Notes, house rules, and modifications for Mongoose Publishing's version of Traveller (affectionately referred to as Riki-Tiki-Traveller), as well as other versions of Traveller. So far, everything here was devised by me, but – please – feel free to add your own!
– Shadowjack (William)
Official notice stuff: This material is compatible with the Traveller SRD, and is of purely unofficial origin. Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises, inc, and is used under licence by Mongoose Publishing.
Character Generation
A collection of new careers and other career options.
- Character Generation Options. Including rules for young characters, elite careers, and colleges.
- Notes on Creating New Careers.
- Career Alternatives: alternatives and options for the existing careers.
- Activist Careers: agitators, commune members, and terrorists.
- Clergy Careers: monks, priests, and missionaries.
- Professional Careers: engineers, lawyers, and information systems management.
- Ranger Careers: hunters, flyers, and firefighters.
- Servant Careers: bodyguards, secretaries, and companions.
Complicated Star System Generation
The RTT Complicated Star System Generator is a detailed, but not too detailed, random star system and world generation system. Drawn from a number of sources, including the core rules, GURPS Space (for 4th edition), GURPS Traveller: First In, various idea seeds on the Traveller Mailing List and Citizens of the Imperium fora, and the Arc Builder Planetary Classification List. Still under development.