My Little Mahou Shoujo
My Little Mahou Shoujo is a long running PbP game on run by Bremen. Originally run with a modified Cortex Heroic system, then later ported to OVA.
Name | Element | Player |
Gillian Tell | Honesty | squidheadjax |
Grace Leong | Generosity | Unka Josh |
Laura Giambolli | Laughter | jamieth |
Modesty Flit | Kindness | Shawn Hagen |
Patricia Delambert | Friendship | Doc Chronos |
Amber Castle | Loyalty | GloriousDeath |
Dysis Horae (Inactive) | Forgiveness | Happery |
Alix Rook (Inactive) | Loyalty | Dawgstar |
Astra Knightley (Inactive) | Friendship | Bliss Authority |