Midnight: Southern XP Rewards
the Vrolk Saga
Eye of the Beholder

* 1st Level: 0
* 2nd Level: 1,000
* 3rd Level: 3,000
* 4th Level: 6,000
* 5th Level: 10,000
* 6th Level: 15,000
* 7th Level: 21,000
* 8th Level: 28,000
* 9th Level: 36,000
* 10th Level: 45,000
* 11th Level: 55,000
* 12th Level: 66,000
* 13th Level: 78,000
* 14th Level: 91,000
* 15th Level: 105,000
* 16th Level: 120,000
* 17th Level: 136,000
* 18th Level: 153,000
* 19th Level: 171,000
* 20th Level: 190,000
Experience as of 1/04/08
Note: 105,000 XP needed for level 15
- DURGAZ: 91,000 xp Total = 14th Level
- ZAL'KAZZIR: 91,000 xp Total = 14th Level
- ERANON: 91,000 xp Total = 14th Level
- KYUAD: 91,000 xp Total = 14th Level
- SPECIAL XP REWARD: offered at the end of "the Battle for First-Hold"
chapter # 39:3
chapter # 38:3
Descriptions of the heroes Recap of Zal's dream to Aradil and the reprecussions Durgaz returns to the orc camp, dealing with the deserters, sending the Four the Four requisition items (as per Durgaz's order) from First-Hold Kyuad and Zal go through the marriage ceremony planning, scanning them for magics Kyuad gets "lost" in the scarf Zal confronts the Four and their Darkin Durgaz forces them to do as he says, not as he does - clarifying his orders Eranon searches for / stalks his cat Durgaz asks Captain Wilis for his opinion on leading men Zal gathers the "Council of Captains", electing a High Captain The group take votes in abstentia for First-Hold Zal "fixes" the vote of First-Hold's High Captain Nisse aids Durgaz in finding Kyuad, beneath the scarf, Dahal tracks Kyuad down On Eranon's return he sees the orc building something with the human "slaves" Eranon talks with Zal near the Worg den the group goes to the orc camp, Zal calls his nightmare the group comes up with the plan to unite the orc and the town Zal scans the orc for mental thought, Sardric is discovered within the orc group and Chokan step forward
Zal gives dream vision Durgaz talks to the orc Durgaz and Kyuad talk about language
chapter # 37:3
Inner Monologues of each PC's feelings of the events Eranon and Durgaz takes command of First-Hold following the battle Kyuad takes care of the dead, while Zal was dealing with puberty Zal deals with the Worg leadership Looking to find the dragon Kyuad stayed with the dragon learning it was quasi-undead Durgaz and Eranon follow the Razor tracks, learning the Black Buzzards had killed the Razor Orc Nisse goes to First-Hold to get Zal so the dragon could tell of the fate of Sharuun Eranon lets Varzon free As Durgaz tries to locate the Heart, the dragon turns and comes after Durgaz Eranon pushes Zal and Kyuad off the dragon, catching them in entangled trees Durgaz takes down Varzon, using his dragon-slaying sword ability Learning there's a link between Eranon and the Dragon Believing Eranon may be dangerous, the group shackles him, staking the dragon down at Zal's suggestion The group determine to take the dragon into First-Hold, burying it beneath the village The group finds the hidden 'Eye and Kyuad discovers the dragon's "heart" in the 'Eye