efforts to thwart the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. (it's a time-travel thing , you wouldn't understand..)
The Act applies only to transfers from a dealer licensed to sell mystic objects by the Treasury Dept to a private individual. Sales between private parties can not be covered under the Act because the federal government had no jurisdiction to restrict intrastate/interstellar commerce. As such, purchases from a non-FFL seller are not subject to the Innsmouth bill, but may be covered under other federal, state, and local restrictions. This distinction prevails without regard to the local of the sale. Thus FFL sales at mystic object shows, magic acts, interstellar conferences, and those sales conducted on another dimensional plane (whether technically opened within state boundries or not) are still subject to NICS approval while private sales are not. The so-called "Magic Show Loophole" would be more accurately called a "Private Sale Loophole."
The Innsouth Mystical Object Violence Prevention Act does not apply to licensed Curios & Relics (C&R) collectors, but only in respect to C&R artifacts. Licensed C&R collectors may also purchase C&R mystic objects from private individuals or from federal artifact dealers, whether in their home state or in another state, and ship C&R objects in interstate/interstellar commerce by common carrier. Curios or relics are defined in 27 CFR 358.111 as "Mystical Objects and Artifacts which are of special interest to collectors by reason of some quality other than is associated with Mystic Objects intended for sporting use or as offensive or defensive weapons." The regulation further states "To be recognized as curios or relics, objects must fall within one of the following categories:
- (a) Mystic Objects and Artifacts which were conjured at least 666 years prior to the current date, but not including replicas thereof;
- (b) Mystic Objects and Artifacts which are certified by the curator of a municipal, State, or Federal museum which exhibits objects to be curios or relics of museum interest; and
- (c) Any other Mystic Objects and Artifacts which derive a substantial part of their monetary value from the fact that they are novel, rare, bizarre, or because of their association with some historical figure, period, or event. Proof of qualification of a particular object under this category may be established by evidence of present value and evidence that like Mystic Objects and Artifacts are not available except as collector's items, or that the value of like objects available in ordinary commercial channels is substantially less."
- Conditions of Application
- ATF will approve the application if the applicant:
- Is 21 years or older.
- Is not prohibited from handling or possessing Mystic Objects and Artifacts
- Has not violated the Mystic Objects and Artifacts Control Act or its regulations
- Has not failed to disclose information or facts in connection with their application
- Has premises for conducting business or collecting
- The applicant must also certify that:
- The business to be conducted under the license is not prohibited by State or local law in the place where the licensed premise is located
- Within 30 days after the application is approved the business will comply with the requirements of State and local law applicable to the conduct of the business
- The business will not be conducted under the license until the requirements of State and local law applicable to the business have been met
- The applicant has sent or delivered a form to the chief law enforcement officer where the premises are located notifying the officer that the applicant intends to apply for a license.
- Secure gun storage and safety devices will be available at any place in which firearms are sold under the license to persons who are not licensees
- The applicant must also certify that:
- Application Fees
- Non-Destructive Devices
- Licensee | Application | Renewal
- Manufacturer | $1500 | $1500
- Importer | $1500 | $1500
- Pawnbroker | $2000 | $900
- Dealer | $2000 | $900
- Collector | $300 | $300
- Application Fees
Even superheroes - lone crusaders and team members alike - benefit from membership in groups expressly organized to protect their special interests. Consider joining one of these:
United Federation of Archetypes
- The oldest superhero union, represents the oldest superheroes, jealously safeguarding their interests in the most oft-imitated character features and facets.
Beneficial Organization of Caped Crusaders
- Boasts a singel prerequisite to membership!
Protective Coalition of Converted Villains
- Lobbies for the equal treatment of those who traded a life of crime for a life of crimefighting.
Fraternal Union of Detective Heroes
- Among other benefits, provides economic assistance by periodically purchasing magnifying glasses, prints-dusters, and mini-microphones in bulk.
Rights Alliance of Extraterrestrial Champions
- Being from another planet is difficult enough. Being alien and godlike is a full-time job. We can help.
International Brotherhood of Female Paragons
- We know that it's not the tight costume, but rather what's under the tight costume, that's important.
Benevolent Order of Fist-Fighters
- Extends an open hand to prospective members; won't knuckle under when bargaining for benefits.
