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* [[Daniel Young]] [age 35]: [[Julie Young]]'s estranged and abusive husband and father of [[Alex Young|Alex]] and [[Maggie Young|Maggie]].  Legally represented by [[Milos Wiazowski|Milos]], he's recently filed for divorce.
* [[Daniel Young]] [age 35]: [[Julie Young]]'s estranged and abusive husband and father of [[Alex Young|Alex]] and [[Maggie Young|Maggie]].  Legally represented by [[Milos Wiazowski|Milos]], he's recently filed for divorce.

* [[Monica Amen-Asia]], aka. '''CONTACT''', [age 35]: Boston, MA. Former Executive Director with Time Warner Book Group, Current Director of Communications Kings Farm. Possesses strong telepathic abilities.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Monica Amen-Asia]]''', aka. '''CONTACT''', [age 35]: Boston, MA. Former Executive Director with Time Warner Book Group, Current Director of Communications Kings Farm. Possesses strong telepathic abilities.
* [[Gerald 'Gerry' Suggs]], aka. '''HOAX''',  [age 44]: Brooklyn, NYC. A former Fish Terminal Dock Supervisor, Gerald is a small "big man." His education comes from the streets and his old man's backhand. Growing up the son of a failed professional boxer, he's only two generations from Italy. Gerald has exhibited the ability to create life-like illusions. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Gerald 'Gerry' Suggs]]''', aka. '''HOAX''',  [age 44]: Brooklyn, NYC. A former Fish Terminal Dock Supervisor, Gerald is a small "big man." His education comes from the streets and his old man's backhand. Growing up the son of a failed professional boxer, he's only two generations from Italy. Gerald has exhibited the ability to create life-like illusions. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* [[Joshua Gardiner]], aka. '''JITTER''', [age 23]: Venice Beach, CA. Shit-video and porn shop manager, stereotypical "surfer/skater" personality. Can powerfully and precicely control vibrations or perhaps kinetic energy. Has also shown the ability to see and effect things on Jack's "astral plane." A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Joshua Gardiner]]''', aka. '''JITTER''', [age 23]: Venice Beach, CA. Shit-video and porn shop manager, stereotypical "surfer/skater" personality. Can powerfully and precicely control vibrations or perhaps kinetic energy. Has also shown the ability to see and effect things on Jack's "astral plane." A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* [[Sandra Navarro]], aka. '''OLYMPIC''', [age 26]: Thunder Bay, Canada. Canadian Olympic Team Member. Can grow her body to at least 36' tall, increasing in strength to match, while maintaining her physical proportions. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Sandra Navarro]]''', aka. '''OLYMPIC''', [age 26]: Thunder Bay, Canada. Canadian Olympic Team Member. Can grow her body to at least 36' tall, increasing in strength to match, while maintaining her physical proportions. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* [[Roger Wade]], aka. '''VEIL''', [age 29]: Crystal City/Arlington, VA. Has an unknown attachment to the National Clandestine Service. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Roger Wade]]''', aka. '''VEIL''', [age 29]: Crystal City/Arlington, VA. Has an unknown attachment to the National Clandestine Service. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
* Survivor ''' #127 -  [[Joseph Pomeroy]]''', aka. '''ZERO POINT''', [age 30]: Lightning Energy Blast 15 (Extra: Area; Ground Strike, Flaw: Requires Rote/Gesture, Centered on Self Only, delayed one round; Super Con/Str/Wis, Immunity (Life Support, Own Powers), Protection 4, Super Senses 2 (Extended Sight, and Hearing), Flight 5)
* Survivor  '''#201 - [[Althea Hodges]]''', aka. '''RETCH''', [age 42]: Has the ability to cause Nausiation and Paralyzation.  Can also mildly cure Fatigue and Exhaustion.
* Survivor  '''#232 - [[Alan Hardin]]''', aka. '''TILT''' [age 28]: Alan's body is resistant to damage, but can dent or buckle like aluminum at this point he needs aid unbending himself!  His skin has a metalic glaze. Although his main ability is a powerful punch (which collapses him fist).
* Survivor  '''#148 - [[Emma Woodhull]]''', aka. '''OCKHAM''' [age 26]: Emma is immune to the laws of physics, she has not experimented completely with this ability but it is believed she could do anything.  At present she had choosen to fly and be uneffected by gravity and weight proportions.  Although she is not super strong to punch.  The theory is that she exemplifies Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation being, she chooses not to believe in those laws anymore and they don't effect her.  She rides on the top of aircraft for fun now, her hair doesn't move...
The Progentitors, a diverse group of Godlike who share a common philosophy. A direct result of this philosophy is that the group willingly embraces it's evolved status, and ergo claim biological superiority to humans. While the outside world view the Progentitors as a single group (the Progeny) it is actually a coalition of different interestes united by philosophy and their leader, the Future. The philosophy is that Godlike can only be governed by their peers, freeing its members from the obligations of human law.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Kimberly Dow]]''', aka. '''CALAMITY''', [age 26]: Survivor #132. Known to have telekinetic power on both fine and high scale levels.<br> '''''"You don't get it, we're not different, we're not special, this is who we are, our power is part of us, I'm not an anomoly."'''''
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Ronald Kemp]]''', aka. '''GUTTERSNIPE''', [age 29]: Survivor #35. Witnessed with extreme agility and wall-clinging ability.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Dallas Cox]]''', aka. '''MONGREL''', [age 34]: Survivor #65. Possesses the ability to merge living organizms and alter their shape.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Carry London]]''', aka. '''PRIMAL''', [age 25]: Flight Attendant, Survivor #7. Able to call and control animal of all types.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Gregory Friend]]''', aka. '''CONCRETE SAVAGE''', [age 27]: Survivor #206. Gregory is dating John Gantt. Possessing the ability to merge with stone/concrete type materials, shaping himself into the mass.  Known to have immense strength, protection and elongation ability.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[John Gantt]]''', aka. '''BLEACH''', [age 18]: Survivor #89. John has been dating Gregory Friend since they met, following 9/11 transtormation thanks to Calamity.  He has the ability to spray sentient beings with a bleach-like liquid, this seemingly drains the target's mental capabilities.  Also forcing control problems for Godlike abilities.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Isaias Kinder]]''', aka. '''SICKLE''', [age 17]: Survivor #192. Isaias' limbs and body have a unique ability to slice through anything.  When cutting his hands/feet/etc... seem to hone to a blade-like slant.
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Peter Reese]]''', aka. '''BALLISTIC''', [age 22]: Survivor #256. With the power to shrink to microscopic sizes as well as flight at incredible speeds when this small - using himself as a bullet!
* Survivor ''' # ??? -  [[Catherina Torres]]''', aka. '''FIREBRAND''', [age 25]: Survivor #187. Kat has the ability to fire white hot phosferous liquid energy from her eyes at great distance.  She is also able to control the direction of this energy not needing to fire in direct lines.  The energy is a powerful dissintigration effect reducing the target to crystaline shards.
* Survivor ''' #160 -  [[Bendis Arteaga]]''', aka. '''K-BACK''', [age 24]: Kinetic Energy controller
** Survivor ''' #161 -  [[Ben Arteaga]]''', aka. '''KID ANYTHING''', [age 9]:  Alt Form, can transform his body into anything he touches.

