Strange Horizon

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Strange Horizon is a PbP of Apocalypse World Second Edition, run on a dedicated Discord server. This wiki serves to collect and update information.

Strange Horizon

The World

Our apocalypse is a global dust bowl, with storms that gradually beat down humanity. Scarcities of food, of shelter. The storms are the physical manifestation of the Maelstrom - here called just the Storm - the remaining network of satellites creating a disturbing infosphere of cut-up TV and radio transmissions.

- the Storm´s heaviness is associated directly with the number of satellites overhead - it represents a storm of cultural debris to match the physical dust storm - when the storm is near, tvs turn on and radios speak in dead tongues

The characters


Highlighted stats are bold/red.

Name Playbook Cool Hard Hot Sharp Weird
Sioux Angel +1 0 +1 +3 +1
Dakota Driver +3 0 +2 +1 -1
Mr Static Faceless +1 +3 -1 0 +2
Lord B4 Brainer +1 +1 -2 +1 +3


Column has Hx on Row, as listed

Sioux has... Dakota has... Lord B4 has... Mr Static has...
...on Sioux N/A +2 +2 +3
...on Dakota +1 N/A +1 +3
...on Lord B4 +2 +3 N/A +1
...on Mr Static +3 +0 +1 N/A



August - Runs The Chapel. Hasn´t been seen for a while.


  • The spokesperson for The Chapel sent to Dakota´s peace meeting. It is unclear why August abstained.

Sapper - One of the fighters of The Chapel. Bodyguards Edith when needed. Bearded. Owns a prized flannel shirt.


THE KNIGHT WATCH - Mr Static´s gang of self-proclaimed knights.

Curly Q - Bloody-handed brawler from Dog´s regime who didn´t make it as a Knight under Mr Static. Resentful.




  • An operator in Emberville, handling work contracts, messengers and other unstated business. Indeterminately gendered and dressed in covering clothing.

Fleece - Muscle, sometimes working for Roark. Woman, well-maintained haircut and a leather duster.

Friendly - Joygirl working at Tip´s place in Emberville. Long blond hair, 20ish, pretty. Likes shawls.

Gorgeous - Guesthouse/"restaurant" owner in Emberville.

Grome (RIP) - a guard from the market, blooded and hurt by The Russian because of a gambling "incident". Came into Sioux´s ´Firm with a gun to try to steal Mercy. He got shot by Sioux, then stabbed to death by his intended prize.

Hatchet (RIP) - One of the blackfingers working under Ambergrease in The Garage. Had a fight in the underground market with Lord B4 about a lost shipment of stimulants. Died fighting beside him in a fight in Emberville´s Market.

Hawthorne - A day-laborer in Emberville who broke his leg clearing a roof. Recuperated thanks to Sioux.

Jay (RIP) - One of Roark's crew, bodyguard/assistant. Got shot in the face by raiders and died on Sioux´s operating table.

Jo - a pleasure boy/bartender working at Tip´s establishment.


  • Needs Sioux´s care and attention on a regular basis. (He ventures out into the storms to seek visions and more, and goes out of his way to help people even if he suffers from it.)
  • The maelstrom has told Mr Static that he is a harbinger of destruction, decay and barbarism - he will bring ruin. (Nothing tried to deescalate and explain himself; Static wanted none of it but didn´t hurt him as he haven´t yet commited a crime.)
  • He explained his visions to Mr Static and Rum, both who did change their minds and followed him on a vision-quest out in the Changing Lands to search for the elusive Solace. Instead, Mr Static was possessed by an entity of the Storm and bit out Nothing´s eye before they were all caught by soldiers of The Cold House.
  • After he got back to Emberville, Nothing is weakened and speaks less often.

Post-it - a camp follower. Used to drive his crappy car between [[Emberville], The Garage and The Chapel before he lost it in the Market massacre.

Rum - One of Roark´s men who had a strange change of heart after a chat with Nothing and Mr. Static.


  • A scavenger leading her team out into the wastes.
  • Has access to medical supplies that Sioux needs
  • Dakota often helps them get where they need to go

Shepsi - a wandering beggar, rumor-seller and mendicant serving as informant to Lord B4 and others. Older woman dressed in rags and smelling of alcohol.

Snuffy - one of Mr Static´s knight and a constant Doubting Thomas.

Tip - owner of "Tip´s" ,the best bar/pleasure establishment in Emberville.


Prime - Thrice´s second-in-command. Veteran fighter and leader. Theater fiend.

Russian RIP

  • A warrior, muscle and go-between/collector for Thrice the Warlord. Enjoys his job way too much.
  • Pushing Ambergrease to bend the knee and swear fealty, regardless of the foreman´s feelings on leadership.
  • Poisoned by Dakota who then covered it up as the result of a firefight.

Sunset - A beautiful guitar player and singer who was saved from bandits by Dakota. Now a treasured artist in Evermore.

Thrice - "Emperex" Thrice, the warlord who controls and demands tribute from the Holds in the region. Burned, wearing full-covering clothing and a gas mask.



Prim - an Enginer, a senior mechanic, in The Garage. Tasked by Ambergrease to fix Dakota´s truck. Pointed out to Lord B4 by Schepsi as a collaborator with Dustwitch against the wizard.


Rolfball - A powerful drug dealer from South Bend, who sent spies to Emberville to evaluate it as a possible market.

Notable places

Emberville One of the larger holds, having subsumed The Garage

Evermore The fortress-hold of Thrice, whom Emberville - in theory - pays tribute to.

The Garage A repair- and chop shop with the finest blackfingers in the region. Ambergrease is the elder.

Kilead A hold knows for its´ breweries.

South Bend A place that has "bullet farmers", some of which trade with the Market (and Exit).

The Chapel - A place some distance outside Emberville, mentioned by Dakota.

Gangs and other factions

Toll Killektors - a gang/militia "Protecting" the highways west. Models themselves cargo cult-style after old highway patrols of old.