V&V meets M&M in ... "PROJECT VIGILANCE"

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Welcome to the PROJECT VIGILANCE campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game using the M&M system called "PROJECT VIGILANCE". This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be editted by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and edittable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".


The world of V&V Prime is very much like our own... with a heavy dose of DC/Marvel events thrown in. The U.S. government in the 1970's started sponsoring Super-Teams for different cities.

Project VIGILANCE The famous teams being used right now are the Crusaders (L.A.) and the Centurions (New York City). Recently, the L.A. team, the Crusaders have disappeared! You team is sent to find out what has happened to them…

It seems some previously unknown terrorist group, calling themselves FORCE is blackmailing the US government for 10 Billion dollars. If the ransom is not paid within 48 hours, their will release a Retro-Virus Super-Flu somewhere within the heartland of America. Your team is brought in to help out…
PROJECT VIGILANCE'S Seattle Location City Map:




  • insert the team name here: ...
    • CLOCKWORK (aka. Dr. Ronald Price)
      Although a reluctant newcomer to the hero game, the temperamental Clockwork goes for the goal, literally leaping before he looks. Some judge him as foolish, but he has right on his side! Not to mention a strange ability to create a shell of gears and cogs held together only by his mind!! ... (as played by Wayne)
    • MAGUS (aka. ???)
      A man out of time. From the dawn of man comes one who can twist reality with but a word and flicker of his wrist. He is the mage of an ancient order powerful enough to hold the world at bay - but in our time he sees a self-heating cup-of-soup as an amazing artifacts! ... (as played by Sammy)
    • OMEGA-BOY (aka. ???)
      Adoptive son of the world's greatest hero, legacy to a champion from another dimension! Omega-Boy may yet emerge from the shell created for him by his father Gauntlet to become Kid Centurion but in the now he is the iron lad of justice! ... (as played by Cat)
    • PORTAL (aka. Travis Cochrane)
      Mutant with the power to rip holes in air to circumvent space and twist other's attacks against them! New to heroing he's proven he has the knack for tactical thinking and teamwork. ... (as played by Pete)
    • STROBE (aka. John Powell)
      This young man's body courses with the ancient primal energies of the multiverse. Strobe is a natural leader and has the power to back it up. Quickly becoming the team's protectorate, his cosmic energies can be directed outward to create protective shields, blind opponents, and blast villains to justice! ... (as played by John)
    • TALON (aka. Harlan Robinson)
      Former sidekick, natural leader - he can't stop being the first and doesn't want to be the latter. He's the best failed detective in the world, 40 years and he has yet to find the cause of his mentor's disappearance. The "boy wonder" has become the lost man searching for justice all alone in the skys. ... (as played by Kevin)
  • Team Reserve: ...
    • BIG-CHILL (aka. Bill 'Billy' Charles)
      Big-Chill is a glacier of a man with power and strength beyond any mortal man. Listed at current as reserve to the team he may be "called up" sooner than expected should the world come to danger! ... (as played by Karl)
    • TORPEDO (aka. ???)
      (as played by Nathan)


Good Guys

Bad Guys


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  •  ???

Campaign Timeline

  • Primordial
  • Age of Dinosaurs
  • Stone Age
  • Ancient
  • Classical
  • Dark Ages
  • Renaissance
  • Victorian
  • Industrial
  • Modern


the City of Seattle

  • the Space Tether (formerly the Seattle City Center Space Needle): The tether at the top of the re-fit Space Needle is essentially a "space elevator"however it isn't hooked directly to a station in geosynchronous orbit itself (traditionally anchored at the equator) but to a "statite" (stationary satellite) that uses solar sails to "hover" at a point directly above the Needle at all times. Passengers and cargo ride an elevator (called a climber) to the statite, where they can enjoy a meal, lounge around in micro-g, rent laboratory space, transfer to a docked spaceship, sabotage the solar power plant (if you're of the villainous mentality), or just enjoy the view! The whole system is run jointly by the Seattle Port Authority and Seattle City Light.
    Although the instilation of the Space Tether in the Pacific Northwest was extreme (due to the need a more active drive system than a solar sail would provide to compensate for rotation, unlike ones positioned at the poles) the investment groups believed in the program and funded the project to great return.
    Laws of physics would require the tether heading off no less than a 47 degree angle due south, however to maintain the clean skyline citizens of the Emerald City have grown accustomed to, the electric currents running through the tether have been engineered to use electro-dynamically to bind the structure to Earth's magnetic field. There's also plenty of solar energy to power ion thrusters to provide backup to the tether. This effect does unfortunately create a field following the tube of electro-dynamic energy dangerous to mechanical interferance and persons without proper insulation gear.

the City of Los Angeles

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  • Themes
  • Genre
  • Mood
  • Inspiration
  • House Rules
  • Easter Eggs



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