Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/adventures/asala

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The party journeys to the town of Asala, in the west of Athervon, hoping to find absolution for Darithe from the Abbot of a monastery there.

Maps & Figures

Markels map updated 009.jpg Orveaux 002.jpg Asala.jpg
Markel's Map (updated) The Town of Orveaux The Town of Asala

Adventure Log

Month Day Hour Notes/Event
Accen 04 n/a Violet informs Artigas and Du Serna of their return and exploits in the Fens; Gabriel and Esker inform Nalencampa about same. "The Asp" arrives at Bronzechapel residence to invite Darithe to visit Possa at his office in the Butcher's Guildhall the following day.
Accen 05 n/a Darithe and Fariya visit Possa, who tells them that Fergasse is still looking for her. He does not want to turn her in, but nor does he want his rivals to turn her in and gain the profit instead of him. He suggests she leave Avis Armois quickly, within the week, before word can spread too widely of her return. Messengers arrive at the Bronzechapel residence to invite the group to a dinner at Seld Dieudonné, the Archbishop's castle in the city, in their honor in 3 days.
Accen 06 n/a Madame LaPointe takes Fariya, Violet, and Darithe to clothiers to fit and adjust their gowns for the dinner. She sends Gabriel and Esker to tailors to do the same.
Accen 08 n/a Group picks up new clothes. Attend the dinner in their honor at Seld Dieudonné, meeting many members of the court and nobility. They encounter a strange figure shrouded in darkness outside the Bronzechapel residence who speaks to them for a time before disappearing.
Accen 09 n/a The murder of six sons and daughters of the nobility of the city is reported. The note left at the scene of one murder uses language nearly identical with that the strange figure in the shadows spoke to them the prior night.
Accen 10 n/a Group makes final preparations to leave Avis Armois to travel to Asala. Fariya purchases horses for the group and retrieves hers from its stable.
Accen 11 n/a Group departs Avis Armois. Arrive in the town of Camtou (40 miles away), where the road north splits from the road west. Spend the evening.
Accen 12 n/a Arrive in the town of Aarnou (55 miles away). Spend the evening.
Accen 13 n/a Travel approx 48 miles. Spend the evening in a small village on the road.
Accen 14 n/a Travel approx 40 miles. Arrive in town of Liçou. Spend the evening. Overhear three mercenaries (Barto, Rássa, scarred man) discussion a bounty offered by Fergasse for a lass (presumably Darithe).
Accen 15 n/a Travel approx 45 miles. Arrive in small village of Besanlès to spend evening. Sounds of some kind of predator heard in the night. Next morning find that flocks nearby the village have been raided.
Accen 16 n/a Awake the next morning to hear that some kind of predator has raided the flock of a nearby shepherd. Party offers to help hunt the beast down.
Accen 17 n/a Led by Jozeline, the Halfling scout, and accompanied by four young men from the village, party treks east and south into the hills, tracking the beast. They make camp that night.
Accen 18 n/a Group is attacked before dawn by two huge lions. One of the villagers is killed, and Esker is badly wounded. Group manages to kill both creatures.
Accen 18 n/a Group follows lion tracks to their lair; discover a pair of lion cubs; take lion cubs with them and return to village. Group departs village quickly after returning to avoid issues related to villagers that were on hunt seeing Gabriel and Fariya cast arcane spells.
Accen 19 n/a Group travels on road; overnights in next village.
Accen 20 n/a Group travels on road; reaches town of Vitrolles by evening. Group has fortunes told by woman in town square. Retire to inn, where they meet a travelling poet and singer, Zaren Lisano de Lucca, recently arrived from Veniri. He asks to accompany them west to write down their adventures.
Accen 19 n/a Group travels west on road with Zaren; overnights in next village.
Accen 20 n/a Group travels west on road with Zaren; encounters a merchant wagon train travelling east from Asala to Avis Armois & speaks to caravan master, a merchant named Ellert Halma. Group reaches the fortified town of Orveaux that evening. Zaren intervenes with song in the inn they are staying in when it looks like Fariya will be accosted by the locals.
Accen 21 n/a Zaren asks if the group can stay on in the town a few days; the group agrees. Zaren watches the cubs while all but Darithe go out into the town. Fariya sells several of her medicinal plants. Violet hears several rumors from gossiping women in the town square about the troubles in Asala related to a "White King", an entity or monster that appears once per generation, taking children and killing adults in the town. Darithe discovers Zaren at the door to her room unexpectedly.
Accen 21 n/a Zaren changes his mind and wants to move on; the group agrees, wanting to reach Asala quickly to see what troubles go on there. Group confronts him about his odd behavior the prior day. Zaren decides to part company with them, returning east on the road back to Orveaux. Group continues west towards Asala, overnighting at a village.
Accen 22 n/a Group continues on towards Asala, overnighting in another village.
Accen 23 n/a Group makes the town of Pallas by nightfall and spends the night.
Accen 24 n/a Group continues on towards Asala. They pass through a strange, burned-out ruin of a village on the road, but there are no markers or other indicators of what it is or was. They move on, overnighting in a village on the road.
Accen 25 n/a Group continues west. They reach Asala by the end of the day. They are confronted by the town Sherif, Robin Deramaut, who asks them to quickly make their way to the local Inn, the Weary Monk, where he will meet with them about what has been going on in the town.


