Atlictoatl games
Currently Playing
- Firefly: The Path of the Righteous wiki
- Apocalypse World 2e: AfterRagnarok wiki
- Shadow of the Demon Lord: Outpost wiki
- FFG Star Wars: Shadows of the Dark Side wiki
- FFG Star Wars: Seven From The Stars!
- Labyrinth Lord homebrew playtest: Dwellers in Dark Dungeons wiki
- Godbound: Dark Matter
- PbtA - Uncharted Worlds: The Myosho-Shintar Experiment wiki
Formerly Played
- ACKS: Wilderlands of Absalom (thirdkingdom) wiki
- SWN: Back in Black (The Wyzard) wiki
- B/X: Wilderlands Hex Crawl IV (Julius Sleazer) wiki
- B/X: Daybreak in the Wasteland (Julius Sleazer) wiki
- Blades in the Dark: Denizens of the Drop (Iustum) wiki
- Delta Green: Homeward Bound (Iustum) wiki
- Shadow of the Demon Lord: The Crossings Double-Cross (Tancred) IC
- Shadow of the Demon Lord: The Apple of Her Eye (Tancred)
- Barbarians of Lemuria: The Doom of Tyrus (Baeraad) wiki
- Urban Shadows: Shadows of the Tower wiki,