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*Cathedral Factory (5pts)
*Cathedral Factory (5pts)
===The Smallest Cathedral===
'''•••''' <br>
The smallest Factory Cathedral in Denandsor is truly ancient. It was built by servants of the Great Maker during the Primordeal War and adapted for use by other craftsman much later, after the adoption of the Great Gease. When Jadeborn craftsman bothered to deign to visit the city they normally insisted on the use of this factory cathedral. After the Usurpation the factory still saw some use but the Dragonblooded only allowed the greatest of their craftsman within for fear of offending the Great Maker. <br>
'''Hearthstone:''' Gem of the Master's Hand <br>
'''Maintainence:''' 4 <br>
'''Habitability:''' 1 <br>
*Bound Servitor (2pt)
*Ability Enlightenment (4pts)
*Cathedral Factory (5pts)
===Denandsor Central Manse===
===Denandsor Central Manse===
'''•••••''' <br>
'''•••••''' <br>

Revision as of 19:31, 2 October 2009

Game: Once More, With Feeling!.



The Rainbow of Moonlit Snakes

This Lunar Manse is shaped like an immense coiled anaconda. Its seven tiers glow like a rainbow, while the head of the serpent is pure moonsilver.
Claimed by: Silveria Arc
Hearthstone: Snakeskin Stone
Attuned Characters: Li Jin Gang, Sakura Tenchi, Silveria Arc, Solitary Talon, and Ta'an Aesin.

  • Central Control
  • Comfort Zone
  • Magical Conveniences (attuned characters only)
    • Doors open when approached
    • Advanced Training Room.
  • Well-Flavoured Aspect


The Denandsor Terminal

This huge glass building in a square near the edge of Denandsor has stood empty even before the Great Contagion. Before the Usurpation the Terminal was a hub of activity it's crystal screens listing thousands of destinations across Creation. Citizens of Denandsor could purchase cheap travel to anywhere and normally catch a gate after an minimal wait.
During the Shogunate the only use for the Terminal was for military operations, the Gate of Auspicious Passage network allowing armies to be moved with ease between major cities for peacekeeping operations and Wyld hunts. By the end of the Low First Age not even that could be accomplished as the Dragonblooded lost understanding of how to maintain the gates. By the time the Great Contagion rolled around the Daimyo of Denandsor was under pressure to knock the building down.
Claimed by: Solitary Talon
Hearthstone: Home's Hearth.
Fragility: 1, The structure is mostly made of glass.

  • Network Node (1pt)
  • Geomantic Relay (1pt)
  • Geomantic Nexus (1pt)
  • Magical Conveniences (1pt)
    • Shining Crystal Boards which display travel time and destination from the Auspicious Passage
    • Counters that prepare and serve hot food and beverages
    • Automated Check-In
    • Resetting Security
    • Comfortable Waiting Rooms
  • Minor Traps (1pt)
  • Major Traps (Nexus Power)
  • Control Centre (2pts)
  • Gate Of Auspicious Passage (5pts, Sidereal Favoured)

Garden of Dreams

This slightly misnamed park in Denandsor resembles a beautiful outdoor art exhabit. Thousands of paintings and sculptures are set up throughout the garden each the gateway into a stored dream. Just a touch or a look and the laws that normally suspend such a thing fade and allow anyone to step into the exhabits. During the First Age and Shogunate the garden was open to all, the only cost imposed by the manse itself: A dream to add to its collection.
Hearthstone: ???
Habitability: 2

  • Wyld Revocation: Dreams (4pts, Sidereal Favoured)
  • The Silent Voice (3pts, Sidereal Favoured)
  • Archive of Pleasant Dreams (2pts)
  • Archive of Nightmares (2pts)
  • Sympathetic Dream Link (2pts)



The Lightning Spire

This manse takes the form of a huge double pronged experimental Lightning Ballista of immense size and destructive capabilities. It is only capable of being fired from the Denandsor Central Manses Control Room or by the Central Manses Sentient AI.
Hearthstone: Luxite of Lightning
Habitability: 3

  • Network Node (1pt)
  • Geomantic Relay (4pts)
  • Integrated Essence Weaponry: The mother of all Lightning Ballista (4pts)

The Harmonious Loft

Raised high above the ground on great elevator-stilts, this manse was built as a combined studio, theater, home, and auxiliary defense manse. This manse has been claimed by Surely-Refulgent Anshu.
Hearthstone: Stone of Airwalking (Oadenol's Codex, p. 88)

