Forgotten Freedom:101

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Sa'vor sighed, so well for backup plan A. What he hadn’t told them was though relatively simple to apply.. they'd been devilishly difficult to create and maintain, they required several rare ingredients, a portion of his own personal power, blood, sacrifices and each contained a tiny portion of Sa'vors own soul. Sa'vor had already fetched the others, now he sat in his lab examining many dark tomes... he couldn’t remove them. no that would cause their deaths. then it struck him, He could transfer the cysts so that they where within himself! using the mothercyst next to his own heart he would call them to him using a kind of teleport system, it would cost him but as ordered they would be free of the cysts. He began to write down various arcane sigils and formulae... then the list of ingredients required to balance the equation. Sa'vor winced, that would be difficult to acquire.

Sa'vor rose and severed one of his fingers, it fell lifeless to the ground. he began to draw the Summoning circle with his own blood. placing six smaller circles within the Pentacle then a larger centre circle which he would sit in. he then placed a candle at each of the points, they where black as night. the fire once lit would be black, these where Backfire candles. quite rare. Sa'vor then placed his severed finger within one of the lesser circles.

Sa'vor: well that’s one ingredient done. (he crossed out the first heading on his list )

A part of the Cyst creator A Silver Holy symbol (blessed by a highup member of a holy order) Dragons heart Angels tears (concetrated) A Vial of pure darkness (concentrated) Blood of those in which the cyst where housed. (fresh)

he also noted down the chant he would be required to invoke. he frowned, it was difficult, requiring him to do it in magical darkness on unhallowed ground. first speaking it in Dark speech, then speaking it in reverse. it was quite like the cyst creation rituals, and like them it would take a week to complete. Sa'vor stretched, his mind began to wander on the consequences... most likely he would have to spend at least a day unconscious within the circle once the ritual was complete, one within him he would have to absorbed the cysts into his mother cysts and so replacing the parts of his soul that where within the cysts.

Sa'vor raised his hand and teleported to Satnaks location,

Sa'vor: Okay, To remove the cysts I’ll need from everyone of the Ubers a sample of blood.

Satnak: * glare* I thought you already had that

Sa'vor: this has to be Fresh, otherwise there would be inconsistencies within the ritual. i could end up triggering them if the blood is wrong or if i do any part of the chant wrong. Or i could end up pulling myself within the cysts. Just to reverse the cysts creation process i have to give up the living part of me. meaning that i will have the same weaknesses as most undead.

Satnak: Why should i trust you after what you've just revealed?

Sa'vor: you don’t have to trust me. Kyber, you can even watch me do the ritual. i would like to note that it will take a week to complete, a whole week. even after that I’ll be incapacitated for quite a while, if you want to enact some kind of revenge while im out then do it.

Satnak: don’t you have that whole destruction retribution thing?

Sa'vor: *evil grin* perhaps. perhaps not. though i doubt killing me is what you intent.

Sa'vor turns and walks away. as he reaches the door he turns back, Sa'vor: if you get your revenge. Whatever you do, do not in anyway damage the Pentacle or disturb it while im out.

Sa'vor vanished into the shadows...

Chalky - He's waking up fuschia, with muave polka-dots.

Silver: Sa'vor's gettin' no love.

13: Yeah…where's Slip?

Bunny: Eh, she'll turn up. I applaud Sa'vor's willingness to give up being living undead. That state totally sucks for me.

Silver: He did it under pain of Satnak.

Bunny: Even better. :devil:

13: Um… :blink:

Bunny: You have a look on your face.

13: If Slip's not around, who's controlling the ship?

Silver: I thought I heard something about her training to control it telepathically.

13: :thinks: Then when she and Sa'vor—

The ship does a barrel roll.

Liam finds Satnak outside of the infirmary.

Liam: Satnak, do you still have that shield generator I gave you during the Pun-Pun fight?

Satnak: Yeah, why?

Liam: Well, I heard about what's happening from the squirrels, and those reality warping Riven seem like the perfect opponent to use the generator against.

Satnak: Possibly. I doubt it will stay useful for very long, though.

Liam: I have an idea of how to improve upon it. I'll need something connected to a static plane. I might be able to get something whipped up from that. If I find that, I'll let you know.

Satnak: Good luck with the search.

Liam: Same to you with the fight.

