Category:Game System
These are wiki pages with rules for various RPG game system.
A Game System differs from a Game Mechanic in being the sum of its component mechanics. Another definition would have a Game System as a coherent unity with which one could, with little effort, play the game; while game mechanics are more like tools with which the players must assemble a playable game.
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Pages in category "Game System"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- Ogre:CharacterCodex:Introduction
- Ogre:Main Page
- Open4E: Core Mechanic
- Open4E:Abilities
- Open4E:Actions
- Open4E:Defenses
- Open4E:Encounters
- Open4E:Hit Points
- Open4E:Main Page
- Open4E:Scenes
- Open4E:Skills
- Opend20: Action Points
- Opend20: Attributes and Skill Families
- Opend20: Character Creation
- Opend20: Combat
- Opend20: Contructing Powers
- Opend20: Introduction
- Opend20: Main Page
- Opend20: Powers
- Opend20: Sample Powers Lists