  • Magical Conveniences (x2, Oadenol's Codex, p. 67)
    • Gentle cool or warm breezes flow through rooms on command
    • A variety of sweet scents fill rooms on command
    • Luminous globes light the rooms to whatever degree desired
    • Sonic showers
    • When the pantry is stocked, the manse can prepare meals from the ingredients available on command
    • Once made, meals can be delivered anywhere in the manse via covered trays that fly through special chutes and passages.
    • A studio which can record up to 1 hour of audio performance and play it back on command
    • Elevators from the ground up to the manse
  • Central Control (Oadenol's Codex, pp. 68-69)
  • Mela's Sweet Whisper (Oadenol's Codex, p. 70)
  • Air Dragon's Will (Oadenol's Codex, p. 72)

The Eagle's Nest

A Denandsor Manse dedicated to Skyship Creation. Being the city of crafters this city produced many of the great skyships of the First Age, Exalted Crafters spent years lobbying for use of such a specialist manse.
Hearthstone: ???
Maintence: 4
Fragility: 2

  • Magical Conveniences (1pt)
    • Levitating Platforms
    • External Lights
    • Three other Magical Convenences
  • Essence Vents (1pt)
    • Floating (2pts, Air Favoured)
  • Control Room (2pts)
  • Bound Servitor Force (3pts)
  • Integrated Essence Artefacts (3pts)
    • Atlas of the Unconquered General (*****)
    • Windslave Disks x2 (**)
    • Thousand Comforts Lounge (*)
  • Cathedral Factory (5pts)


The Smallest Cathedral

The smallest Factory Cathedral in Denandsor is truly ancient. It was built by servants of the Great Maker during the Primordeal War and adapted for use by other craftsman much later, after the adoption of the Great Gease. When Jadeborn craftsman bothered to deign to visit the city they normally insisted on the use of this factory cathedral. After the Usurpation the factory still saw some use but the Dragonblooded only allowed the greatest of their craftsman within for fear of offending the Great Maker.
Hearthstone: Gem of the Master's Hand
Maintainence: 4
Habitability: 1

  • Bound Servitor (2pt)
  • Ability Enlightenment (4pts)
  • Cathedral Factory (5pts)

Denandsor Central Manse

This is not the palace fortress in the middle of Denandsor which looks like a giant pagoda on top of a pyramid of white marble. It is the former Daiymo's palace in the centre of the city and was once the Palace of the city's Solar Overlord. For the moment and in the interests of keeping the circle from killing one another Ziyad Antarah has claimed it for himself.
Claimed by: Ziyad Antarah
Hearthstone: Jewel of True Self - This stone subtracts five successes from all shaping effects directed towards the bearer.

  • Magical Convenience (1pt)
  • Network Node (1pt)
  • Geomantic Nexus (1pt)
  • Geomantic Relay (1pt)
  • Secret Passages (2pts)
  • Control Centre (2pts)
  • Mela's Sweet Whispers (2pts, Nexus Powered)
  • Bound Servant Force (3pts)
  • Fortress (3pts, Earth Favoured)
  • Provider (3pts, Nexus Powered)
  • Chasm of Material (4pts, Nexus Powered)
  • Sentient (6pts, Nexus Powered)
  • Guardian Force x10 (40 pts, Nexus Powered)

Ebon Obsidian Redoubt

This manse, claimed by Natalzu Chandra Dhiren, lies on the northwestern edge of Denandsor, and is a fragile-looking structure built entirely of thin walls of obsidian. Appearances are deceptive, however; the Earth essence flowing through the structure makes it impervious to physical damage. In the center of the mounting, concentric walls there is a great pillar , atop which is a turret bearing two medium implosion bows and one light implosion bow. At the base of the pillar there is a small hollow where an attuned character may find the hearthstone.
Claimed by: Natalzu Chandra Dhiren
Hearthstone: Iron Soul Stone (Oadenol's Codex, p. 91)
Fragility: 2
Habitability: 2

  • Network Node (Oadenol's Codex, p. 67)
    • Geomantic Relay
  • Pasiap's Buried Whiskers (Oadenol's Codex, p. 70)
  • Ability Enlightenment (Oadenol's Codex, p. 75)
    • Archery
    • Awareness
    • Craft (Magitech)
    • Lore
  • Integrated Essence Artillery(Oadenol's Codex, p. 76)
    • Medium Implosion Bow (x2, Wonders of the Lost Age, p. 130)
    • Light Implosion Bow (Wonders of the Lost Age, p. 130)
    • Turret-mounted
  • Indestructible (Oadenol's Codex, p. 78)


Fragrant Myrrh Retreat

This manse is small and intimate. From the outside it appears to be a simple dome of red jade and smoky adamant, shrouded in thin clouds of sweet-smelling smoke. Inside, it is richly furnished and clearly intended as a romantic retreat. Unwavering candles shed soft light over the piled cushions and thick rugs, and the scent of incense fills the interior (unless the hearthstone bearer commands the air to clear). The kitchen can prepare wondrous meals unsupervised if given the proper ingredients, and there is a shrine to Venus on one corner. It has been claimed by Anshu, and its hearthstone is one of the the three powering DCS Defiance in the Night.
Claimed by: Anshu
Hearthstone: Gem of Desire (Oadenol's Codex, pp. 93-94)

