A campaign focusing on the results of some kids from Town getting copies of SBURB.
Don't forget to come chat with us on IRC at #chuubostuck on
XP Pot - Book 1, Chapter 3
- 1 chip of Corruption (Ayumu)
- 1 chip of Shared Action (Fitz)
- 1 chip of Decisive Action (Matt)
- A 4-chip Ritual: Heist! (Lilith, Fitz, Riley, Matt)
- 2 chips of Sympathetic Action (Riley, Ayumu)
- Fitzwilliam Gerald/aintAfraid, Mage of Void (As Played By DMGnome)
- Lilith Ivanov/teslaTerminus, Knight of Light (As Played By Count Dorku)
- Riley McArthur/ace7egend, Shieldmaiden of Blood (As Played By Cannonball)
Prospit Dreamers
- Matt Ritter/civilAdministrator, Seer of Space (As Played By Brontes)
Derse Dreamers
- Ayumu Mori/apocryphalPsychopomp, Heir of Doom (As Played By The Wyzard)
- Lily Watanabe/affectionateAsterisk, Witch of ??? (As Played By HeWhoSpeaksOfDarkness)
Gone But Not Forgotten
Blank Chuubostuck Character Sheet
XP Actions
- Available to All PCs
- Sympathetic Action, pg 49
- Foreshadowing, pg 51
- Discovery, pg 53
- Reaction Shot, pg 54
- Triggering or Participating in a Ritual, pg 57
- (Reacting to a) Transition, pg 57
- Ayumu
- Putting my faith in you, pg 139
- Suffer Adversity, pg 64
- Suffer Corruption
- Suffer Trauma
- David
- Thumbs Up!
- Someone Steals the Gift
- David is Late
- The Gift reminds David of his Friends
- Open Gift on his Birthday and reveal what it is
- Speculate about The Gift
- Others Get Jealous or Excited about The Gift
- Fitzwilliam
- Facepalm/Head-Desk XP
- Shared Action
- Shared Reaction
- Slice of Life
- Obsessive Action
- Lilith
- Overacted Speechlessness XP
- Shared Action
- Shared Reaction
- Slice of Life
- Obsessive Action
- Lily
- Suffer Adversity, pg 64
- Suffer Corruption
- Suffer Trauma
- Suffer Transformation
- Matt
- Science, Faith and Sorcery
- Decisive Action
- Wicked Action
- (Be in) Trouble
- Rameus
- Richard
- Riley
- Thumb's up!
- Science, Faith and Sorcery
- Decisive Action
- Wicked Action
- (Be in) Trouble
- Turn back!
Blank Quest Cards
Setups for Foreshadowing
- "There may be a few *glitches*, but nothing *serious*." - Lilith Ivanov, tempting fate
- Fitz has four disks. One belongs to Richard, and the others belong to "SL," "AD," and someone who's either "Ell" or "EII". All have been handled by Principal Entropy II, who drips mutagenic blood from his hands.