Nalfein: I am most impressed. We'll finish this up after a short break. It's past dinnertime and I haven't eaten yet.

A Redshirt wheels out a cart with several covered dishes. After incinerating him, Nalfein pulls off the lids, revealing full spread turkey dinner.

Nalfein: Mmmmmm...this looks amazing. I'm starving.

He starts eating slowly, announcing his delight at the meal after every bite.

Nalfein: Oh, man. Norbaz has out done himself on this one. The turkey's so tender and juicy. The mashed potatos are light and fluffy...

  • SNAP!*

A half dozen disheveled campers jump out and charge him. You should know what happens to them by now.

Nalfein: Ok, I'm done with this.

He snaps his fingers and another Redshirt comes up, grabs the cart, and runs like hell. He makes it about 50 yards before immolation.

Nalfein: Now, seeing as one of you has managed to resist all my attempts to get you to come out, I am required to give you a name as per the reward for passing my class. However, seeing as I am a lying, cheating bastard, I have placed a Mage mark on the backs of all the students who entered.

Camper: *behind a ridge* YOU SON OF A-!

Nalfein: (i.h.h.) He won't expect this... :devil: (out loud) GATE!

A gate opens beneath the camper, and he falls right in front of an Imp.

Camper: You're kidding...

The Imp begins twitching, finally exploding in a gush of blood and gore.

Camper: EEEEWWWWW!!!!!! What the he-? :eek: :OMG!

In place of the Imp is a Prismatic Hellfire Wyrm.

Nalfein: *as the gate closes* Din din! Eat up my widdle schnookums!

PHW: :devil: :drool:


Nalfein: to my ears...

Earl - It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't broadcast to me. Elementals just don't reproduce like that. :eek: :mad:


Saberiel - Excuse me, can I come in?

Ketty - ... Your not gonna try anything are you?

Saberiel - I know better than to mess with Satnak, also by all accounts your almost as deadly and significantly faster.

Ketty - Um alright.

Saberiel - This is my daughter Lady.

Ketty - Oh Hello. I suppose you want to see Tirmek?

Saberiel - Yes, ... actually Satnak sent me in here because she thought I might have some advice for you. She's outside glaring at anyone who comes too close to the door.

Ketty - She always did get a little crazy about protecting me. I always wondered why she thought she needed to protect her big sister.

Saberiel - Satnak is... crazy, don't give me that look we both know it. Look at how quickly she forgave you. She had everything ripped from her when she was less than a decade old, now she fights maniacly to hold onto everything she has.

Ketty - Thats the way to say it Maniacle. What I remember of our fight is images of her with one arm and punctured torso screaming insanely. I hope to never see that look in her eyes again. :(

Saberiel - So Tirmek your a fuzzy one aren't you. Your gonna be tested little one.

Ketty - What do you mean?

Saberiel - He is born of the fiends, they will not let him go so easily. -sigh- Just like my little girl.

Lady is peering intently at Tirmek's open eyes.

Lady - KITTY!

The ground shakes and mountains evaporate as a magical duel takes place in the sky. A group watches from a slight distance, including a spiky red-haired young man, a blonde girl with a ponytail, what Lisa can only figure to be some kind of Warforged, another blonde in animal skins, a purple haired girl with large glasses, and a frog-type humanoid. Terra and a blue-haired man of about 30 fly back to the group as the duel ends.

Terra: So? How'd I do?

Magus: I was...mildly amused...

Marle: :rolleyes: You said the same thing when Lavos came out.

Magus: I found its power less than impressive.

Lucca: It destroyed Zeal in a matter of minutes!

Magus: Bah. It wasn't so tough. I give you a 3.

Lisa: Out of 5?

Magus: Out of 10.

Terra: Ouch.

Robo: Do not be fooled. He does not give compliments easily. He gave Lavos a 2.5.

Crono: ...

Frog: Indeed. He doth need to "lighten up".

Lisa: Oh, yeah. Thanks for sparring with me.

Frog: Think nothing of it. Thou hath great skill with a blade.

Lisa: :D

Ayla: Lisa and Terra strong. Ayla like. Show you village next time.

Lisa: If we come back this way, we'll take that invitation.

Crono: ...

Magus: *annoyed* Yes, yes, I know. I promised a critique. Hmmmm... You wield great power, but you're too haphazard with it. Constantly bombarding your opponent with spells only works for so long.

