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'''Guy''' ''Neutral Male Changeling Rogue 8 ''
'''Guy''' ''Neutral Male Changeling Rogue 8 '' ''Deceased''

Guy is another member of the Cabinet of faces, although he claims he's not part of Caer Shadowfast part of the organization, and that he finds the whole vampire business disgraceful. He job within the cabinet is that of the messenger. He apperently knows [[Dey]]'s parents. He seem to be very fond of drawn out speeches and magical gadgets.
Guy is another member of the Cabinet of faces, although he claims he's not part of Caer Shadowfast part of the organization, and that he finds the whole vampire business disgraceful. He job within the cabinet is that of the messenger. He apperently knows [[Dey]]'s parents. He seem to be very fond of drawn out speeches and magical gadgets.

Revision as of 15:08, 27 August 2007

Note: For the purpose of keeping fantasy villain names straight, all characters are listed by their first names than surname.


The strong, the awesome, the very dead.

Strahd Von Zharovich LE Vampire King [Human] Necromancer 16/Fighter 2

Famous for his role in the Ravenloft Campaign Setting, the Strahd Von Zharovich of Eberron is the First Vampire created in a similar manner to Ravenloft's by making a pact with the Keeper (actually Graazt pretending to be 'Death'). For 2000 years, the Warlord of Barovia was one of the most powerful evils in Eberron and unable to be driven from Karrnath as his minions tormented it. Somehow; Kael, Cassius, Ethan, Theresa, and a host of other heroes destroyed him for good during the final years of the Last War. His power and role as the Lord of all Vampires was assumed by King Kaius.

Mid Level Bosses

Villains too powerful to be no-named characters but not strong enough to bedevil our characters perpetually, perhaps.

Magnus CE Master Vampire [Changeling] Wizard 4/ Warlock 4/ Eldritch therge 3/ Magehound 2

Magnus is a former Magehound who was once the premiere member of the organization during the Days of Galifar. However, Magnus was captured by Diego Brando of Thrane and transformed into a vampire. Magnus proved too strong willed for Diego to control and soon escaped. Magnus would then join the Cabinet of Faces and rise to be their pre-eminent assassin. Magnus is quite insane with a penchant for theatricality, illusions, and a sadistic sense of humor. He wishes to use the True Fang of the Keeper to ascend to becoming powerful enough to challenge King Kaius for Lord of All Vampires.

Remus Zallen CE Werewolf Lord [True Lycanthrope] Berserker 10/Priest of the Devourer 2

Doctor Remus Zallen made a pact with a Demonic servitor of Yeenoghu, that he assumed to be an avatar of the Devourer. Born a werewolf during the Silver Crusade, his obviously Lycanthropic features made him a target of the Inquisition. Massacring several innocents to seal the pact, he gained immortality and much greater power than before. Fleeing down to Cyre, he moved from town to town as he bartered his herbalist cures and occasional magic to win the trust of the locals. All the while, he would secretly murder patients and devour their bones. Recently, his Master re-awoke in Caer Shadowfast and inspired him to create a vast infestation of Lycanthropes.

Martin Corthel

CE Male Halfling Enchanter 9/Mindbender 3

This is a sick, sick, sick little man. Nothing brings Martin more joy than forcing others to do his bidding, and to him magical compulsion and/or torture is better than sex. He has no ambitions of political power, nor the patience or skill to concoct plots, but he is highly marketable as a minion. Harath employs him as his head torturer, inquisitor, discipline enforcer, etc. for the Blood Claws, and Martin is more than happy to be given near free reign in his activities.

Red Owl

CE Female Half-Elf (Drow) Fighter 2/Blackguard 7

Harath's consort and one of the few who know who he truly is in all his guises. While Harath is a known womanizer and notorious for his short attention span with women, his interest in Red (a former slave of his) has yet to fade. While he works best in the shadows and behind the scenes, Red acts much like his bodyguard, and her delight in blood has her rightly feared by the entirety of the Blood Claws.


CE Incubus

Being the busy man he is, Harath cannot always be where he should. That is where Bastisu comes in. While ostensibly bound to Harath alone, he is actually a member of the Lords of Dust, infiltrating the Emerald Claw, the Blood Claws, the Swords of Liberty, and the Brelish Houses of Parliment. He and Red Owl are the only ones outside the EC that truly know the extent of Harath's plans, and he does his best to see them to fruition. Secretly, he's quite pleased Shadowspawn began taking measures to ensure Harath's success, as his "master" does not take kindly to being corrected by his underlings.

Lesser Villains

The bad guys that just don't have the sense to die when you want them too.

Bane - Former Assassin in the employ of the Emerald Claw. (Deceased)

Electra NE Female Vampire [Changeling] Fighter 5/Rogue 2

Raised by Magnus, Electra was trained like her brother in the arts of murder and deception. While not as talented as her brother, she had the good sense to flee whenever the fighting turned against her. While favoring the rapier, she has no real sense of fair play and enjoys sneak attacks whenever the opportunity presents itself. She is likely to adopt the Swashbuckler prestige class in the future. Electra possesses a Wand of Illusions and a Rapier of Quickness +3 that were gifts from paramour that she eventually killed.

Gihren Zabai- Former leader of the Emerald Claw in Caer Shadowfast (Deceased)

Pierro NE Male Vampire [Changeling] Bard 7

A trained acrobat and illusionist, Pierro was never particularly keen on being the brains of the outfit. While by no means stupid, Pierro had no real desire to work out the planning for himself and was content to let his partners do the leading. With the death of Picardo, he is likely to join up with Electra to let her handle all of the planning despite her emotional instability. Very charming, he's a talented illusionist and a master of disguise independent of being a Changeling. His most prized possession is a pair of "Boots of Striding and Springing".

Guy Neutral Male Changeling Rogue 8 Deceased

Guy is another member of the Cabinet of faces, although he claims he's not part of Caer Shadowfast part of the organization, and that he finds the whole vampire business disgraceful. He job within the cabinet is that of the messenger. He apperently knows Dey's parents. He seem to be very fond of drawn out speeches and magical gadgets.

Shadows over Cyre