Mage: the Awakening: A Civil War
Mage: The Awakening: A Civil War
A game set in Atlanta, Georgia, and run by Anglachel.
The Cabal
Eldrad, Acanthus, Mysterium, House of Ariadne, played by Regis.
Falconer, Thyrsus, Silver Ladder, Father of the Urban Flock, played by Phantom Stranger.
Freya, Obrimos, Adamantine Arrow, played by Andrensath
Legion, Mastigos, Mysterium, Subtle One, played by Psyke.
Taboo, Acanthus, Adamantine Arrow, The Awakening Gambit, played by Solarius.
Chapter 1: Welcome to Your New Home
The Sanctum
- Sanctum Size (psych ward, some areas condemned) ***
- Sanctum Security (built like a prison, but outdated) ****
- Hallow ("meditation room" on top floor, sounds from whole hospital seem to collect here due to odd ductworking) ****
- Library (vetted / annotated documentation of patients ravings, occult material left from the Tremere, stuff we bought with us) ***
- Sleepwalker Retainers (former patients / guards, hired as hospital security for the abandoned wing) ***
- Sleepwalker Retainers (gofers) **
- Guardian Ghosts (ghostly mage) ***
- Sanctum Gauntlet (spiritually distant / secure) **
Cabal Roles
- Farseeker: Legion
- Doorwardens: Freya & Taboo
- Hearthmaster: Eldrad
- Lorekeeper: None
- Edgetender: Falconer
The NPCs
- Atreykys A Ghost Mage, inhabiting the Cabal's Sanctum.
- Elizabeth Smith Daughter of Stephen Smith. Had her soul removed by Ian Pergil in order to create Soul Stones. Was turned over to Pergil by Jeremiah.
- Jeremiah A Vampire who turned Elizabeth and Stephen Smith over to Ian Pergil. Jeremiah's Clan and Covenant are, as yet, unknown to the Cabal.
- Ian Pergil A Tremere Liche killed in the Chronicle's backstory. Responsible for removing the souls from Elizabeth and Stephen Smith to create Soul Stones.
- Magnus Eldrad's Mentor in both the Mysterium and the House Of Ariadne.
- Special Agent Franklin A VASCU operative, undercover as an FBI agent. Robertson's partner. Currently investigating murders committed by Stephen Smith.
- Special Agent Robertson A VASCU operative, undercover as an FBI agent. Franklin's partner. Currently investigating murders committed by Stephen Smith.
- Stephen Smith A serial killer with his soul removed by Ian Pergil. Father of Elizabeth Smith. Was turned over to Pergil by Jeremiah.
IC Documents
The Tremere Notes, a series of notes written by Ian Pergil, a Tremere Liche