Terra: I wouldn't mind sparring with you again. I'm sure he'd like it, too...*points beside Crono*

OOKazier currently has gigantic cow eyes as he stares at Crono as only a fanboy can.

Crono: ...

Lisa: Believe me. We know. You should have seen him around Link.

Crono: ...

Terra: Sure. *to OOKaizer* Come on...

OOKaizer: :bigeyes: :weep: But-

Lisa: No buts. You promised you wouldn't overdo the hero worship.

OOKaizer:  :( Awwwwww....

After many weeks of stalking the corodors of the ship Chanse has finaly met Jarlot, sittin in Eriksplace in three day old clothes getting drunker by the mug.

Chanse: "So your the village Iddiot then? Strange, I thought youd be taller." [tone of pride stining mokery]

Jarlor [drunk and sluring] "H'w D're y'u! 'm Admiral Jarlor ir'Lyrandar, mighty Pirate."

Chanse "Save it for the campers old man, taht line didn't work for Gybrush threepwood, and it doset work for you. You call yourself a pirate? yuor nothing but a drunk. Admiral? While you sit here drinking to forget your sorrows and end out numbing yourself to past joys as well? while Ubers, mear men and wouman, your crew no less have more say in the shaping of this ships fate than you. And as for mighty the five nations Shipping comission has us down as retired, were not even in the running any more. Dead in the water."

Jarlot "H'w D're y'u! Y'u Aint bin here five minutes! How dare you talk to me like this? I could have you keelhawled."

Chance: "and yet I do dare, dosent that tell you something? Yove lost the miseque, the awe you used to have. When you lead there was a magic to it, beings no man would even chalaenge folowed you to death, madness and beyond. Now look at you." shakes his head.

Jarlot "Th'y think Im retured?"

Chanse: "Defeated, half of the five nations probibly think your in dreadhold."

Jarlot "B'g'r that!"

Chanse "Who are you?" [tone changing from moking to encoraging]

Jarlot: "I am the Admiral Jarlot ir'Lyrandar, legendary pirate!"

Chance: "Such titles are a burdan, is it the name or the man? Who are you? "

Jarlot "I am Jarlot captain of the Forgotten Freedom!"

Chanse "Better! and waht are you going to do?"

Jarlot "Im going to get us back where we should be, Best pirates in The world!"

Chanse "You going to make us all rich!"

Jarlot "Im going to make us all rich!"

Chanse "You'r going to get the crew in hand again!"

Jarlot "I'm going to get the crew in hand again!"

Chanse "Your going to strike faer into the heart of every captain to sail sky or sea!"

Jarlot "Im going to strike fear into every Captain to sail sky or Sea!"

Chanse "Your going to cease the Flashing Dancer and her crew!"

Jarlot "Im going to cease the Flashing Dancer and her crew!"

Chanse "Then I better leave you to it Captain, if I can be of use I am eager to do so." he heads out, but in an inside poket of his coat the gem he stole, the Tear of Breland, brightens, a swirl of something bluer than the saphire itself begiining to quiken on the risising tide of chayos.

Silver: :confused: How did Saberiel get back?

13: Timeline hiccup. …(looks over the posts)…At least someone is getting the piratical element back on track.

OOcat: I liked Crono Trigger. Classic. Not as good as Earthbound, but fun.

Bunny: Note to self: PSI moves would makie great ways to kill people.

In the great shadowy storm between Multiverses, a small island of light and calm pushes steadily ahead.

Tormos (a young red-haired half-elf with golden eyes) - It is difficult to maintain the sphere even with five Riven.

Lord Sirinon ( an older version of his son only blue eyed and the hair is begining to grey) - Indeed and by all reports Satnak made this crossing in dreadful condition.

Tormos - The warriors of the island are strong, they can do impossible things and treat them as trifles.

Lord Sirinon - Exactly, and any children you sire by the Borisheel girl will also be trained there.

Tormos - Despite her youth Satnak is The Breaker Prime, one of the three Titanic Warlords.

Lord Sirinon - She is strong and will bear powerful children to the Sirinon.

Tormos -...

Jarlot, now Sober[er] and in a clean dress uniform strides onto the main deck

"Now you listen to me you shiftless leavings of a droam press gang, all able bodyed and willing bucanears are to report to my ready room... Rosvelt, you are to build me a ready room. We are piarates and its about time we started acting like it! Im not forcing you but shares of the spoils will go only to those who participate, and those who do not will be rembered."

