Terra Occulta
The world is a strange and secret place.
In lost valleys, ancient ruins wait to be discovered. From mountain-top labs, telluric rays cut through space. In the halls of power, hidden masters move puppet agents on invisible strings.
It's up to you to unlock their mysteries.
You're explorers, soldiers, men of science.
You cast light on the long shadows of history, walk bold across the earth, create the wonders of the future.
This is your time for adventure!
Welcome to the wiki for Terra Occulta, a pulp-action, tabletop role playing campaign featuring Telluric Weirdness, played with White Wolf Game Studios' Adventure! game. This wiki is designed to serve as a "series bible" and resource for the players and GM, to help keep better track of everything that appears in game. Anyone is free to edit the wiki and add to our game.
Cast of Characters
Two-Fisted Heroes
- Intrepid Explorers: The main cast of Terra Occulta; the player characters
- Private Journals: The personal journal of each explorer, filled with private musings on their fellow travellers, the villains they face and the discoveries they make.
Dastardly Villains
- The Usual Suspects: They say you learn the measure of a man by looking at his enemies. Collected here are some of the vilest rogues ever to walk the earth, and some of the noblest too - but all have crossed swords with our daring heroes.
Dolls, Fellas, Janes and Palookas
- Bit Players: The characters who've touched our heroes' lives. This page describes their family and friends, as well as the dozens of people who've walked into and out of their sight in countless smaller ways.
Agents of Change
- The Janissaries: Fanatically loyal bodyguards of the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, this order of expert soldiers and assassins was supposedly dissolved in 1826...
- The Lazarus Trust: An old explorer's society, the Trust employs our heroes and is the common glue that binds them together.
- The Marut Cult: A fanatical offshoot of the Hindu religion, sworn to guard the Naga Crown with their very lives.
- The Thule Society: An occult society bent on creating a Germanic Utopia, they'll trod anyone they have to beneath their booted heels.
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protons plus neutrons [URL=http://dso-jp.com/templates/default/smarty/templates_c/tmp/noacdrond.html]protons plus neutrons[/URL] [url=http://dso-jp.com/templates/default/smarty/templates_c/tmp/noacdrond.html]protons plus neutrons[/url] [url]http://dso-jp.com/templates/default/smarty/templates_c/tmp/noacdrond.html[/url] axis allies revised [URL=http://e-penguin.net/bb/images/avatars/gallery/icons/codomt.html]axis allies revised[/URL] [url=http://e-penguin.net/bb/images/avatars/gallery/icons/codomt.html]axis allies revised[/url] [url]http://e-penguin.net/bb/images/avatars/gallery/icons/codomt.html[/url] 11 pond pump wave [URL=http://www.saj-stepfamily.org/staffarea/kako/facilbbs/past/tmp/vigolqu.html]11 pond pump wave[/URL] [url=http://www.saj-stepfamily.org/staffarea/kako/facilbbs/past/tmp/vigolqu.html]11 pond pump wave[/url] [url]http://www.saj-stepfamily.org/staffarea/kako/facilbbs/past/tmp/vigolqu.html[/url]
Weird Science
Ancient Artifacts
- Cleopatra's Needle: A simple artefact from ancient Egypt, or a gateway to another world?
- Naga Crown: Artifact of devotion for The Marut Cult made of a strange green metal.
Modern Designs
- Sopwith Snipe: Successor to the famed Sopwith Camel and one of the best dogfighters in the sky.
- Indian Powerplus Racer: The masterwork of America's first motorcycle manufacturer.
- Rolls Royce Silver Ghost: Widely famed as the best car in the world.
Futuristic Wonders
- Death Ray!: The foremost tool of the mad genius Nikola Tesla!
- Doctor Bermuda's Toolbox: Various marvels and whizbangery created by Doctor Bermuda.
- Interferometer: An machine the size of an airplane hanger, it creates an inpenetrable force field by drawing bands of energy from the air through Fornier Expansion.
- Nutriwheat: A special hybrid wheat that packs the nutritional value of a full meal.
- Steviomium: A rare metal as light as aluminum but far stronger than steel.
- Zero-Time Reference Generator: A device that locks into the very rotational motion of the universe.
- What else can I Wiki? Wikipedia
- What is a RPG? RPG Wiki
- What is a GM? Game Master