Surname Given Name Occupation Location Notes
?? Barto Mercenary Liçon, Southern Reach Road Older man; overheard talking to Rássa & Lino about a bounty on Darithe's head from Fergasse
?? Rássa Mercenary Liçon, Southern Reach Road Large, red-haired man, claims to be from eastern north (Juŋkil); overheard talking to Barto & Lino about a bounty on Darithe's head from Fergasse
?? Lino Mercenary Liçon, Southern Reach Road Scarred man. Overheard talking to Barto & Rássa about a bounty on Darithe's head from Fergasse
Fergasse Vincent Guildmaster Belis-ar-Weil Boss of the Five Points Brotherhood criminal syndicate in Belis-ar-Weil; son was killed by Darithe. Has placed a bounty on Darithe's head.
??? Possa Criminal Outer Docks, Avis Armois Leader of a local criminal gang (Mark of the Wolf, aka The Mark); former associate of One-Eyed Kem; requested Kem's head as proof he was dead in return for information on where the hideout was.
??? Alceste Criminal Outer Docks, Avis Armois "The Asp"; Handsome, quick rogue of The Mark working for Possa
Rufener Levio Officer of the Crown Besanlès, Southern Reach Road Village elder
Roussel Jozeline Shepherd Besanlès, Southern Reach Road Retired scout, formerly in service to Duc Leon du Gentis
??? Osric Shepherd Besanlès, Southern Reach Road Shepherd whose flock was raided by predator
???? Ulrich Villager Besanlès, Southern Reach Road young man who accompanies group to hunt plains lion
???? Achille Villager Besanlès, Southern Reach Road young man who accompanies group to hunt plains lion; dead
???? André Villager Besanlès, Southern Reach Road young man who accompanies group to hunt plains lion
???? Aubin Villager Besanlès, Southern Reach Road young man who accompanies group to hunt plains lion
Halma Ellert Merchant Southern Reach Road Trader, leading caravan from Asala to Avis Armois
Breguet Marie-Ange Townsfolk Town of Orveaux Older, stouter woman gossiping with Céleste and Amélie in Orveaux market square
Carré Céleste Townsfolk Town of Orveaux tall woman gossiping with Marie-Ange and Amélie in Orveaux market square
Renou Amélie Townsfolk Town of Orveaux young, blonde woman gossiping with Céleste and Marie-Ange in Orveaux market square
Deramaut Robin Sherif Town of Asala Sherif of Cascade Province, in service to Comte Ladislas Chagnon du Cascade
Chagnon Ladislas Comte Aven Mirba, Cascade Province Comte du Cascade Province, a vassal to Duc Féret
Féret Djeferson Chappelle Duc Aven Bourlême, Soirac Province Duc le Domaine Sud, Comte du Province Soirac, Marquis du Marche Les Fens; vassal to King of Athervon