Admiral Jarlot: Hey there son!

Jarlot: Oh, gods.

Admiral Jarlot: Where do you get off calling yourself an admiral, huh?

Jarlot: I was drunk, ok. More so than usual. And depressed.

Admiral Jarlot: You're just being a wimp. You haven't been keeping the ladies aboard satisfied, either. You call yourself a Captain?

Jarlot: I've barely been mentioned in 25 pages! And I've been keeping them plenty satisfied. It's not like I've had much else to do.

Admiral Jarlot: Like hell you have! Look at this fine young lady right here.

Tifa: *latches onto Jarlot's arm* Love me!

Admiral Jarlot: See?

Jarlot: She doesn't count.

Tifa: :weep:


Ratchet: Boo-yah!

Terra: You get paid for this?

Ratchet: Hard to believe, huh?

Lisa: You demolish planets in the name of liberating them...

Ratchet: To put it negatively, yes.

Lisa: ...yet the people love you?

Clank: Confounding, is it not?

Lisa: That's an understatement.

Terra: Most of the crew would kill to live here. Though I think you may be trying a little too hard to compensate for something...

Ratchet: *holding a gun bigger than he is* What do you mean by tha-

Clank laughs heartilly as Ratchet figures it out.

Ratchet: :mad: :blush: Hey! I am not!

Terra: :D

Satnak - I knew I kept you around for a reason. Go pillaging I've stuff to take care of here.

Three Headed Prismatic Uber Wyrm (THPUW) - Why do I get the scud jobs?

OOCrystalforged: I kind of miss the good old days when Kanatash was the most powerful character on the ship. Kanatash: :weep: I miss those days too.

OOCrystalforged: :rolleye2: Oh, suck it up. Your still about third or fourth most powerful individual on the ship, heck in Eberron really.

Kanatash: :raincloud Yeah, but I used to be the first...

OOCrystalforged: But would being more powerful really make you better at driving people insane?

Kanatash: Well... I suppose your right-

OOCrystalforged: -As always.

Kanatash: :bored: ...As I was saying. So then, do you suppose we should get ourselves involved in Satnak's newest plot?

OOCrystalforged: Meh, I don't know. The plot is bizzare enough already and even I can't protect you if you decide to try and mess with Satnak personally, not to mention what she would do if you messed with Serene or Ketty.

Kanatash: True enough, why don't we wait until these Siri/whatever people show up.

OOCrystalforged: And then we let the mindgames begin.

Kanatash: (shaking OOCrystalforged's hand) Pleasure doing business with you.

Liam sits in his lab, scribbling plans.

Liam: ...add this to amplify the planar traits, a Local Area Converter for power, and a Gelman coating to block interference. That should do it. Now that the schematic drawing is done, time to gather the materials. Igor?

Igor: Yeth, thir?

Liam: Could you please gather the materials on this list? It may be something that could prevent the destruction of the ship.

Igor: Thounds helpful, thir.

Liam: Not sure how well it will work, though. If I could get some readings on these Riven coming for Satnak, it might be more useful. But I work with what I have. Thank you for your help, Igor.

Igor: You're welcome, thir. I thould be back thortly.

As Igor leaves, Liam gets back to the plans.

Satnak - *****hit*****hit*****hit*****hit*****hit*****hit!!!

Serene - I take it the situation has finally sunk in now that the series of shocks has slowed.

Satnak - Yes :raincloud

Serene - What exactly is going on?

Satnak - The legacy clans sometimes use arranged marriages as a method of alliance. Until recently it never came into inter clan conflict because it was also a tradition amongst the wealthy class of Half-elves that the clans drew the majority of their mates from. When the people began turning on us and the clans started inter-breeding it became more prevalent to slow down the effects of a shrinking gene-pool. Since My betrothed, The little slime ball Dekon, and his clan bit the dirt, normally I would be released from the arrangement. However the Lord Sirinon, Leader of the clans, Has decided to call the right of subsumation. In other words since the Tourn clan have died out and their riven now serves him, all their remaining contracts, possesions and responsibilities fall to his clan. Normally its a bad move, but the Tourn were wealthy and free of debts or obligations, aside from an alliance with the Borisheel, given my reputation it may just be possible that thats the real reason they're coming. IF it had been the Tourn I could simply challenge Dekon to a duel to the death and kill or force him to renounce the claim, The Sirinon are forbidden to engage in duels to the death. Mostly, because the riven offer such a massive advantage, but its become independent of that now.

