[Game title]
A historical Mage: the Awakening short campaign set in mid-18th century America
This wiki supports [Game title], set in/near Albany, Province of New York in 1750, featuring the exploits of [CabalName]. Affiliated with the New York Consilium, it is the duty of [CabalName] to [AssignedDuties]. Their position close to the frontier also means they are well-placed to act as a line of communication to the Iroquois Consilium.
Main Sections
Campaign Notes
Player Characters
Andrea - a half-British/half-French noblewoman who is an adventurer and natural philosopher. She is a skilled duellist and carries a parasol which conceals a sword. An Obrimos of the Silver Ladder.
Courtenay - an Englishman and former officer in the British army, he lost a lot of men in an ambush during King George's War. Resigning his commission shortly after Awakening, he still has good relations with the British authorities. An Acanthus Adamantine Arrow.
Jacob - a mixed-race Iroquois tracker and warrior who is knowledgeable about spirits. A Proximus from an Adamantine Dynasty with a Thrysus heritage. He is oath-sworn to Sophie, his adopted sister. Acts as a liason between the Iroquois and New York consilia.
John - an American Quaker minister and craftsman with utopian dreams of building the perfect society. A Moros belonging to the Silver Ladder.
Sophie - a French aristocrat (and childhood friend of Andrea), she's had a somewhat tortorous past involving two ex-husbands, the last of which she killed in self-defense. She met Jacob after fleeing the scene and was adopted into his family. It is suspected that she may be a spy. A Mastigos and Guardian of the Veil.
Other Characters
Map of North America in 1750
Colonial history of the United States - A general starting-off point on the history of America in this period.
The Middle Colonies - The region in which the game is set.
Province of New York - The specific province within the Middle Colonies in which the cabal is based.
King George's War - The recent conflict which impacted the Middle Colonies and New England, counterpart to the War of the Austrian Succession in Europe.
Father Le Loutre's War - An ongoing conflict in Nova Scotia spilling out of the unresolved issues of the last war.
The podcasts. Here you can listen to the sessions, mostly as they happened (we've only edited out dead air, not the general blather, noise of clattering dice and so on) for yourself. All are broken into two parts for ease of digestion.
Blank Character Sheet for use on the wiki
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