Midnight RPG - Chapter 36.873

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The time is endless, the scene is vast and beautiful - of colors and textures known only in your dreams... The stage is set by Eranon in this time of rest.

(Steve, you can describe the setting if you like)


Lady Alamath, council to the Queen, sister to Eranon the Stalker.
The light of the Lady's summer sun glares and fades, a silhouette beautiful and noble walks across the lush grass-bed floor of Mighty Erethor. As the sun whips through the elven gown of elven satins adorning elven councilor that you, Eranon the Stalker, know as your life-blood... your sister Alamath. So much does she look as your mother. So many years can be seen in her crystal eyes.

ALAMATH, council to the Queen, sister of Eranon the Stalker

"... I know you..."' she says almost inquisitively in the most pure Elven speak. "...You have done great deeds my Eranon. Your name is now scattered amongst the heroes of the line. They know the name as they knew our ancestors of old. As they knew our father's name before..." the girl pauses, looking down to a ring given her to remember the bond of father and daughter. "... Were you to return to Mighty Erethor you would be harkened with a hero's welcome my Eranon. You left an elven son and have become an elven prince, my Eranon." Alamath's opalescent skin soaks in the sun as her silhouette fades from the sun, fading from view.

And then a voice clean and stern sings in your left ear. As you feel your sister's breath, her lip quivers slightly...
"... but it is not of this compliment I come to you now brother."

Does he know, has the Lady's magics filled his veins, can he answer" Alamath thinks as she takes her brothers palm, as if holding hands as when they were children so many many summers ago.

"... I must know my Eranon, and if you've continued your studies..." she says chiding with a smirk on her smile "...you will reach back to me in dream as I call to you now. I reach beyond the pale of Shadow's grasp to warn you, a shift has occured my Eranon... Something... something has happened. The trees... they do not creak as they did yesterday..." [NOTE: referring to the days just before the time you know to be "the Battle of First-Hold"]] "... while the Whisper spoke in strained voice yesterday, he does not embrace and flow this day. Our people felt fear, the fear of being hollow for the first time and we do not know why. From the Queen's Academy to the Hamlet, none of the sages have defined the cause. Though our generals who know not of magic have wondered if this is a slight boon, with the unsure nature that has been caused of late with the Whisper's reported false witnesses. Generals from the far norther fronts between the Highhorns have told tale that the Whisper's relays had fallen against their wishes in recent skirmishes! The Elder Council looked to queer this, but the Witch's Council condemned it - noting that nothing could foul that which is timeless, our ancestors, the Eltheldar that breath the Whispers.
And though I do not trust this new faction, their calming ways subsided with


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