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This is the page for the RPGnet PbP Primetime Adventures series SPARCs! You can find the show's OOC thread here. This show chronicles the adventures of a mismatched band of teenaged superheroes, struggling to come to terms with life, love and loss while battling atomic zombies and doomsday weapons.

Cast of characters

The characters of SPARCs! are:

Fearless Joe, working-class hero and the team's newest member.
Livewire, a former sidekick out to prove himself.
Vigil, a crimefighter with a mysterious past.

Season One: Series Arc

Hero 1 2 3 4
Fearless Joe 3 1 2 2
Livewire 2 3 1 2
Vigil 1 2 3 2

Episode Guide

1.1: The New Kid

Supporting Cast

The SPARTAns, celebrity superhero team and mentors to the SPARCs.
Students, teenage cronies or rivals of our young heroes.