Serene - Certainly they can't force you to bear children?

Satnak - With Five Riven? they might be able to. ITs unlikely though, that they would stoop to that. The problem is that they will assume that I'm just being stubborn, and will go through with the whole thing and then We will both be stuck until Either me or Tormos looses it and Kills the other in their sleep. Also since we are in a same gender relationship either you have to give back the sword and sever your ties to me, or you come with us as a ...a concubine. :( Under our laws I can oppose this legally, but if that doesn't work, I go down fighting Riven or no.

Terra: This is most certainly unnerving. It's like looking in a mirror...

Terra: I know. I've only met one of my alternates, and she was a b*tch.

OOKaizer: Actually...

Terra: I don't think I like that tone...

OOKaizer: Well...I patterned you after, technically...

Terra: I'm her alternate?

Lisa: Freaky...

Terra: Meh. It's not so bad.

Terra: Indeed. Though I am a bit envious.

Terra: Why?

Terra: You can still use magic. This world no longer has it.

Lisa: That's rough.

Several children come running up to them.

Boy 1: Mamma, are you gonna play with us soon?

Terra: In a moment, dear. We have guests.

Girl 1: Wow, cool! You look just like mamma!

Terra: *anime sweatdrop* :D :blush: Eh heh...

Boy 2: You're pretty...

Lisa:  :) Why, thank you.

Girl 2: Who's this guy?

OOKaizer: Me? A friend of theirs.

Girl 2: You look like a nerd.

OOKaizer: :raincloud

Terra: *puts her hands on her hips* Now, now. Don't be rude.

Girl 2: What? He does...

OOKaizer: :raincloud

Terra (this world's, not mine) gives her the dreaded Look.

Girl 2: :mymy:  :( Ok, ok. I'm sorry.

Terra: We'll be having lunch soon. Would you like to join us?

OOKaizer: :D :dancin:

Lisa: :ahem: I guess that's a yes.

Terra: Honestly. Tact. Look it up.

Serene - Then its simple.

Satnak - What?!

Serene - Ignore it.

Satnak - WHAT!?

Serene - Silly girl, you've never let law or property damge get in the way as long as anyone on board has known you. Why start now?

Satnak - Because these are my laws, traditions and customs my ancestors have fought and died to protect. Make no mistake if I have to throw it away to live free with you, I will, but I have to at least try to make them see reason first. Regicide is harder than deicide.

The trio of mindbolds walks up to Tifa.

Mindbold1: Ssso, you wantss the capt'n?

Tifa: Who are you?

Mindbold2: We can helps you gets the captain.

Mindbold3: But you must do something for us.

Tifa: Anything!

Liam is preparing his lab for the materials that he asked Igor for. Igor walks up behind him and sets a [i]bag of holding[/b] down on the table.

Igor: Here your are, thir.

Liam: Gah! You surprised me. I didn't expect you to get everthing that quickly.

Igor: But I didn't, thir. There were thome thingth even I couldn't find.

Liam: So, what do I still need?

Igor: Well, your are the only thourthe for your power converterth, and I couldn't acquire the Quilkern Tranthpathitor and the Gallimarki Reality Puncturer, but I did figure out a way to replathe them without too much loth of effithienthy. The Daanvi touchthtone wath altho a bit difficult, but I managed. Ith that everthing you need?

Liam: Yes, thank you, Igor. If I need anything else, I'll just ask.

Igor: You're welcome, thir. Goodbye.

Liam starts rooting through the bag, inspecting the materials Igor retreived for him.

Liam: Yes, this should do nicely.

Kithle - So one more time through.

Roosevelt - I've laid down a tacerie of splinters through the marked hallways and had them cordoned off. In addition I've treated the wood agaist fire and acid.

Norbaz - I've been unleashing the left over chilis in there all day.

Kanatash - The xoriat manifest zone is spreading through the corridors a little behind schedule, but it should be finished in the next day or two.

Feal'thas - the air has been laced with noxious toxins.

Chalky - the explosives are set and ready

Wescal - I've been up all night reading through these. It'll be close, but I think we can beat them.