  • Magical Conveniences (Oadenol's Codex, p. 67)
    • Unwavering candles bathe the rooms in soft illumination
    • The scent of burning incense fills rooms on command
    • When the pantry is stocked, the manse can prepare meals from the ingredients available on command
  • Veil of Shadow (Oadenol's Codex, p. 71)
  • Temple to Venus (Oadenol's Codex, pp. 73-74)

Palace of Infinite Desire

In the High First Age this grand building was a vast temple dedicated to the Unconquered Sun. But after the Usurpation the Shogunate redesigned those manses that recalled the rulers of the previous age. A militant Chosen of Serenity aligned with the Bronze Faction redesigned this manse to prove to the few remaining Solars free from the Jade Prison and their pathetic Lunar mates that their Patron and God truly had turned his back on them. She redesigned this temple as a vast whorehouse and brothel catering to the wealthiest crafters in the City. She desecrated the Temple in every way she could think of, including using the services of every being employed there in every room, just so when she next joined a Wyld Hunt she could truly twist a knife into their self-righteous souls.
Claimed by: Solitary Talon
Attuned Characters: Li Jin Gang, Sakura Tenchi, Silveria Arc, Solitary Talon, and Ta'an Aesin.
Hearthstone: ???
Maintenance: 1

  • Magical Conveniences x2 (Attuned Characters only)
    • Comfortable Furniture that rearranges itself to best fit those who sit in them and can double as beds.
    • Decor and lighting that subtly changes to fit the mood.
    • Suitably Erotic Music that turns off and on with a clap.
    • Doors that lock when commanded.
    • A room dedicated to teaching new sexual techniques with a glowing image of various techniques programable by attuned characters.
    • Hidden Compartments in all rooms, which contain a variety of items. Always to the individuals tastes.
    • A screen for every room, which displays all sexual acts being performed in that room.
    • A kitchen that automatically prepares the most indulgent food and drink.
    • Special passages which deliver meals from the kitchen to any room.
    • The Manse never needs cleaning, nor does anything contained within.
  • Well-Flavoured Aspects
  • Temple Manse
  • One Mind Within: All creatures entering MUST entertain their darkest fantasies and carnal desires


Anshu's Temple

Once known simply as the Catacomb to the villagers who lived nearby, this manse was used by Anshu as a home while watching over the people of his circuit. It incorporates a temple to the Unconquered Sun, a small dojo, and a library of First Age fighting and interrogation techniques - all in Old Realm.
Claimed by: Anshu
Hearthstone: Stone of Judgement (Oadenol's Codex, pp. 97-98)

  • Magical Conveniences (Oadenol's Codex, p. 67)
    • Enhanced dojo
    • Magically cross-referencing library
    • Automatic doors
  • Archive (Oadenol's Codex, p. 71)
    • Investigation (interviews +1)
    • Martial Arts (tiger claws +2)
  • Temple to Sol Invictus (Oadenol's Codex, pp. 73-74)

Pool of Reflection

A large deep midnight black pool of water situated in the Garden of the Central Manse. In the centre raises a plinth made of Obsidian, lined with veins of Blue Jade. The water is about three foot deep, incredibly still and appears to contain twinkling stars in the night. Looking into the pool is said to give one visions of the future or of the past.
Claimed by: Ziyad Antarah
Hearthstone: Jewel of Daana'd
Habitability: 2

  • Network Node (1pt)
  • Magical Conveniences (1pt)
    • The water will randomly show someone who watches either the future or the past using the Divine Observatory power to project images onto the water.
    • The water is always the same temperature and never freezes despite the weather
    • The water doesn't ripple naturally.
  • Geomantic Relay x 3 (3pts)
  • Divine Observatory (3pts)


Pagoda of Healing

Comprised of a great tree subtly manipulated into forming a large wooded and paper Pagoda this was one of several manses scattered throughout the City from the First Age. Those who were sick were brought to the place and examined by the doctors of the place who treated any ailment they had for little or no cost. Most are surrounded by a grove of Aspen trees, those too far gone for the Pagoda and her staff to heal end up buried under a new sapling. Those found in Denandsor today are full of bleached skeletons. Every bed full, unable to cope with the ferocity of the Contagion.
Hearthstone: ???
Maintainence: 2
Fragility: 2

  • Comfort Zone (1pt)
  • Network Node (1pt)
  • Geometric Relay (1pt)
  • Living Manse (1pt)
  • Archive: Known Diseases (2pts)
  • Subtle Breath of Sextes Jylis (2pt, Wood Favoured)
  • Life Sustaining (3pts, Wood Favoured)
  • Zone of Influence (3pts)