Major Projects

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Revision as of 03:27, 6 January 2009 by (talk) (There is only one God!)
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If you are working on a major project which you expect to span 6+ pages, please enter it alphabetically in the appropriate section of this page. Use a level 3 header, so that you'll appear in the table of contents, include a link to your project's main page, then briefly describe your project.


These are guides to common rpg terminology.

Game title abbreviation

Page: Game_title_abbreviations

This is a collection of abbreviations used for various games and game lines.

RPG Lexica

A collection of Gamer Jargon--terms used by the players as opposed to the game's authors and designers. Still very much a work in progress... please contribute!

What's in a (GM's) Name?

Page: Referee

This is a collection of various game master names for different games


Blacksky Company (WoW Kirin Tor Horde)

Pig and Whistle Society (WoW Kirin Tor Alliance)

Meta Forces (CoH/CoV)

Versus Gloria Omnis (Eve Online)