Terrek - IF not?

Kithle - well then... we get mean :evillaugh

Satnak - Serene, this could get dangerous. The Sirinon have a history of being harsh with those that defy them. I want you to be careful, if things get too hairy get out and away.

Serene - Silly girl, I will stand by you through anything.

Satnak - Hearing that from you makes me so happy, yet so scared. At least promise to be careful.

Serene - I promise.

In the camper's huts (they may have been forgotten but as far I know they haven't left yet). Nemesis is sitting in her bunk flipping through a photo album while a number of other campers, including a disheveled Piffany, sit nearby, gossiping. A Nemesis flips to the next page of the album she begins laughing softly, this gets the other campers attention immediately as this is something that normally only occures when she is about to do something particularly terrible.

Piffiany: (nervous) Um, what are you looking at Nemesis?

Nemesis: (looking up) Oh, its just this photo album that Counselor Kanatash let me borrow. It has pictures of some of his experiments and their results. He said it might "give me ideas."

Piffany: And that's funny?

Nemesis: No, no. You see he seems to have accidentally left some other pictures in here of himself and his fiancee.

Piffany: Oooh, this sounds juicy, can I have a look?

Nemesis: :smirk: As you wish... (turns the album to face Piffany)

Piffany: :ghosted:

Nemesis: (looking at the other campers) :devil: Does anyone else want to see?

The other campers, wide eyed, all shake thier heads and hastily sidle out of the hut.

Nemesis: :evillaugh

Kanatash: :dancin: Ooooh, I can't wait. I hope these Sirion people show up soon.

OOCrystalforged: Ugh, why?

Kanatash: First, if precedent is any example around here, this is undoubtable going to come to blows and when a conflict comes to that point I get open season on the poor bastards. It sounds like these people are the real stick where the sun don't shine types too, and I always get a warm fuzzy feelling when I break them.

OOCrystalforged: I think you're seriously underestimating these people...

Kanatash: (unphazed) Oh, and I can't wait to have a crack at those riven things too...

OOCrystalforged: Um, not to burst your bubble here but... I know Satnak hasn't explained those things very well but when she did talk about them she used adjatives such as "unstoppable" and mentioned something about them being able alter reality on a whim.

Kanatash: So you're just saying I'll have to put some effort into it then?

OOCrystalforged: :rolleyes:

Jarlot and Marish see the newest crew member skimming the rule book.

Jarlot: So why do we need another mind flayer here?

Marish: Its the safest place. Hes a vegitarian, and if he does indulge, half the crew doesnt even count as having brains.

Terra: And the other half doesnt even rate being called 'vegtables'.

Jarlot: Sounds like a 50 - 50 chance that hes gonna eat someone.

Terra; With luck, he would start with Michael.

Devon: I wouldnt count on that, theyre in the mess hall, tossing back some brews.

Jarlot: Actually, I think he could do alright. And seeing as how hes got money, I dont have to pay him.

Devon: Drinks on you, then?

Jarlot: Screw that! Everyone buys their own.

Chalky - Whoa new guys not there. See that section is cordoned off by oreder of Kithle.

Chanse - is te captain not in charge of the vessel?

Skippy - and since when do pirates care about rules?

Chalky - haha, haha, heeeeeeeeeeee... No seriously I assume you both enjoy having skin

Skippy - generaly

Chanse - its most useful

Chalky - then don't go in there.

The three mindbolds look over thier work with glee. Before them stands three Tifa clones. One appears to have been combined with a kobold, another with a mindflayer, and yet another with a werewolf.

Mindbold1: My brothers, I believe we have done it!

Mindbold2: Yes brothers, we finaly have a way to take over the ship....

Mindbold3: Actualy, I'm a female.

Flayer-Tifa: Yay!!!! Now Jarlot will love us!

Kobold-Tifa: Tifa tifa ti!

Mondbold1: Ok, so maybe Kobold-Tifa has some flaws....

Meanwhile, were-Tifa found Jarlot sitting in the bar drinking again.

Jarlot: Oh gods, I've got to stop drinking that spiked ale.

Lord Sirinon (no he doesn't have a first name) - Be warned my, the info i have gathered indicates that Satnak may no longer be the sweet girl who saved you from that escaped zoo behir.