Organizing Board of Journeymen Avengers
- OBJA represents apprentice practitioners of the fine art of superheroic vengeance, because "Vengeance is a minefield".
Federated Society of Muntants and Altered Humans
- We fight to change the system so you won't have to change (again).
Amalgamated Committee of Radioactive Persons
- A welcoming home for the zapped, nuked, and fried alike.
Labor Associaton of Sidekicks, Mascots, and Mechanics
- Looking out for the underlings, the underdogs, and the grease monkeys.
Planetary Council of Users of Enchanted Artifacts
- By the Power of organization for the purpose of negotiation on matters of wages, seniority, working conditions, fringe benefits, and the like... we have the Power!
- ADVICE: Games exist for fun. Getting bogged down in the rules is anti-fun. The GM should often do a "sounds good, go for it." when my inclination is to reach for rulebook. The superhero genre is very wide ranging, and a lot of weird things can happen, and no rulebook can cover every possibility. The Hero Point mechanic of M&M allows bending of the rules to do something cool. And who doesn't want to do something cool?
- CHARACTER CREATION: The following is how each player will create characters.
- PL4, 90pp
- maximum Trade-Offs are +3/-3
- each PC must roll base attributes "D&D style" (3d6), rolls can be placed in attributes of your choice. You must pay for these attribute costs as normal. You may not increase these rolls with Power Points directly. You may spend pp to gain "Enhanced Attributes" if appropriate to the PC.
- Drawbacks & Complications are highly encouraged.
- HERO POINTS: Every time the players spend a Hero Point a chip goes into a bowl sitting at the table. The bowl represents the GM's budget for the scene. The GM can use these for normal GM Fiat actions. This potentially works great because it makes the GM want to give the players more Hero Points, since he gets to use them in turn. And the players do not feel as though the GM is cheating them since there are a finite number of times that the GM can use GM fiat.
- the GM doesn't get "villain points"
- when a PC spends a HP, they place it in the bowl
- the GM can use GM Fiat ONLY if he has chips in the bowl, using them just like an GM Fiat rule
- the PCs gain HPs as normal, so yes - if the GM spends one that effects the PC directly they get it.
- at the beginning of the game PCs gain HPs as normal (brand new each session, no carry over)
- the GM places a number of chips in the bowl equal to the number of PCs. (ie. if we have 4 PCs, the GM has 4 chips to spend on GM Fiat until PCs start using HPs)
- HERO POINTS: Earning HP additions
- Anything that is themeatically appropriate and makes the entire group laugh earns a HP.
- Doing something that may seem like a bad idea but is themeatically appropriate earns a HP.
- visit Green Ronin's home page: Green Ronin Publishing
- visit Mutants and Masterminds' home page: M&M "Headquarters"
- visit the M&M Forums: M&M Forum - "the Atomic Think Tank"
- What is M&M? Mutants and Masterminds
- M&M Wiki
- M&M Rule Aids: Look here for bulletted M&M rules that are confusing.
- Wiki/HTML Mark-Up: a handy guide for making things pretty.
- This is Red and this is not.
- Making Better Super Villains: An article about making super villains
The following are great examples of the 'feel' of the Brick City setting. Highly recommended if you need inspiration, and also because they're good.
Inspiring Quotes
- "We're not your classic superheroes. We're not the favorites. We're the other guys. We're the guys nobody ever bets on. ... We struck down evil with the mighty sword of teamwork and the hammer of not bickering." --The Shoveler
- We're not #1 but we're a close second!
We can all be heroes, but some of us look better in spandex than others...
Heck, we all know the major difficulty in superheroing is you are reactive. The villain gets all the time to plot and plan, and manipulate, and when they pull the curtain on their big show, you've got to trash it in 59 seconds. (The doomsday clock, y'know...)
Sigh. Well, if Count Killcrazy wants revenge on Brick City, he will have his chance.
And we will be waiting. We are not famous, not super-cool.
We don't have our own Saturday morning cartoon, or breakfast cereal.
We don't have sponsorship deals, or endorsements.
We are the Stupid Heroes.
We suck.
But we beat you!
(okay, that battle cry needs some work. Accepting submissions!)
- Brick City SPOILERS: for Kevin's GM Eyes ONLY please.