Ironclaw Fur and Fury
This is the Wiki page for the IronClaw Fur and Fury, Play by post game using the mythic Gm system and Ironclaw 2nd edition
Running the game
Random table of current threads
Random table of current NPCs in Mythic groups can count as NPCs
- Robair family
- Hayip's family
- Master Cawn
- House Hawl (Coyote House)
- House Fin (Rabbit House)
- Destin
- Celeste
- Xote's Uncle
- House Chauveau
- House Robair
Current Combat
Potential plots
- Rival house invading
- Revolting serfs
- Rebelling guards
- Dashing rogue (and beautiful daughter of the lorf)
- Evil cult
- betrayed by the lord himself
- House civil war brewing
- House leadership succession crisis
- Part of House engaged in smuggling or other illegal activities
- Assassination/Kidnapping attempt on visiting diplomat
- A festival/tournament, in which the House's lord has bet more than they can afford and cheating may be afoo
- delivering a message along the Phelan border
- Hammel Playing Hayip Snoutworth
- Herodarwin playing Odion Robair
- Gaius of Xor playing Xote d'Chauveau