Forgotten Freedom:102

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Lord Sirinon - Hmmmmmm


Lord Sirinon - Now now son have some dignity.

Tormos - I just want to survive.

Five grey pillars of energy about 7 ft tall manifest with a slight tension in the air. Each has an indistinct yet jagged humanoid torso, arms and head. Each face is is marked with a different rune, the marks seem broken and cumbled.

One passes into the wall and an archway appears. The Sirinon enter, once inside the riven pulls itself from the wall and the gate dissapears.

Kanatash - Interesting, this way please we were expecting you. This corridor here if you please.

Slaypaw: Hmm. Reality-twisting? Unstoppable? Actually, it sounds a bit like the chili... Fluffy, we may have to put off Operation C.A.T..

Fluffy: **** right we will. Noone hurts my mommy! :mad:

Slaypaw: (hurridley) Don't worry, we'll do our best to help her. Hey...

Fluffy: What?

Slaypaw: Can the Riven make catnip?


Slaypaw: :eek: Just wondering! *whimper* Don't kill me.

Liam is almost done with the new device, when something starts beeping.

Liam: The Weir/Insan map? What's going on?

Liam rushes over, and sees seven new signatures on the map, two at slightly above scum size, and five at far past what Pun-Pun read.

Liam: Well. That must be the Riven. Now, to figure out a way to test this. Any overtly offensive actions will probably get me turned into a splatter, if that much is even left. What to do, what to do...

Liam mulls it over as he puts the last few components into the device.

Liam: Maybe just follow behind them and try keeping their powers nullified. I just hope they don't overload the system.

13: Mail call!

Liam: Bwah! Sheesh! Thanks, 13.

13: You're welcome.

Liam unfolds the letter and reads it.

Liam: I got your message, and I didn't think there was anything that I could do. Luckily, a sudden storm blew up, and we've been blown off course (wink wink). Don't know if this will reach you before we do, but it'll be a few weeks until we can reach you, probably. See you eventually, Warren.

Liam: Well, that's good. One crisis at a time is enough for me. Now, to test this thing.

Liam straps on the device,turns it on, and heads out to study the Riven.

Volrath walks up onto the deck and sees the riven. He then turns around, running and screaming, back to the lowwer decks.

Volrath: Nalfien, its happened! Someone made a archon with a high and dark templar fusion!

Upon the Hull a glowing pentagram formed, wreathed in black flames with a symbol in the centre. three black moons above a black pyramid. Bolts of black flame sprung up from each of the pentagrams points twisting a turning in the air before they joined. a black rent in the fabric of the world formed in the centre of the circle. a Ghostly form began to become clearer and clearer, It was Naz'roth. dressed in full battle gear with his staff clutched in his left hand. his very form was wreathed in black flames and his eyes burned with an emerald light.

the rent closed as he came through, and the flames on the pentagram died down. leaving scorch marks on the deck. He turned his dread gaze upon Lord Sirinon and his acomplises. his mouth twisted in a evil smile, showing his vampiric fangs.

Naz'roth: Ah, Lord Sirinon. Welcome to the forgotten freedom. *inclines his head* I am Naz'roth of legion, Daemon Lord and Ex-ruler of Korvoire.

Tara fades into existance frowining at the scorch marks left by Naz'roths entrance.

Naz'roth: And this *gestures to Tara* is my love, Tara D'vol, We hope you find your stay on this ship.. *slight evil smirk* Pleasnt.

Tara grabs his arm and leads him away to an area where they cant here them. Tara: What have you been told about those kind of entrances?

Naz'roth: Dont. I know, but if anyone was going to make an impression on them it would be me.

Tara: *faint smile* well, we should go and speak to them until we get the signal from the others.

Naz'roth nods, and they go arm in arm towards Lord Sirinon and his companions.


Bunny: I give the riven a 4 for Style, 1 for substance.

Silver: Maybe they'll get better?

Bunny: I seriously hope so. There's hasn't been any real excitement around here since…………what came first, Pun-Pun or Ariajni?

13: Ariajni.

Silver: This would be a perfect time to bring back Aerith. Just imagine her being all gushy over those guys.

Bunny: Maybe we should have some fun with them.

Silver: Can't think of anything good.

13: We could challenge the riven to a friendly realtiy-breaking contest.

