A campaign focusing on the results of some kids from Town getting copies of SBURB.
XP Pot
- 2 chips of Slice of Life XP [Riley, Lily]
- 1 chip of Foreshadowing [Riley]
- 1 chip of Shared Reactions [Lilith]
- 1 chip of Science, Faith and Sorcery XP [Ayumu]
- 1 chip of Transitions [David]
- Ayumu Mori/apocryphalPsychopomp, Heir of Doom (As Played By The Wyzard)
- Fitzwilliam Gerald/aintAfraid, Mage of Void (As Played By DMGnome)
- Lilith Ivanov/teslaTerminus, Knight of Light (As Played By Count Dorku)
- Lily Watanabe/affectionateAsterisk, Witch of ??? (As Played By HeWhoSpeaksOfDarkness)
- Riley McArthur/ace7egend, Shieldmaiden of Blood (As Played By Cannonball)
- Richard Fork, Thief of Rage (As Played By Raiu)
Prospit Dreamers
- Matt Ritter/civilAdministrator, Seer of Space (As Played By Brontes)
- Rameus Mordeen/oceanbornAmaranth, Prince of Breath (As Played By Something Else)
Derse Dreamers
- David Gudmunsson/cartesianArrhythmia, Page of Time (As Played By JackrabbitBlue)
Blank Chuubostuck Character Sheet
XP Actions
- Available to All PCs
- Sympathetic Action, pg 49
- Foreshadowing, pg 51
- Discovery, pg 53
- Reaction Shot, pg 54
- Triggering or Participating in a Ritual, pg 57
- (Reacting to a) Transition, pg 57
- Ayumu
- Putting my faith in you, pg 139
- Science, Faith, & Sorcery, pg 79
- Decisive Action/Decisive Choice pg 80
- Wicked Action, pg 83
- David
- Thumbs Up!
- Someone Steals the Gift
- David is Late
- The Gift reminds David of his Friends
- Open Gift on his Birthday and reveal what it is
- Speculate about The Gift
- Others Get Jealous or Excited about The Gift
- Fitzwilliam
- Facepalm/Head-Desk XP
- Shared Action
- Shared Reaction
- Slice of Life
- Obsessive Action
- Lilith
- Lily
- Matt
- Science, Faith and Sorcery
- Decisive Action
- Wicked Action
- (Be in) Trouble
- Rameus
- Richard
- Riley
- Science, Faith and Sorcery
- Decisive Action
- Wicked Action
- (Be in) Trouble
- Turn back!
Blank Quest Cards
(Just notes at the moment)
- Ayumu's consorts are giant spiders
- David's consorts are land squids
- Michael's consorts are the Rats of Fortitude
- Riley's Consorts are the McArthur children