Races in Jeweled Amber
Shadow is vast and its creatures are varied
There are many racial divisions of Elven kind. There are frequently local seperations as well.
Many thark races exist across shadow but the main form is typically 15' tall green or brown body, with 4 arms.
There are many varieties of orcs depending on the shadows.
The main body of orc kind.
This version of Orcs is not the same as the Kobold/Goblin races. This is a smaller version of orc with a variety differences fomr the stock of warlike orc. Orcorim goblins tend to be more mechanically inclined, perhaps smarter then military orcs. Goblins often are craftsman for the other orcish races. .
Uraks are a large version of warrior orcs with little technical ability.
Racially Adask are a midpoint between Urak Orc and Drow elves. Dark grayish to albino white skin. Most have red eyes Strong, athletic, and limber in general. Males tend toward tall and muscular.
A humanoid race with inate connections to magical forms of their realms.
The racial divisions of dragon are so massive across shadow that categorizing them is unreasonable. It is easier to categorize them by size.
Tiny dragons have a nose-tip to hip length of under 12".
12" to 5' Examples include Pseudo-Dragons.
5' to 20'
20' to 300'
300' to 1000'
1000' and above. Well known behemoth dragons in Vox, son of Oberon [[1]] and Hanvir, SOn of Oberon.[[2]]
Fey refers to a vast number of races under a general umbrella of somewhat magical races having connections to nature and the realms of their origin.
Various shadows would have dynamically different fey sub-races but some are essentially ubiquitous. Leprechauns, Faries, gnomes (Nature Oriented). In many realms Elves are classified as Fey and conversely in many realms Fey are considered elven races. The specificity of the difference depends on the shadow under consideration.
Entish is a general name for sentient plants of many kinds that do not sustain themselves through magical means. Some forms of sentient plant life are magically intelligent, possessed of spirits, or recipients of magical intellect and do not fit in this category.
Themselves are generally full bodied intelligent trees.
- Hurons are a lesser intelligent subgroup of ents.
One of the best known and certainly most powerful sentient plant in all shadow.
In many realms there are intelligent olive trees ably to manage olive growth and production.
In many realms there are a wide variety of intelligent pepper trees.
Talking Trees
In many shadows are variations of living speaking trees beyond having a ubiquitous race of them.
Gnomes and Kobolds are similar creatures in many realms. There are very different representation in many realms with certain similarities.
While vast numbers of races of giants exist most are based on a racial template existing within the realms of origin. Human Giants, Thark Giants, etc....
Mer races in Rebma and its circles of shadows are mostly humanoid in form with forms able to move easily underwater. Webbed hands and feet. Able to take in air through water.
Tailed Mer
Tailed mer are races that have human upper bodies and fish like tails. Many are able to shapeshift legs for short period of times
Minotaurs are a common race across a large swath of shadow. There are numerous variations.
A warrior form common in shadow region around Gesheka.
Trolls are a race with wide varieties but some general similarities. Often battlefield companions of orcs and goblins. Some trolls are known across shadow by name. Some trolls get smeared with common tales that may or not apply to them.
Common myths
- The most common myth is that they guard bridges and charge tolls. While this does occur often enough in diverse shadows, there are many differences. Some guard trolls are greedy and violent. Others peaceful and polite.
- Small trolls are common as tomb dwellers and forest denizens.
- There are many trolls considered sages and sorcerers or natural mages.
- Small troll children are known to be exchanged with babes of other races for a variety of reasons.
Garden Trolls/Gnomes
Depending on the specifics of shadows a common form of troll are tenders of gardens. Often they are considered gnomes and the difference from shadow to shadow can be small, even in choices of clothing. Such garden trolls can heal sick plants, cause covering plants to extend and prosper. Thye can purify fouled water. They can be fierce foes of rabbits and rats and other garden pests. They often use insects as domesticated beasts in the protecion and prosperity of their gardens. They can be fiercely loyal to a plot of land and even to the family that lives on it and prospers. They are often family friends, baby caretakers, and companions of family pets.
Notable Trolls
- By far the most well known Troll across shadow is Grendal.
- Agvash is a War Troll in the service of Borlak. 14' tall riding beast form of T-Rex. He also has a horde of his modified T-Rex mounted by smaller war Trolls. His company of 1000 warriors is on of the shock forces in the mighty army of Borlak
There are many lizard-saurian races.
There are a vast number of lizardmen across shadow. The evolutionary chain that leads to them differ and they bear the markings of them
- Lizardmen evolved from small land lizard tend toward fast and agile creatures.
- Lizardmen evolved from dinosaurs have evolved down from a greater form but may still bear dragon maws, horns, scales and ridges. They tend toward seprentine movements and may have active or vestigial tails and wings. Few cases include dragon breathes but they are not unheard of.
- Lizardmen evolved from dinosaurs tend toward large body and combative natures. Mostly omnivores, few lizardmen races evolved from plant eaters. There are numerous well known versons of lizardmen evolved from various forms similiar to T-Rexs.
- Lizardmen evolved from alligators or crocodiles.
- An alligator evolved Lizardmen exist in many shadows of Azcala. They are exempt from compulsory heart sacrifices and provide something close to 3% of the population of the realm. They do well in the military and are represented in all the cults.
The Agoliths are residents of a Shade of Amber that due to uncertain interactions after the repair of the pattern, and with some interaction between the Primal Jewel of Judgment and the jewel of that shade were able to shadow walk into the realm of Amber.
Being a shade of Amber it has shadows/shades of the people of amber including the royal family. The peculiarity of the shade is that its residents are half the size of their primal selves.
The Royal Family of Agolith arrived in Amber in Year 17 of Random's Reign. There was considerable confusion and merriment at first, and the family, with their King Random, the Victor of Patternfall, leading them. For nearly a year they embassy was celebrated, and fested, and there was talk of Agolith applying for Golden Circle status. Merchant and commercial arrangements were made.
However certain elements of the people of Amber were not amused by the friendly Agoliths and there were many developing problems. One of the major issues was the overt promiscuity of the members of the embassy including members of the royal family. While it was determined the Agoliths could not interbreed with Amberites there was considerable worry about it.
Soon after relations soured between the two groups and in RE 19 they left Amber and have had no official relations since. There were issues with a Hooka delegation in Amber that lead to violence. There is some merchantile exchanges between groups in Agolith but they are few and rare.
The Non-Partisan Anti-Agolith Association developed out of the arguments over the Agoliths
Hooka are a small furry bear like race.