AA 283 Flight Manifest

283 People were reported on AA Flight 283. One woman (Mary Beth Manly) was 3 months pregnant at the time of the flight. Ten people died before the plane crashed, leaving 273 "survivors".
- NOTE: the names above do NOT automatically mean the individual is alive and well. The term "Survivors" refer to the entire Flight Manifest of AA Flight 283. The term "Survivors" is actually a misnomer. Several members aboard Flight AA-283 were killed aboard the airplane before the events of 9-11 unfolded. A more CORRECT term this group would be the lucky. "the Survivors" is a simply a poor choice of a name given by the media following 9-11.
- NOTE: nicknames (aka.) are either given by the media or claimed by the Godlike individual or their publisists...
- NOTE: all ages are as of the current year or alternatively the date of death.
- NOTE: Survivors that have been issued Cellular Telephones by Jack Kennedy are disignated by: (CELL)
Flight Crew
- Survivor #1 - Captain Charles F. Edwards III [age 51]: Captain, VA - National Academy Grad 1971, dashing but egotistical. He likes to make excessive PA announcements and show off his deep voice. He still wants to go into showbiz, but piloting pays the bills until then. DECEASED: Stabbed by terrorists while on Flight AA 283.
- Survivor #2 - Rodger Sweeny [age 39]: First Officer, DECEASED KILLED: stabbed on Flight AA 283
- Survivor #3 - Suzanne Morgan [age 29]: Flight Attendant , Airline stewardess from Georgia. She has a southern accent. She has been on duty the last 36 hours and might be a little curt with some of the more annoying passengers.
- Survivor #4 - Donna Long [age 21]: Flight Attendant. She took some time off of college to travel the world and ended up becoming an airline stewardess. DECEASED: Throat slashed by terrorists on Flight AA 283.
- Survivor #5 - Jonnie Underwood [age 27]: Flight Attendant. He is flamboyant and cheery, overly so to some of the others. He is the one who points out the exits and gives instructions on the safety devices.
- Survivor #6 - Maria Contessa [age 43]: Flight Attendant , Older experienced airline stewardess who does not talk much. Sometime during the flight, she can be found sneaking some of those little bottles of booze.
- Survivor #7 - Carry London [age 25]: Flight Attendant ???
- Survivor #8 - Jill Hensley [age 34]: Flight Attendant ??? (CELL)
- Survivor #9 - Ziad Atta [age 23]: Hijacker Pilot. DECEASED: Shot himself on Flight AA 283, when he realized his mission had failed.
- Survivor #10 - Satam Jarrah [age 25]: Hijacker Leader. DECEASED: Shot by Arthur Redford on Flight AA 283.
- Survivor #11 - Ahmed al-Shehhi [age 22]: Hijacker Bomb-man. DECEASED: Shot by Arthur Redford on Flight AA 283.
- Survivor #12 - Salem al-Nami [age 19]: Hijacker ???. DECEASED: Shot by [Agent Vernon Marks]] on Flight AA 283.
- Survivor #13 - Osama al-Nami [age 23]: Hijacker ???. DECEASED: Shot by Agent Vernon Marks on Flight AA 283.
- Survivor #14 - Khalid Atta [age 21]: Hijacker ???. At the time of the hi-jacking Khalid was the youngest of the terrorists at age 18.
- Survivor #15 - Tahir Riyad [age 23]: Hijacker ???. DECEASED: Shot by Agent Vernon Marks on Flight AA 283.
- Survivor #16 - Pastor Allen Ramey [age 72]: African American Southern Baptist Preacher.
- Survivor #17 - Zaida binte Shouk [age 17]: Young girl from the Darfur region of the Sudan.
- Survivor #18 - Alice Gardner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #19 - Jack Alvarez [age 17]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #20 - Glenda Parker [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #21 - Christopher Clarkson [age 36]: Philadelphia cartoonist/advertising artist/designer. Known to have flown 50 people 100ft. into the air. (CELL)
- Survivor #22 - Colette Holder [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #23 - Holly Ferguson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #24 - Craig Vickers [age 21]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #25 - Debrah McNeal [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #26 - Julia Lee [age 39]: Bubble-headed actress. (CELL)
- Survivor #27 - Eva Hankins [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #28 - Joe Suggs [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #29 - Keith McCallum [age 26]: Lyn's husband; enjoyed his honeymoon. (CELL)
- Survivor #30 - Lyn McCallum [age 24]: Keith's wife; enjoyed her honeymoon. (CELL)
- Survivor #31 - Mark Bernal [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #32 - Rhea Neff [age 52]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #33 - Ray Ayala [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #34 - Sandra Navarro [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #35 - Ronald Kemp [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #36 - Michael Swanson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #37 - Joshua Gonzalez [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #38 - Justin Jones [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #39 - Wai Fowler [age 31]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #40 - Timothy Joiner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #41 - Steve Joiner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #42 - Ashton Sawyer [age 24]: Possbily the most powerful Survivor. Known to have the ability to fly and levitate nearly a group of 300 adults (Survivors), moving them by hyper-speed flight from Seattle to Washington DC in less than 30 minutes - avoiding harm from the elements. He boasted being able to have "seen this" in dreams regarding the current events. DECEASED: Suffered heart failure in Rockland, MD, two days after the Survivors woke up.
