The Moon's Reflection

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The Moon's Reflection is an AD&D 2nd Edition/Skills & Powers Play-By-Post game set in the World of Greyhawk in the year 573 CY. The game begins in Chendl, the capital of Furyondy.


Main Characters


The Moon's Reflection: NPCs

Rules and Guidelines

House Rules

  • Humans can multi-class.
  • PCs get full hit points at first level.
  • Language slots don't combine with character points. PCs get the number of languages they would be entitled to under standard 2nd edition.
  • Clothing (within reason) doesn't add to encumbrance.
  • A modified version of the Death's Door Optional Rule is in effect.
    • HP Loss: If a character is reduced to exactly 0 HPs, he falls to the ground unconscious. He's stable (not losing HPs), but completely vulnerable. If a character is reduced to anywhere from -1 to the negative value of his Constitution score, he is not only unconscious but also rapidly declining. He will lose 1 HP per round until he is stabilized -- by binding his wounds, using the healing non-weapon proficiency, or casting a healing spell. When a character drops below the negative of his Constitution, he is dead.
    • Recovery: If a PC is stable but still at 0 or lower HPs, he's unconscious. If he has been healed to 1 or higher HPs, he is conscious but may be delirious or feverish. He can't move or fight, and he can barely talk. Only a full day of bed rest (or a full Heal spell) will return the PC to his full abilities.

Character Creation

Recruiting is currently closed.

  • Level: 1st
  • Alignments: Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Good
  • Classes: Any standard. No psionics.
  • Preferred Races: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Half-Orc (others by approval from DM)
  • Kits: By approval from DM. Most allowed.
  • Deity: Any neutral or good Greyhawk deity that doesn't conflict with the character's alignment, race, or class. Can also be an atheist or agnostic.


  • The DM will respond to PCs' actions and player questions at least twice a day, usually more often.
  • In addition to responses to actions and questions, the DM will make a post to move the story forward a minimum of once a day.
  • Players are asked to post at least five turns a week, with no more than a 48-hour gap between posts. If a player will be away for longer, it is requested that he or she post a notice to the OOC thread or PM Celeste.


This shows the area between Moatshield and Molag. The party's current destination, Morsten, is between the two of them. Hexes are 15-20 miles across.


A very incomplete list of music I listen to while thinking and writing about the campaign and the game world. The lyrics may or may not have any connection to anything.

Game Threads