Microscope RPG--Rise and Fall of an Empire: Main Page
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Microscope RPG--Rise and Fall of an Empire[edit]
(Under construction)
Periods, Events and Scenes[edit]
- Period: Beginning Bookend. Tone: Dark.
- Event: The Landing. Tone: Light (Threlicus)
- Period: Wars of Independence. Tone: Light (Jarite)
- Event: Clash of Values. Tone: Dark. Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (Jarite)
- Scene: Murder of the Politician’s Daughter. Tone: Dark. Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (Jarite)
- Event: The Burning of the Father Krespis Shrine. Tone: Dark. Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (xrayzed)
- Event: Conversion of Paramount Lord and Lady Anganam. Tone: Light Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (Glyptodont)
- Scene: The Courting of Lord Anganam. Tone: (to be determined) Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (Threlicus)
- Event: Battle of Rakaan. Tone: Light Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (Jarite)
- Scene: Representatives from the Hellenic Empire Debate the Offer of Alliance from the Port Rossan Traditionalist Faction. Tone: Dark. Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (Jarite)
- Event: Clash of Values. Tone: Dark. Focus: From Faction to Ascendancy (Jarite)
- Period: The Age of Taboo and Decadence. Tone: Light (Glyptodont)
- Period: The Two Heresies. Tone: Dark. (xrayzed)
- Period: Ending Bookend. Tone: Light