- Survivor #43 - Harley Carlson [age 37]: Rough, but loveable, biker. Has extrasensory perception to an unknown degree. He may be able to predict the future or may simply be infinitely aware of the present and the past. (CELL)
- Survivor #44 - Ladonna Spears [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #45 - Keith Hess [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #46 - Katina Whaley [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #47 - Jude Kohler [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #48 - Chelsea Blankenship [age 26]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #49 - Bobby Blankenship [age 48]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #50 - Alice Blankenship [age 10]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #51 - Amanda Rivers [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #52 - Carlos Lofton [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #53 - Dennis Grater [age 37]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #54 - Drew Murray [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #55 - Ian Harrison [age 10]: Comic Book lover. (CELL)
- Survivor #56 - Ella Clark [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #57 - Brian Jaffe [age 36]: Beltway Insider. (CELL)
- Survivor #58 - Julie Young [age 33]: Devoted mother. Able to teleport at the snap of a fingers. Her maximum range is unknown, but is at least 10 miles. (CELL)
- Survivor #59 - Maggie Young [age 7]: one short sentence. Possesses super-human strength to an unknown level. On waking up at Celera, she heaved a bed through a wall. Later, she lifted the end of an oak/marble billiard table and plunged her arms elbow-deep into packed earth. In the future, as an adult, she is strong enough to break through Brian's force field. (CELL)
- Survivor #60 - Alex Young [age 10]: one short sentence. Extraordinarily resistent to injury; there may well be nothing that can physically hurt him. (CELL)
- Survivor #61 - Geraldine Atwood [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #62 - Jeri Davis [age 21]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #63 - Paulette Meier [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #64 - Libby Purdy [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #65 - Dallas Cox [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #66 - Debra Tate [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #67 - Kyle Everhart [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #68 - Roger Wade [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #69 - Shawn Cordova [age 27]: Marine Biologist. (CELL)
- Survivor #70 - Sergio Pardo [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #71 - Victoria Wade [age 41]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #72 - William Davis [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #73 - Robert Stepp [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #74 - Roy Gray [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #75 - Mary Hunter [age 43]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #76 - Marcus Ragsdale [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #77 - Jessie Ragsdale [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #78 - Dwayne Wilson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #79 - Beverly Nelson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #80 - Charles Gauthier [age 39]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #81 - Leslie Arthur [age 23]: Leslie is the neice of Tara Arthur, a biological examiner involved with NTAC. (CELL)
- Survivor #82 - Andrea Livingston [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #83 - Benjamin Keller [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #84 - David Woolridge [age 27]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #85 - Elias Thompson [age 19]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #86 - Gayle Walker [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #87 - Erin Serrano [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #88 - Jana Perry [age 34]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #89 - John Gantt [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #90 - Karen Rojas [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #91 - Lyn Rojas [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #92 - Paige McClure [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #93 - Monica Amen-Asia [age 35]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #94 - Nancy Lynch [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #95 - Abraham Michaels [age ??]: (aka The Doc) possible healer of various maladies, injuries, and even re-growing lost limbs on several disabled war veterans.
- Survivor #96 - Ruth Word [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #97 - Veronica Gray [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #98 - Todd Seal [age 22]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #99 - Stephanie Hughes [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #100 - Stella Peterson [age 71]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #101 - Tanya Chambers [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #102 - Robin Turner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #103 - Sean Turner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #104 - Walter Turner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #105 - Tyler Stevens [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #106 - Ronald Hurt [age 44]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #107 - Vivian Janell [age 32]: Brian Jaffe's personal assistant. Able to turn herself, and whoever she touches, invisible to almost all forms of detection, including Brian's mental contact and Mandy's infrared vision. (CELL)
- Survivor #108 - Peggy McKnight [age 49]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #109 - Linda Ong [age 38]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #110 - Allie Ong [age 9]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #111 - Sammual Ong [age 15]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #112 - Sammanth Ong [age 15]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #113 - Missy Collins [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #114 - Meaghan Calloway [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #115 - Jeffrey Pickard [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #116 - James Parrish [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #117 - Gabriela Ashford [age 18]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #118 - Amanda Conley [age 44]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #119 - Ami Kennedy [age 12]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #120 - Lisa Bartlett [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #121 - Reginald Hardin [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #122 - Sharon Bingham [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #123 - Milos Wiazowski [age 38]: (aka. Afterthought) Former Senator from Palo Alto, CA. Can mentally control those he has touched. The duration of this control is unknown. Witnessed "suggesting" things to Dr. Robert Booth of Celera, likely controlled the judge in Mandy Smith's trial and is possibly controlling Senator Lincoln Chafee.