Silver and Bunny: :mymy:…:thinks:…:shifty: …:evillaugh:

OOturalisj: Hm... Niether my mindbolds nor me are mentioned....

Mindbold1: do you hear that? We ain't important!

Mindbold2: Maybe we should blow something up.

Mindbold3: didn't you read the wiki link? That would be like the king of Breland killing of a couple dozen rare animals. Or the Silver Flame starting a crusade against humans for being too normal.

Lord Sirinon - Naz'roth...hmmmm the legendary magesmith Naz'roth! I would be honored if you would consider forging a bit of armor for me, I've got the specs right here.

One of the riven extends its hand and a bundle of scrolls are conjured into existance while passing seagulls disintigrate.

Lord Sirinon - Never liked those birds. Anyway would you consider taking this commision Ever since Forbes first brought back those daggers the whole of our world has been searching for more of your artifacts.

Tormos - BLOODY 13TH MOON! :doh: He's gonna be like for at least an hour. No offense why do you chose now to show up. He's had that blueprint ready since we found out Satnak was alive and he got this fool idea. Now that he's found one of his top three forge masters to craft the thing,... I need to sit down.

Another Riven pulls up a chair while a bit of the spare lumber stores evaporate.

Tara - (i.h.h. the kid seems to be on our side, maybe...) Why would your father need anyone to craft anything wi-

Tormos - The Riven can only contruct something you have the knowledge to make your self. Fathe could create fine blades, but they would still be nothing unto the works of a true craftsman like Naz'roth. I had to study carpentry to learn to actually make a chair before I could do even this simple trick.

Naz'roth and Lord Sirinon Have been pouring over the prints.

Naz'roth - interesting so by reshaping the paldroon we can increase the range of motion, but what about the... oh this is ingenious.

Lord Sirinon - Thank you I'm an ametuer myself but I thought that design might be pretty clever.

Naz'roth - Indeed I ... (looks at Tara) gulp... Igottagolookatthetime. *teleport*

Tara - :rolleyes: *teleport*

Kanatash - As I was Saying this corridor here please.

Lord Sirinon - Right lets get going. (i.h.h. I hope he can get back to me soon, he took the scrolls thats a good sign)

Tormos - (i.h.h. should i make a big deal about the traps in there? naaaah more fun to wow 'em)

Kanatash - (i.h.h. the old man is senile, thats the only explaination, the kid is hard to read, :weep: I wish I could get in their heads, but noooooo they're warded)

Tara - I can't believe you... your still pouring over the damned prints :mad:

Naz'roth - He's an ametuer all right but a clever one, these are good.

The sun sets over the ocean, the sky turning a deep orange as Lisa and Terra sip at their drinks.

Lisa: Where'd OOKaizer get off to?

Terra: He got dissed by a fellow Entity.

Lisa: So he's pouting?

Terra: More or less.

Lisa: Oh, well. At least he won't mess with us for a little while. More importantly, how are you holding up?

Terra: I'm all right. I still have a few weeks to go.

Lisa: I wonder what's going to happen when the time comes?

Terra: *smiles* We'll find out. I'm all excited.

Another Riven pulls up a chair while a bit of the spare lumber stores evaporate.…

Tormos - The Riven can only contruct something you have the knowledge to make your self. Fathe could create fine blades, but they would still be nothing unto the works of a true craftsman like Naz'roth. I had to study carpentry to learn to actually make a chair before I could do even this simple trick.

Silver: :pbbbtt: Anyone can do that. The body of your average female creature does that without any concious thought.

Bunny: Truely. And like Word Being says, the more power you have the less you really know what you're doing.

13: I'm confused as to why Satnak is afraid of these people. Pun-Pun had more power than these guys. Heck, Roosevelt could take these guys in a fair competition.

Bunny: Maybe they're smarter than they look? I mean, we see so many übers around here who just throw power at each other that maybe we're dismissing someone with an actual crafty mind?

Silver: I'm not dismissing anything. I'm just saying I thought they'd be more impressive.…………Maybe we could get Tormos to fall for someone else on the ship?

Bunny: That would be doing something useful for Satank.

13: Against the rules.

Silver: I meant just for fun.

13: Maybe he'll fall for Serene and we'll have a great battle for her affection?

Silver: That……is deviously twisted. But Terrek would fume at us.

