Husbaleve: Sorcerer

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- Main Page; The Liberation of Husbaleve

Description: Sorcerers have studied the arts of magic and can cast spells. A sorcerer begins play having mastered a single spell, but with experience can master more spells.

Restrictions: Sorcerers have access to any weapons and armor, but due to lack of training they never do more than 1d4 damage with weapons. However, encumbrance affects their ability to work magic.

Prime Requiste: Their prime requisite ability is Intelligence. Sorcerers with an 13-15 Intelligence gain one additional 1st level spell at first level. Sorcerers with an 16-17 Intelligence gain one additional 2nd level spell at 3rd level. Sorcerers with an 18 Intelligence gain one additional 3rd level spell at 5th level.

Levels Title Experience Points Hit Points Casting Bonus Combat Bonus Spells
1 Medium 0 3 +1 +1 1 - - - - -
2 Seer 2500 6 +1 +1 2 - - - - -
3 Conjurer 5000 9 +1 +1 2 1 - - - -
4 Magician 10000 12 +2 +1 2 2 - - - -
5 Enchanter 20000 15 +2 +1 2 2 1 - - -
6 Warlock 40000 18 +2 +3 2 2 2 - - -
7 Sorcerer 80000 21 +3 +3 3 2 2 1 - -
8 Necromancer 150000 24 +3 +3 3 3 2 2 - -
9 Wizard 300000 27 +3 +3 3 3 3 2 1 -
10 Wizard 450000 28 +4 +3 3 3 3 3 2 -
11 Wizard 600000 29 +4 +6 4 3 3 3 2 1
12 Wizard 750000 30 +4 +6 4 4 3 3 3 2
13 Wizard 900000 31 +5 +6 4 4 4 3 3 3
14 Wizard 1050000 32 +5 +6 4 4 4 4 3 3
15 Wizard 1200000 33 +5 +6 4 4 4 4 4 3

Starting Spells: Select one first level spell. If the Sorcerer has an Intelligence of 13+, select another first level spell.

Spell Casting Procedure: Roll 2d6 + <spell casting bonus> - <encumbrance> - <fatigue>. Compare to the following table.

Adjusted Roll Result Explanation
2 or lower Fumble Spell Fails, possibly in a spectacular manner. Sorcerer takes 1d6 fatigue.
3-5 Failure Spell Fizzles. Sorcerer takes fatigue.
6-8 Delayed Spell takes another Round/Turn of uninterrupted concentration to complete. Sorcerer takes fatigue
9-11 Success Spell goes off immediately. Sorcerer takes fatigue.
12 or more Critical Spell goes off immediately. Sorcerer does not take fatigue.

Fatigue: Fatigue is fully recovered from a full, uninterrupted rest. It only accumulates through spell casting. This is not related to physic Fatigue.


   1st Level:
           Charm Person
           Detect Magic 
           Floating Disc 
           Hold Portal
           Magic Missile
           Protection from Evil
           Read Languages
           Read Magic
   2nd Level:
           Continual Light
           Detect Evil
           Detect Invisible
           Locate Object
           Mirror Image
           Phantasmal Force
           Wizard Lock
   3rd Level:
           Dispel Magic
           Hold Person
           Invisibility 10' radius
           Lightning Bolt
           Protection from Evil 10' radius
           Protection from Normal Missiles
           Water Breathing
   4th Level:
           Charm Monster
           Dimension Door
           Growth of Plants
           Hallucinatory Terrain
           Polymorph Others
           Polymorph Self
           Remove Curse
           Wall of Fire
           Wall of Ice
           Wizard Eye
    5th Level:
           Animate Dead
           Conjure Elemental
           Contact Higher Plane
           Hold Monster
           Magic Jar
           Transmute Rock to Mud
           Wall of Stone
    6th Level:
           Anti-Magic Shell
           Control Weather
           Death Spell
           Invisible Stalker
           Lower Water
           Move Earth
           Part Water
           Project Image
           Stone to Flesh

- Main Page; The Liberation of Husbaleve