- Survivor #124 - Rachel Baker [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #125 - Ned Ortiz [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #126 - Marcia Nickel [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #127 - Joseph Pomeroy [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #128 - Juan Perry [age 52]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #129 - Chastity Albers [age 22]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #130 - Gilbert Buchanan [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #131 - Daniel King [age 50]: First Class passenger. DECEASED: Stabbed by terrorists on Flight AA 283. (CELL)
- Survivor #132 - Kimberly Dow [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #133 - Irene Cote [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #134 - John English [age 44]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #135 - John Young [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #136 - Billy Hewitt [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #137 - Clifford Ashford [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #138 - Mandy Smith [age 31]: Former New York FireFighter and good freind to Brian,Jack,Beth and Arthur. (CELL)
- Survivor #139 - Agent Vernon Marks [age 40]: Former Secret Service agent assigned to protect Jack Bennett; Jack has since hired him for private security. Can project concussive force from his gun. (CELL)
- Survivor #140 - Cora Doan [age 38]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #141 - Erika Jones [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #142 - Harry Rivers [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #143 - Jill Rivers [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #144 - Jack Bennett [age ??]: Reluctant Kennedy, Extreme Sports enthusiast-at-large. (CELL)
- Survivor #145 - Jessica Lundy [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #146 - Emerson Fitzgerald [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #147 - Connie Ponder [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #148 - Emma Woodhull [age 16]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #149 - Donald Hamilton [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #150 - George Ferguson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #151 - Eric Marsh [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #152 - Felicia Hamby [age 33]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #153 - Cynthia Johnson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #154 - Ann Todd [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #155 - Benjamin Huerta [age 18]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #156 - Dana Huerta [age 18]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #157 - Gayla Thompson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #158 - Bobbie McCormick [age 29]: Bobbie is a WV girl that grew up on her family farm, wanting to make it out... (CELL)
- Survivor #159 - Guillermo Crane [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #160 - Joan Ramirez [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #161 - Judy Arteaga [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #162 - Kevin Miller [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #163 - Lisa Lloyd [age 27]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #164 - Malinda Carpenter [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #165 - Phil Turner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #166 - Jason Forrest [age ??]: (aka The Ghost), known to be able to go totally incorporeal, possess people’s minds, and induce hallucinations of such a extreme level that psychosomatic wounds have been seen opening on his victims bodies in response to the trauma to their psyche.
- Survivor #167 - Terri Watson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #168 - Woodrow Givens [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #169 - Jerry Ball [age 45]: Exuberant used car salesman. (CELL)
- Survivor #170 - Melissa Lane [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #171 - Miles Reeves [age 28]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #172 - Krista Williams [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #173 - Jaime Meador [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #174 - Jacob Meador [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #175 - David Smith [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #176 - Carmela Cowan [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #177 - Betty Gregory [age 25]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #178 - Andrew Benavides [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #179 - Barbara McGowan [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #180 - Diane Jasper [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #181 - Emma Stevenson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #182 - Harlan Ross [age 30]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #183 - Jack Day [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #184 - Leon Walker [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #185 - Marcos Nunez [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #186 - Michele Ross [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #187 - Catherine Torres [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #188 - Marylou Hansen [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #189 - Bridgette Gable [age 47]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #190 - Leticia Olson [age 30]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #191 - Maxine Lewis [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #192 - Isaias Kinder [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #193 - Patricia Lu [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #194 - Cheryl Hernandez [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #195 - Richard Perez [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #196 - Rosa Reardon [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #197 - Calvin Gerald [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #198 - Tracy Richey [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #199 - Sonia Williams [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #200 - Vivian Guidry [age 34]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #201 - Althea Hodges [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #202 - Carla Berry [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #203 - Bryan Martin [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #204 - Dale Washington [age 37]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #205 - Adrienne Lipscomb [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #206 - Gregory Friend [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #207 - Jose Reno [age 30]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #208 - Judith Richey [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #209 - Albert Richey [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #210 - Karen Colon [age 59]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #211 - Dan Mullins [age 84]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #212 - Bruce Lacy [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #213 - Lonnie Stewart [age 35]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #214 - Laura Davison [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #215 - Maria Young [age 36]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #216 - Thomas Reagan [age 43]: Former mechanic, sued by the state of Maryland for disintegrating vehicles in a 9 mile radius. (CELL)