Bunny: It's too bad no one on this ship is secretly in love with Satnak such that they'd do something crazy just to prevent her from being unhappy in a marriage with Tormos.

Silver: I thought I was the one who's supposed to think like that?

Bunny: We bleed into each other.

Silver: And who even in the insanity of this ship would be in love with Satnak? Serene not withstanding.

Ketty - Is she dead? *prodswith stick*

Serene - No, *sigh* just drunk trying to not to think about things for a while, I don't think it worked. :(

Satnak - .........(drool on the foor)

Kanatash: :bored: Is that it? I have to say that so far I am supremely unimpressed with these Riven of yours.

Tormos: Are you serious? The Riven have the ability to shape reality to our will!

Kanatash: ...Which is nothing new to me. I mean seriously, not only do they require you to know what you're doing they had to use actual lumber to make that chair? I mean please, they should at the very least be able to conjure objects from thin air or transmute the base materials from something else if they HAVE to craft it from something.

Tormos: And I suppose you're an expert on reshaping reality.

Kanatash: I am the resident expert, yes. You know perhaps a demostration is in order. (snaps his fingers)

Suddenly a pair of redshirts run out of a nearby door, apparently fleeing the man-eating waffle iron that is hot on their tail.

Tormos: :uh-huh: Ok, thats different.

Kanatash: Actually THAT (gesturing towards the redshirts) is completely normal around here. (stares at fingers and snaps them a few more times) THIS however is not.

Tormos: :confused:

Kanatash: (crosses his arms) You bastard.

Tormos: :rant: Now just wait one moment! You cannot adress me is such a way! I am-

Kanatash: (cutting him off) I wasn't talking to YOU, I was reffering to him.

He points behind him to where OOCrystalforged has just materialized.

Tormos: (exasperated) And just who in the name of the Soverigns green earth are you?

OOCrystalforged: Little old me? I'm just one of the random entities from beyond non-existance.

Kanatash: Alright now, what's with this. (snaps his fingers a few times)

OOCrystalforged: :bored: I can't be loaning out my entity powers to you all the time, if you really want them use your own.

Kanatash: Fine, I will.

Kanatash vanishes only to reappear moments later next to OOCrystalforged, now wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

OOKanatash: Happy now? (turning back to a very lost Tormos) Now as I was saying. (snaps his fingers)

A massive syberies dragonshard (in the shape of a ducky) suddenly plummets from sky (which has turned neon green), to crash into Sharn, destroying it (again). The resuting mushroom cloud streaches high into the air until a (hand-shaped) cloud reaches out and plucks it. The cloud then proceeds to slice it up and add it to the (pepperoni) pizza it has been constructing before lowering the pizza into a (dormant) volcano to bake.

Tormos: :blink: ...

OOKanatash: :ayyyy!:

OOCrystalforged: :whatsthis Showoff.

Lord Sirinon: (examining a nearby wall) Hm, intersting. Is this real wood panneling or is it fake?

Everyone turns to stare at Lord Sirinon blankly.

OOKanatash: ...You know I think you should be introduced to the captain's father. The two of you ought to get on famously.

Sa'vor Sat in the centre of the Penticle, energy sparking from him. the penticle glowed with crimson light. Sa'vors very form crackled with the power build up, He finished the chant. there was no way of turning back, even stepping out of the penticle would cause him and everyone who bore a cyst to die. it was time for the final ingrediant.

The original ritual required the creator to make blood sacrifices, this ritual would require the Creator to sacrifice somthing. Sa'vor chose his living side since he would survive the loss of his living half. Sa'vor raised an obsidian dagger, a ruby glamed in the daggers hilt and the crimson light higlighted the deadly edge. Sa'vor drove it into his chest, and instantly began to feel his life ebb away, Pain lanced through his and all the Cyst bearers very form. like a thousand white hot knives. Sa'vor collapsed within the central circle, the darkness was closing in on him... before him was a puddle of his own blood. Sa'vor smirked. at least he wouldnt die permenently.

Sa'vor awoke hours later (about the same time as Lord Sirinon arrives). He felt a slight burning sensation on his face. He smirked slightly. looks like Chalky had been at his work. Pain still burned within him, but every second it faded away. Sa'vor sent his mind within himself, the Cysts where all there, in each a small shard of his soul was stored.

Sa'vor: (i.h.h) Time for the second part of my plan.

