Major Projects

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Revision as of 03:26, 6 January 2009 by (talk) (There is only one God!)
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If you are working on a major project which you expect to span 6+ pages, please enter it alphabetically in the appropriate section of this page. Use a level 3 header, so that you'll appear in the table of contents, include a link to your project's main page, then briefly describe your project.

System Supplements

This is a list of supplements for specific game systems. Please be sure to list which game system your supplement is for if you include something in this section. (If you prefer to search by system then look at the Special:Categories page.)

For ease of use, this section has been moved to a sub-page, Please see here.


These are guides to common rpg terminology.

Game title abbreviation

Page: Game_title_abbreviations

This is a collection of abbreviations used for various games and game lines.

RPG Lexica

A collection of Gamer Jargon--terms used by the players as opposed to the game's authors and designers. Still very much a work in progress... please contribute!

What's in a (GM's) Name?

Page: Referee

This is a collection of various game master names for different games


Blacksky Company (WoW Kirin Tor Horde)

Pig and Whistle Society (WoW Kirin Tor Alliance)

Meta Forces (CoH/CoV)

Versus Gloria Omnis (Eve Online)