Mage: the Awakening: A Civil War
Mage: The Awakening: A Civil War
A game set in Atlanta, Georgia, and run by Anglachel.
The Cabal
- Eldrad, Acanthus, Mysterium, House of Ariadne, played by Regis.
- Falconer, Thyrsus, Silver Ladder, Father of the Urban Flock, played by Phantom Stranger.
- Freya, Obrimos, Adamantine Arrow, played by Andrensath
- Legion, Mastigos, Mysterium, Subtle One, played by Psyke.
- Leviathan, Moros, Silver Ladder, Caller of Zamani, played by Wolfwood2.
- Bright, Thyrsus, Free Council, played by Kayashi
The Sanctum
- Sanctum Size (psych ward, some areas condemned) ***
- Sanctum Security (built like a prison, but outdated) ****
- Hallow ("meditation room" on top floor, sounds from whole hospital seem to collect here due to odd ductworking) ****
- Library (vetted / annotated documentation of patients ravings, occult material left from the Tremere, stuff we bought with us) ***
- Sleepwalker Retainers (former patients / guards, hired as hospital security for the abandoned wing) ***
- Sleepwalker Retainers (gofers) **
- Guardian Ghosts (ghostly mage) ***
- Sanctum Gauntlet (spiritually distant / secure) **
Cabal Roles
The NPCs
- Former Arrow.
- Member of the Graceful Wicked Masque Left-Handed Cabal.
- The Left-Handed legacy he belongs to is not yet known to the Cabal.
Ian Pergil
- A Tremere Liche killed in the Chronicle's backstory.
- Responsible for removing the souls from Elizabeth and Stephen Smith to create Soul Stones.
- A Ghost Mage, inhabiting the Cabal's Sanctum.
Dred Scott
- Legion's original Mentor.
- Eldrad's Mentor in both the Mysterium and the House Of Ariadne.
Special Agent Franklin
- A VASCU operative, undercover as an FBI agent.
- Robertson's partner.
- Met the cabal while investigating murders committed by Stephen Smith.
- Now awakened as a Mastigos.
- Currently apprenticed to Legion.
- The local Adamant Sage.
Athena Promachos
- Kasparov's Banner Warden.
- An Adamantine Arrow Mastigos, attempting to keep track of the Concillium's Magi.
Elizabeth Blackwell
- An Adamantine Arrow Thyrsus who focusses on healing magic.
- A young female Ladder with a particular gift for Mind, said to be being groomed for a legacy which collects fragments of the minds of dead mages for guidance within their own brains.
- A Moros of the Free Council and follower of the Bokor Legacy.
- Sentinel of Athens, ally of Bueller and total psycho.
- Great sense of humour, though, if you don't mind zombie jokes.
- A Thyrsus of the Silver Ladder and follower of the Fathers of the Urban Flock Legacy.
- Resides in Gainesville.
- Falconer's mentor in both the Silver Ladder and the Fathers of the Urban Flock
Seers of the Throne
- A Seer working for the Eye.
- Met the Cabal, supposedly to discuss the situation regarding Stephen Smith.
- In reality it was a trap for the Cabal and Wrack's Left-Handed Cabal.
- The local leader of the Seers.
- Said to be under the All Seeing Eye itself.
- User of Imperial Practices, making her equivalent to a Pentacle Archmage.
Other Supernaturnals
- A Vampire who turned Elizabeth and Stephen Smith over to Ian Pergil.
- Jeremiah's Clan and Covenant are, as yet, unknown to the Cabal.
Special Agent Robertson
- A VASCU operative, undercover as an FBI agent. Franklin's partner.
- Met the cabal while investigating murders committed by Stephen Smith.
Stephen Smith
- A serial killer with his soul removed by Ian Pergil.
- Father of Elizabeth Smith.
- Was turned over to Pergil by Jeremiah.
Elizabeth Smith
- Daughter of Stephen Smith.
- Had her soul removed by Ian Pergil in order to create Soul Stones.
- Was turned over to Pergil by Jeremiah.
IC Documents
- The Tremere Notes, a series of notes written by Ian Pergil, a Tremere Liche