Sa'vor reached within the cysts, using the call of his own mother cysts. he dragged them within its form. and felt the shards of his soul joining where they had been last. It would take several hours for the Cysts to be fully absorbed, Sa'vor oponed his eyes. Everything was the same, exept that no longer did the spark of life reside within him. his connection with Mabar had strengthened somewhat, but he had gained no power.

Sa'vor: Intresting

He attempted to rise. Pain shot through him, overloading his nerves. his form shook and he stopped moving. Defintly too soon to rise. Sa'vor one more concentrated on his body and mind, gathering information from the damaged sectors and beggining the healing process. The ritual had drained a lot out of him, The creation rituals had been one at a time so they had not had a large toll on him, but his was all at once. he was severly drained, most of his magical power was gone... all expept some eldritch power. that was already begging to reform.

He began to heal and regrow lost portions of himself, It would take at least another hour before he could walk. and an hour besides that before he could fight with any efficency. for all purposes at the moment he was helpless... he felt a spark of eldritch power crackle across his face. repairing Scar tissue from his younger days. Sa'vor smiled... perhaps not completly helpless.

OOCrystalforged: Well then, I'm gonna get out of here. I've things to do, places to see, sanity damage to inflict. Before I go I have a little warning for you two about the crew. One, if you DON'T bother or annoy the crew in any way, they're going to make your life a living hell. Two, if you DO tick them off they're going to make you wish you were never born. Three, if you get real uppity with them they'll see to it that your are never born. Take these words to heart, they will save you much grief. (vanishes)

OOKanatash: And now I'm going to erase all memory of that warning from your minds.

Tormos: Why?

OOKanatash: Because I'm a psychotic bastard and if you don't **** off the crew then I won't be allowed to REALLY mess with you.

Tormos - imressive, but the pizza sucked :yuck:

Kanatash - Wha :uh-huh:

Tormos - (holding a giant slab of the Pizza and making a face) lets see.

One of the Riven steps forward and begins re-making the pizza as a chicken fried steak.

Tormos - I can transmute, its just I didn't feel the need seeing as you had a lumber stock pile and we had run out of seagulls.

Kanatash - Whats that itchy feeling :OMG! MY ARM YOU BASTARD!!

Tormos - It was delicious. :D Now about that little corridor trap.

Another riven melts into the door of the corridor and gets to work.

Tormos - Splinter traps? creative, is that chili :twitch: , ooh a manifest zone nice. I give it 6 for deadliness, 4 for subtley, and 10 for creativity. Lets see fold space here, reverse gravity there, and done.

The trapped corridor has been transformed into a palacial hallway that somehow is open air despite being inside a ship.

Kanatash - ... I Hate you sooooo much. :mad:

OOCrystalforged: (flashing back in) Just to inform you Tormos, you have now officially ****ed off Kanatash. Also I would just like to state that I am in no way accept any responsiblity for his actions from this point on. Thank you, pleased drive around to the next window. (vanishes)

Kanatash: Oh, yes. This is far from over and I've only just begun. Don't worry, we'll see each other again... (vanishes)

OOcat: Did you ever get the feeling that the E.B.N.E.s descend into one-upping a bit too often?

Bunny: You're one of them.

OOcat: I need an outside opinion.

Bunny: Mmmmmmmmm…yes.

The trapped corridor has been transformed into a palacial hallway that somehow is open air despite being inside a ship.

13: Eww, yuck, they just ruined the atmosphere.

OOcat: Should I have these guys visit Erk's Place?

Silver: Pffft, like you could do anything interesting.

OOcat: I hate the fact that I only exist to create you. :mad:

Squirrel in white coat - squeeeee-eeeak chirrup-rup-rup squeak squeaken!

Lord Sirinon - Chirrup-chir squeaken squeak

Ketler - What are they saying?

Death paper - Something about unification theory and quantum physics

13: Somehow, it still involves nuts.

Lisa: You know, this was rather nice of him...

Terra: He's obviously planning something. He's sucking up in advance.

Lisa: Don't be so cynical. Maybe he's just as excited as us.

They sit before a large magical device. It functions much like Ketler's alternate universe portal combined with a scrying spell. Since it has become more difficult for Terra, and increasingly Lisa, to move around, OOKaizer decided not to drag them to other universes as much.

Terra: Let's see what we can find.

An image appears of a throne room in a dark and dank castle. A man in a blue tunic and leather skirt holding a whip is speaking to what appears to be a vampire.

(on screen)

Richter: Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!

Dracula?: It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by humans, who wish to pay me tribute.

(off screen)

Terra: that...?

Lisa: Allen?

(on screen)

Richter: Tribute? You steal men's souls, and make them your slaves!

Allen: Perhaps the...uh...same could be...said of... (looks at his script)

Director: CUT! Take five people.

Richter: Damnit! How many times? HOW MANY?!

Allen: *sigh* Doesn't this strike you as a little cheesy?

Richter: ...yeah.

Director: Quiet, both of you!

Allen: I was told I'd get to be Alucard. :(

Terra: To be fair, we’ve only seen the inside of some of your palace. We’d hardly know how “profound” this place really was.

Terrek: Then let me show you… Terrek: Come.

Terrek leads them out of the dining hall and down a long corridor. They come to a windswept balcony overlooking a grand city. Gilded towers that would shame Sharn (if it was still standing :P ) rise to untold heights, the ground so far below it can’t be seen. Being of all shape and size fly through the air and innumerable air-borne vehicles soar between them. Other beings walk on the sides of buildings, and some simply float from place to place. Amidst it all Terrek's palace stood above it all, dwarfing even the tallest of the towers.

For a moment the girls stand mystified by the beauty of the city taking note of the advanced technology in some places, and high magic in others. At a few spots, towers of dark crystal rise from the ground, obviously home to those gifted with psionics.

Terrek: Magnificent isn’t it?

As he speaks the young couple gaze upward. Where there would normally be sky, a massive dome rises above them. Outside it, they can see all manner of sea creatures swim about and still more towers, apparently for those of an aquatic nature.

Lisa: It’s… amazing…

Terrek: This isn’t even the capital. The palace behind you is really just a huge lab. I like it here. It’s very calm compared to the surface cities and hard to access, even for those of my realm. I spend most of my time here, that I’m not either on the ship or attending to affairs of state. Mostly I just let an elected body of twelve handle most decisions, what few need to be made, but I have full override power whenever I wish it. I wanted you to see this, because this is what I’m about. In the city below, there is no crime, no hunger, no homeless or many of the other problems that plague most cities. Things like this are what I strive for. Every little manipulation or scheme I may be involved in has something like this that I wish for the end product. Everything is just means to an end after all. I think that you can agree that nearly any means can justify an end like this. I am not a bad person. I have done right by these people, and they see me as a wise and just ruler. Most don’t even know of the true power I wield here. Those that fought beside me, or commonly their descendants, are my biggest supporters, because they know me. I frequent the city often, and all of the other major cities of my realm, even many of the smaller towns. I talk to the people, listen to them, let them know that I understand. I have brought them so many things, and led them for nearly five thousand years. *sigh* It really is hard, you know? It’s hard to convey something like this, that I am in fact a good man at heart. To you all, I must seem like one of the worst of you, and I’ll be honest, I’ve done things that would make Naz’roth cringe, but it was always with this kind of perfection in mind. When the time comes, remember that; that this is my end. Now I’m going to be completely honest with you, because I don’t expect you to repeat this last bit and because I want to provide an example. I created Serene. I put my very heart and soul into her as I did, but ultimately she was created for Satnak. I created her to love Satnak, to get Satnak to calm down a bit, to quit butting into my affairs, but also because that’s what she needed. She needed someone that would love her, could love her unconditionally, someone that would make her complete. Did you know that someone that has fought all the battles she has, been through all of it was really seeking only that one simple thing that eludes all of our grasp? Count yourselves lucky to have found each other, because so many others can’t find ones for themselves. I at least was able to do that for Satnak. (Terrek looks away, as though to hide the emotion on his face) Now I think it’s time for you to go; I’ve held you up long enough. Just remember what I’ve told you, and that in the end, you will see that it was all worth it…

Terra and Lisa turn to look at each other as they both fade out with a soft white light. Terrek stands out on the balcony for a bit longer staring out at the sea of towers.

Terrek: (I.H.H.) Satnak… if only you knew how much alike we really are…

{Fade to black}

Lisa: Any means to that end? Not likely.

Terra: Some things, no matter the benefit, are simply not worth it.

Lisa: It was beautiful, though.

Terra: I would have been far more impressed if he wasn't already in complete control of that plane. I'd only give him credit for that if he did it while dealing with the realities of non-omnipotence.

Lisa: No crime, hunger, or homelessness. At what price? They're virtual slaves to his will.

Terra: No matter how much they like it, no matter if they chose it, a cage is still a cage. No matter the size.

Lisa: If that's his idea of utopia...I want nothing to do with it.

Pholly is working away in his lab, beakers and small cauldrons boil ominously, but strangely enough there are no explosions. Needless to say, the crew is completely spooked. Devon cautiously pokes his head in the door.

Devon: hh-hey, Pholly. Whatcha up to?

Pholly: Hey, Dev. What are you doing here?

Devon: I drew the short straw.

Pholly: *confused look* What? Whats that mean?

Devon: Nevermind. Whats all this stuff?

Pholly: Well, I heard that one of the gifts the happy brides got was free baby sitting from some dumb bast...I mean...considerate crewmate. So I figured I could help out, too. Ive got some baby formula going in that pot, and some diaper rash ointment going in that one. Or is it the other way around?

Devon: Hold on, nobody had heard from them in a while. How do you know they are gonna have kids.

Pholly: Just about every couple Ive ever known has kids. Heck, if nothng else, they could always adopt.

Devon: Okay, so they adopt. What if they adopt a toddler, or someone who can tie their own shoe laces, or dont even have kids? Then this stuff is pretty useless.

Pholly: Not really. This stuff also doubles as a nice wood polish and furniture wax.

Devon: DOOD! You cant feed furniture polish to a kid!

Pholly: Well, its either this or Norbaz's twelve alarm chili. I think thats grounds for child abuse in this nation.....

Devon: Okay, you have a point.

Forbes - Now I know why we can't get along. :D

Terrek - I wish you wouldn't do that.

Forbes - So does Levy. :P

Terrek - Ok mr. flip, what do you think? :rolleyes:

Forbes - Its ok,... the towers are a little much. Overcompensating for something. :D

Terrek - Must you resort to that joke. :ahem:

Forbes - Get your tiny little mind out of the gutter, I was talking about the fact that your... Followers? citizens? are a bunch of molly-coddled weaklings.

Terrek - Oh and raising generation after generation of powerful, cunning, brutal, ambitious sociopaths is so much better. (enough sarcasm to take down a bull elephant)

Forbes - Any ten of mine vs. your whole plane, we stay out.

Terrek - Thats not what I meant and you know it. Get to the point serpent. :mad:

Forbes - Tell Naz'roth the daggers work fine,... oh queen's bishop takes king's knight, check and mate, thats 51 to 50. Bye *astral caravan*

Tormos - Lets get this overwith father, I didn't schlep this disgusting thing across a multiverse to just let it keep rotting.

Lord Sirinon - But the squirrels, are about to reveal the great question.

Tormos - Who cares? we have the answer.

Lord Sirinon - Yes but 42 only tells you so much without some context.

Tormos - Listen I've had it you senile rest home reject, I wanna get this over with as fast as possible so I can get home and start regrowing the inevitable lost limbs :rant:

Lord Sirinon - Suck it up boy.

Tormos - Suck what up, I'll be lucky to walk out of this in less than 3 pieces, scratch that I'd be overjoyed to just be able to walk ou....tuh.... :drool: woah

Lord Sirinon - Boy, now you've gone and drooled all over my shoe (i.h.h. dern kid's lost it :looloo: )

Disarray - Can I go Home now :surrender ?

Ketty - :noway: Get my Sister sober, and pick up some more diapers.

Tirmek - Merowaaaaaah :tantrum:

Tormos - Suck what up, I'll be lucky to walk out of this in less than 3 pieces, scratch that I'd be overjoyed to just be able to walk ou....tuh.... :drool: woah

Silver: This. Is. Going. To. Be. Fffffffffffffffun.

there is no crime, no hunger, no homeless or many of the other problems that plague most cities.

13: :confused: What's the fun in that?

Bunny: Yeah, people need problems. It's just how they work.

Disarray - Bloody heave ho... Satnak stop stepping on me.

Serene - Just keep her up I thinks she's coming around.

Disarray - ow...Ok she did that on purpose she's sober enough to be annoying, she's sober enough you can handle her. I still need to find some diapers, out. (again with the oozing through the floor)

Serene - I keep expecting to have to clean the floor after that.

Tormos - Satnak its been years, I never expected to see you of all people in an out fit like that.

Serene - We're a little busy here right now.

Tormos - Oh sorry, but could you introduce me to your friend when she's not so out of it.

Serene - :nonono: I think your confused, I'm Serene the silly drunk here is Satnak.

Tormos - :blink: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: (i.h.h. .... i'm not gonna be walking away from this now, reset goal to being able to twitch feebly)

Tormos - Satnak its been years, I never expected to see you of all people in an out fit like that.

Serene - We're a little busy here right now.

Tormos - Oh sorry, but could you introduce me to your friend when she's not so out of it.

Serene - :nonono: I think your confused, I'm Serene the silly drunk here is Satnak.

Tormos - :blink: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: (i.h.h. .... i'm not gonna be walking away from this now, reset goal to being able to twitch feebly) Silver: Told you this would be fun. :devil:

13: Hey, I'm the one who predicted it.

OOotherpeople: Show me the proof!

13: Maybe he'll fall for Serene and we'll have a great battle for her affection?

OOC: Was that too easy?

Tormos (shoulder devil) - Back away slowly, and escape with all your limbs intact.

Tormos (shoulder angel) - Press on, be of aid mayhap you can win her heart and hand for real.

Tormos - (i.h.h. does this mean my father's insanity is genetic)

T.S. Devil - no, but that does

Tormos (shoulder fanboy) - she is sooooooooooo awesome!!!, lookithertailandthestripesandthegemeyes

Tormos - (i.h.h. :twitch: )

Tormos - Well then Serene (i.h.h. odd name) allow me to assist.

A riven moves through Satnak, once through it reeks of booze.

Satnak - Wha...? OH **** not now, not yet.

Serene - THATS HIM?!

Satnak - Tormos, yep, he's older but the hair is an unmistakeable family trait.

Serene - You stay away from her, get back away right now.

Tormos - :eek: :confused: huh?

(In Terrek's room on the FF)

  • knock knock*

Terrek: Enter.

13: Mail for you. *hands him a package*

Terrek: This is...from Terra and Lisa? How'd you- nevermind. I sometimes forget you can do the impossible because you don't exist.

13 leaves as he opens the box. In it is a bag with a letter attached to it. The letter reads as follows:


Though we can understand and accept that such action is merely part of your nature, we find ourselves unable to accept your gifts any longer. Though you hid the "catch" well, I am hardly an amateur when it comes to noticing spells and magical manipulation. This kind of charm is by far the most advanced of it's kind I have ever seen, but not the first by any means. You are quite skilled, but never underestimate Woman's Intuition.

I'll have you know it took me two weeks to locate the source of the enchantments and a full month to purge our systems of all their effects. It was also quite unpleasant to unbind the familiar. However, having friends in high places has its benefits. My allies in Zilargo were beside themselves with grief when I said they couldn't keep the elemental graft.

I cannot stress enough the extent of my unhappiness with this turn of events. Though I am feared by a great many people, I am also known for my word. My agreements are made in good faith and always kept if that good faith is returned. A gift is not much different. No amount of power is worth manipulation. If it mean't we could live free, I would give up every last bit I had.

At this time, I will assume you misjudged either my ability to find it or the severity of my reaction to it. Either way, such a slight would normally warrent a rather harsh reprisal. However, for several reasons, I will not do so. First, Satnak is our friend, and any action taken against you would likely upset Serene. Second, any solo action against you would likely result in grave injuries for myself, if I even managed to walk away at all. Not to mention that you are technically a member of the crew. I respect Captain Jarlot, and to this end I will not let a vendetta that would solve little and hurt much take place under his watch.

As a suitable resolution to this, mark my life-debt paid in full.

Signed: Terra Branford Lisa Hopeforge

Annotated by Reman Wescal

Opening the bag, he finds the bottle with the silver elemental graft and the satchel with the tentacle whip familiar inside. They have been wiped clean of any signs of the girls lifeforce.

Terrek: Well, she certainly is thorough...

Terrek: Hmph. I figured that might happen. Perhaps it was not the smartest idea to begin with. Perhaps returning them free of the enchantments as a gesture of good faith would help. I will have to seriously tone down their abilities though…

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