Amanda Pendragon, Reliquary

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NAME: Amanda Tomorrow
CODE NAME: Reliquary
CONCEPT: Creepy Girl
POWER LEVEL: PL10 / 150 pp

Personal Details[edit]


Mandy is slight and willowy, with long hair so blond it's nearly white. Her eyes are smokey blue, except when she invokes a ghost, in which case they turn white (or red when the ghost has completely taken over).

In civilian clothes, Mandy prefers understated elegance. Since her Origin, she usually wears somber colors, but every once in a while hints of the slightly mischiveous, spritely girl she once was show through.

Her uniform is a black cassock with gold trim. (unless I change my mind, and since she's a fashion designer, I'm tempted to have her be always changing her costume)


Mandy grew up in Paragon City, surrounded by Wonders. The fact she didn't have powers of her own never bothered her much. Almost everyone in the family got them, eventually. (Except for Uncle Augustine, who nobody likes to talk about) She did okay in school, and excelled in artistic pursuits, particularly she had a knack for sewing.

Everything changed the day of the 20XX Universe Expo. Wonders from all over had come, along with scores of normal folks. The evil android Superior used the Expo as yet another plan to wipe out mankind. Using nanocontrollers to take control of hundreds of the attendees, along with repli-bots he'd secretly inserted into several displays, Superior mounted an assault to capture Dr. Thadeus Gold's Ionic Reactor, the centerpiece of the Expo. With the reactor's nearly limitless energy supply, Superior would be free from the need to recharge his own power cells, able to operate anywhere. Worse, he'd be able to run his nanofactories almost continuously. Soon, the world would be shrouded in the Age of the Machine.

The Wonders on the scene, those not compromised by nanocontrollers, fought back against the robots and occasionally their own people. In one of the bloodiest battles in Wonder history, they finally succeeded. The death toll was over two-thousand people, including several Wonders (five of whom had innate powers). And, in a way, one seventeen year-old girl.

Amidst the terror of the battle, Amanda's power emerged. She was overwhelmed with so many deaths. Only a fraction died close enough to her to be absorbed, but even so, the stress was too much. She fell into a coma.

Even upon awakening, days later, she was not out of the woods. The psychic cacaphony threatened her sanity. She needed months of telepathic and psychiatric assistance before she could even distinguish the living from the dead. One crucial source of aid was the spirit of Lady Brightstar, one of the fallen Seven Wonders. Dorothy Reynolds headed up the treatment. Mandy was moved from her family home to the Pendragon estate, where she could receive constant care.

Two years later Amanda was ready to face the world again. Judicious consultation with the ghosts in her mind made catching up on school work a breeze. If not fully reconciled with the additional presences in her mind, at least she could deal with them. The family reunion that year was at [location]. Amanda wandered into a conversation with several of her other relatives. They were discussing the tragic Expo and how much good they'd done that day. They decided to form a team. And Amanda decided to join.


Amanda is the quiet one. She wasn't, before, but now she's become a lot more withdrawn. Partially, this is because at any given moment, at least one spirit has something to say, and they sometimes distract Mandy. She's having a hard time remembering how to deal with living people. Occasionally, glimmers of her old personality shine through, particularly if someone makes an effort to draw her out of her shell.

She's determined to be a hero, even though the prospect of being around more dying people scares her. Lady Brightstar is trying to mold Amanda into a replacement, which Amanda sometimes resents. But Lady Brightstar was Amanda's hero as a child. And now she has kind of a girl-crush on her. (This is, of course, a really complicated relationship. Lady Brightstar was a lesbian, and now is dead. Nobody said growing up was easy)

Amanda's tactics usually concern protecting the innocent and preserving lives. She has to be adaptable, based on which spirits will cooperate and which have useful powers and skills to offer.

Game Stats[edit]


STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 16 (+3/+1)
CHA: 16 (+3)


Acrobatics (+1)
Bluff 4 (+7)
Computers (+2)
Concentration 8 (+11)
Artistic 4 (+6)
Diplomacy 4 (+7)
Disable Device (+2)
Disguise (+3)
Drive (+1)
Escape Artist (+1)
Gather Info 4 (+7)
Handle Animal (+3)
Intimidate (+3)
Investigate (+2)
Behavioral Sciences 4 (+6)
Current Event 2 (+4)
Popular Culture 2 (+4)
Art 2 (+4)
Theology and Philosophy 2 (+4)
Medicine 2 (+5)
Notice 2 (+5)
Pilot (+1)
Profession 8 (+11) (Fashion Design)
Ride (+1)
Search 2 (+4)
Sense Motive 2 (+5)
Sleight of Hand (+1)
Stealth 2 (+3)
Survival (+3)


Beginner's Luck
Sidekick (8) (Rikki and Tikki)
Attractive (1)
Benefit (2) (Wealth - total 16)
Defensive Attack
Dodge Focus (3)
Teamwork (3)
Equipment (2)


  • Spirit Vessel (resisted, possession) [10] - DC:20:will, Provides 15 points per rank (150) to duplicate traits of those who have died nearby

AP: Stun (Alternate Save, Will, vs. Insubstantial x2) [10] - DC:20:will
& Concealment (All senses, Passive)
& Detect: Disabled/Dying (Free action, Ranged, Accurate, Acute, Radius)


Base Attack/Defense[edit]

Attack 5 [Unarmed +0 (Bruise)]
Defense 18 (12 flat-footed)
Init 1




Toughness 1 (1 flat-footed)
Fortitude 5
Reflex 5
Will 10






NAME: Rikki and Tikki
Code Name: None
CONCEPT: Cute Animals
POWER LEVEL: PL2 / 40 pp


Rikki and Tikki are about housecat-sized animals that look a little fox-like, but with long, tuft-ended tails and stripes. Rikki is blue, Tikki is red.


Curious, generally friendly unless something threatens them or Mandy, and a bit mischiveous. Rikki and Tikki are smarter than normal animals


STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 10 (0)


Acrobatics 4 (+7)
Climb 4 (+4)
Disable Device 2 (+2)
Escape Artist 4 (+7)
Stealth 4 (+7)


Dodge Focus (2)
Evasion (2)
Improved Disarm
Improved Trip
Uncanny Dodge
Teamwork (2)
Attack Focus (5)


Shrinking (Permanent, Continuous, Full Strength) [8], Innate


Attack 2 (7 hth) [Unarmed +0 (Bruise)]
Defense 14 (10 flat-footed)
Init 3


Toughness 0 (0 flat-footed)
Fortitude 0
Reflex 4
Will 0


In Process

  • Wesely Quartermaine, Dead, but still smarter than you
  • Papa Smurf, PL 8 short blue alien with illusion powers, killed by the common cold
  • R.A.L.F., Robotic Artifical Life Form
  • Cesta,Brawler. Couldn't beat up fire.
  • Vangloria, Dead, but still pretty
  • Elastic Man, Back in his day, they didn't have spandex, which was embarrassing.
  • Snap, Teleporter
  • Strobe Light, Found out that armored cars don't go blind.
  • Vulcan, Demi-god of the Forge.