Strangers in a Strange Land OSE
Intrepid Adventurers
- Amonq, Daughter of She who Howls in the Night, Goblin Shaman L7, AC 4, HP 25/31
- Warm Pillow, a dire wolf, AC 6, HP 14/14
- Ulf the Mad Sorcerer, L6, AC 8, HP 27
- Gerrof Ranger, L6, AC 3, HP 41
- Tathlyn Assassin, L6, AC 5, HP 37/37
- PC Name and Link to Sheet. Class/level, AC, HP
- Retainer, same format as above.
- Blank Character Sheet. Go to sheet, edit, copy formatting, close, open up your sheet, paste, and profit.
- Meri of Levidford: Ostler, AC ? HP 2
Off on a Different Route
- Merise le Fey Godborn Eladrin, L6, AC 4 HP 30/32
Character Generation Guidelines
- Faery (elves, pixies, dryads, etc.)
- Undertongue (dwarves, gnomes, kobolds)
- Bestial (ogre, orc, gnoll)
- Goblin (goblin, hobgoblin, bugbear)
- Grog (common language of most primitive races) '
- Swampspeak (frogling, lizardman, troglodyte, etc.)
- Giant
- Draconic
- Law (must be selected through Proficiency)
- Chaos (must be selected through Proficiency)
The Ossuary
Encumbrance Ape
- Amonq
- Gear: 564
- Treasure:
- Total Encumbrance: 564 cn
- Movement: 90'/30' (Mounted: 150'/50')
- Amonq's pack mule, Not Yet Food
- Treasure: massive wheel of cheese, string of smoked sausages
- Movement: 120'/40'
- Tathlyn
- Gear: 450
- Treasure: 0
- Total Encumbrance: 450 cn
- Movement: 90'/30' (Mounted: 240'/80')
- Ulf
- Gear: 253
- Treasure: 0
- Total Encumbrance: 253
- Movement: 120'/40' (Mounted: 240'/80')
- Ulf's pack mule, Mist
- Treasure: sack (50gp, 10gp gem), small ceramic flask stoppered with wax
- Movement: 120'/40'
- Gerrof
- Gear: 690 cn
- Treasure: 0
- Total Encumbrance: 690 cn
- Movement: 60'/20' (Mounted: 240'/80')
- Meri (NPC)
- Gear: ??
- Treasure: 0
- Total encumberance: ??
- Movement: ?? (On Tathlyn's remount: 240'/80')
The Plains of Zelaia
Important Posts
- Recruitment Thread
- Cleaned Up Class Document
- Expanded Equipment List
- Cost of Living
- IC Thread
- OOC Thread
- meeting the caballi