Tormos - :twitch: are you senile? Satnak :twitch: Sweet? she was the one who let it loose,... she was trying to get Dekon eaten, if her history is any indication she's going to kill me. :rant:

Lord Sirinon - Oh nonsense what about the time she saved you from your older cousin's assasination plot?

Tormos - She broke his arm trying to kill Dekon again. I'm telling you this is suicide. :banghead:

Lord Sirinon - Oh shut up and be a man.

Tormos - (i.h.h. will he say that when she castrates me?) :ghosted:

Lord Sirinon - We're here.

Gau: Awoooooo!!!!

Sabin: Get back here with my Powerbar!

Cyan: Sir Gau, please return my sword!

Terra: I think I've seen this before...

Lisa: Though Chalky would probably have taken a finger or something.

Edgar: Hey, ladies.

Terra: :rolleyes: You never give up, do you?

Setzer: Gambling's only fun when you have a chance of winning.

Edgar: It's a habit. I can't help it... :allalone:

Locke: You're hopeless...

Edgar: :mad: Shut up, Mr. I Got the Girl.

Celes: At least he understands that shameless flirting isn't the way to a woman's heart.

Gau: Awooooo!!!!

Sabin: Dammit, Gau! I need that to exercise! I can feel my muscles atrophying as we speak!

OOcat: I have to say, OOKaizer, you're ruining this honeymoon fast. I'm not even sure that my secret could do that bad a job.

13: Can you even be here? :confused: You have no idea what game this is from.

OOcat: I'm a trickster. Once you open the door, I'm in. (looks at watch) Gah. Got to get back, the riven are coming aboard.

  • cool zippy pan scene change*

13: Did we get back in time?

Bunny: Yup.

Silver: Actually seems that Tormos guy isn't all that keen on Satnak.

OOcat: No doubt this is going to be a major plot point……or we'll just milk it for jokes.……………Something's bugging me.

13: The fact that as this is the Forgotten Freedom, the #1 source for disturbances in the fabric of all reality, and so the reality-warping powers of the riven might not be all that impressive compared to what goes on here on a minutial basis?

OOcat: No…whether anyone will understand the word "minutial".

OOKaizer: I'm still waiting for "he who refuses to be named" to finish with his bit. I can't do much more than fanboy stuff till then.

OOcat: You mean OOCy-

OOKaizer: He said not to drag him into this.

OOcat: Meh. That's no fun.

OOKaizer: Anyway, you've never played FFVI, so you're not allowed to comment.

OOcat: Still, it's getting boring. Do you have more interesting things in mind?

OOKaizer: :plotting: :schemes:

OOUrial sits at a table in an inn somewhere in FF6. Also seated at the table are Shadow, Mog, Setzer, Celes, Locke, Relm, and Gau. Edgar is sitting at a table which is a court ordered 200 feet away from Relm.

Setzer: So you have complete control and knowledge of the events dealing with the rise and fall of Kefka.

OOUrial: Yep if you what me to get out the controller again to prove it...

Locke: Na you can only watch Edgar fling himself in the mud some many times before it gets boring.

Setzer: We were just wondering if you could help settle a few bets.

OOUrial: Okay shoot.

Setzer: First off is Terra a lesbian?

OOUrial: Yes.

  • sound of money changing hands.*

Setzer: Then those sounds from the girl's room at the inn were...

OOUrial: Yes

  • sound of money changing hands.*

Setzer: Who was the sceamer?

OOUrial: Relm.

  • sound of money changing hands, this time all going to Mog*

Shadow glares at Relm.

Relm: Sorry daddy. *looks innocent*

Setzer: What shape is the world?

OOUrial: Donut.

Setzer: Really?

OOUrial: Yeah the north and south connect, and east and west connect. Try doing that to a paper map you get a donut.

  • no money changes hands*

meanwhile Celes and Locke are having a side conversation.

Locke: So you were like with a girl? :D

Celes: Yeah I was just experimenting. It ment nothing. I'm really so-

Locke: :cloud9:

  • slap*

Celes: Stop picturing it! :mad:

Jaela: You know, I'm 18...

Jarlot is busy scribbling in more bans on magical augmentation of his daughter.

Jarlot: I don't care. They're still not allowed to touch you.

Were-Tifa is chasing a bunch of redshirts down the halls of the FF. Were-Tifa: WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME!?!?!?!?!

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