- Survivor #217 - Arthur Redford [age 35]: Ex-Army turned vigilante with a few issues to work through. (CELL)
- Survivor #218 - Mary Poole [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #219 - Molly Chambers [age 25]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #220 - Rachael Smith [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #221 - Samuel Currie [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #222 - Tammy Fogle [age 39]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #223 - Valerie Clarke [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #224 - Anthony O'Donnell [age 48]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #225 - Windy Williams [age 22]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #226 - Tony Owen [age 29]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #227 - Melissa Smith [age 22]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #228 - Virgina Estrada [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #229 - Truman Brown [age 44]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #230 - Veronica Flynn [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #231 - Rocco Webb [age 15]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #232 - Alan Hardin [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #233 - Russell Morgan [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #234 - Eliseo Carter [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #235 - Preston Harris [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #236 - Brent Stark [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #237 - Jerry Singleton [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #238 - Natalie Lester [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #239 - Elizabeth Stanley [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #240 - Louis Stanley [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #241 - Dustin Johnson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #242 - David Roth [age 39]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #243 - Hector Parsons [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #244 - Anthony Smith [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #245 - Gladys McBride [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #246 - Keith Brown [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #247 - Ella Davis [age 52]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #248 - Kevin Fallon [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #249 - Lloyd Bennett [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #250 - Lisa Farias [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #251 - Larry Gordon [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #252 - Marc Henry [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #253 - Ian Giles [age 40]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #254 - Steven Ward [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #255 - Joyce Parker [age 34]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #256 - Peter Reese [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #257 - Erik Thibodeaux [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #258 - Shauna McIntyre [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #259 - Ralph Thiel [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #260 - Justin Bailey [age 29]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #261 - Douglas Robinson [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #262 - Olive Harman [age 74]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #263 - Doris McNair [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #264 - Shanon Bell [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #265 - Tisha Knowles [age 36]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #266 - Kirk Sherman [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #267 - Philip Pennell [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #268 - Rosalie "Rosey" Brown [age 68]: African American grandmother. (CELL)
- Survivor #269 - Regina Odom [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #270 - Carrie Sellers [age 23]: African American girl from Athens, GA. Has shapeshifting powers, including mimicing the forms of others and contorting her body into weapons. DECEASED: Died from infection of burns sustained during an assault, aggrivated by Mandy Smith's attempt to help. Though dead, Carrie's "Godlike Energy" lives on inside and through her animate body. (CELL)
- Survivor #271 - David Valdez [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #272 - Jason Earley [age 41]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #273 - Maria Earley [age 41]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #274 - Helen Earley [age 53]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #275 - Martina Earley [age 57]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #276 - Jeffrey Longoria [age 41]: one short sentence. (CELL)
- Survivor #277 - Jane Kendrick [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #278 - Mike Thomas [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #279 - Joshua Gardiner [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #280 - Greg Alcala [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #281 - Linda Vazquez [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #282 - Donald Fox [age ??]: one short sentence.
- Survivor #283 - Mary Beth Manly [age 23]: Mentally fractured mother whose son was taken from her. Able to project potent sonic vibrations from her lungs, capable of knocking a group of 300 (Survivors) unconcious in one blast. She may be able to focus her voice in a more directed, and potentially more harmful, line, but this is speculative. She has also able to hear conversations at least thirty feet distant and through walls. (CELL)
- Survivor #284-288 - Unborn Child of Mary Beth Manly [age 2 years, 9 months]: As noted by Dr. Booth, the child died in childbirth, allowing doctors to save Beth. At the Rockville, MD facility the Survivors discovered that a child thought to be Mary Beth Manly's unborn baby lay in autopsy, seemingly in 5 different ages:
- Fetus
- One Year old
- Two Year old
- Three Year old
- Three Year old
- Survivor #284-288 - Unborn Child of Mary Beth Manly [age 2 years, 9 months]: As noted by Dr. Booth, the child died in childbirth, allowing doctors to save Beth. At the Rockville, MD facility the Survivors discovered that a child thought to be Mary Beth Manly's unborn baby lay in autopsy, seemingly in 5 different ages: