Forgotten Freedom:Yuan Kulanni

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Yuan Kulanni

Race unknown, possibly Kalashtar/Elf mix

Class(es) Unknown, possibly a spellcaster

He speaks very seldom of his past or profession, and seems unnatually adept at deflecting these questions. Elina seems completely smitten with him, and is often more than adquate to keep others from pestering him enough to get anything useful out of him. He is always polite and cordial, addressing Elina almost constantly as 'My Lady'. To everyone else, he is likewise polite, and it takes quite a lot to get him riled up. Sarcastic, angry, or haughty speech is almost unheard of from him. He can come off as a bit of a snob, but it is entirely unintentional. He is merely extremely well-mannered.

He bears an Aberrant Dragonmark, but what it does has yet to be seen. In fact, he has yet to be display anything that would indicate any combat proficiency at all. He dislikes confrontation, choosing to use words rather than violence. Many of Elina's friends and family have tried to glean more information about him, but to no avail. By all laws of divination and psionics, he should not exist except for here and now.

Tirmek and Sarah are intensely mistrustful of him for different reasons. Timrek finds him simply too perfect for Elina and just plain creepy. Sarah can't quite identify it, but something about his smell is just wrong. Scias dislikes him to the point that he has actually bit him. Like Sarah, he thinks he "s-s-s-s..........smells funny". Terra and Lisa are very uncertain about Elina's new boyfriend, and are watching the two of them closely. They dare not break them up without reason, as Elina is only just beginning to emerge from her angry shell.

The impression one gets when seeing Yuan and Elina together is of a knight and his princess. He sees that she is happy, but also sees that she takes everything into consideration first. For example, he has repeatedly (and respectfully) denied Elina's advances. He says he wishes to become better aquainted first, and wants to be certain that Elina is not 'merely indulging a passing fancy'. He is well aware that she does not need a bodyguard, Elina is easily one of the strongest members of the crew. He instead concerns himself with her peace of mind. She may be a warrior, but she is still a young woman.

For her part, Elina is going crazy. Every time Yuan turns down her advances, it only makes her want him more. It is almost to the point where Elina may hold him down next time she goes for a kiss.


The secret behind Yuan has at least been partially revealed. He was, in fact, a part of Ivy's soul, more specifically his 'manliness' and the part that desired Elina, that was stolen between his death and subsquent ressurection. This 'soul fragment' was not alone. With it were bound pieces of Arijani, Theronas, Halester, Cardinal Krozen, and Terra's older, corrupted siblings, Haru and Amelia. Each was hidden behind Yuan's natural good aura, and only appeared at the very end. As part of Ivy, Yuan fought back against the rest in defense of Elina, allowing Lilly time to destroy the lot of them. Yuan has since rejoined Ivy, so perhaps the young man will stop cross-dressing now...