* [[Khalid Atta]] [age ]:
* [[Khalid Atta]], aka. ''' ??? ''',  [age 21]: Hijacker, At the time of the hi-jacking Khalid was the youngest of the terrorists at age 18.  Survivor  #14.  Powers unknown at this time.
* Survivor  '''#208 - [[Judith Richey]]''' [age 92]: .
** Survivor '''#209 - [[Albert Richey]]''' [age 88]: Albert unknowingly has the ability to alter reality.
** Survivor  '''#198 - [[Tracy Richey]]''', aka. '''CACOPHONY''' [age 15]: Tracy is the great-great-granddaughter of Albert and Judith Richey.  She has the ability to baffle the senses - audio, visual, and scent - this works much like a blaring light/sound show but does not extend beyond the targets.

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*  [[Dick Cheney]] [age ]:: Vice President of the United States of America
*  [[Dick Cheney]] [age ]:: Vice President of the United States of America

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===[[NO MAN'S LAND]] Facility===
===[[NO MAN'S LAND]] Facility===
* [[General Grater]] [age ]: Officer in charge of [[No Man's Land]]
* [[Lieutenant General Stanford Grater]] [age 61]: Officer in charge of [[No Man's Land]]
* [[NoMan]]:  aka. '''GENERAL NOMAN''',  the AI computer avatar for the No Man's Land military facility.

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** [[Dr. Clay Siegall]] [age ?]: Celera - Seattle Genetics Inc. President and CEO.
** [[Dr. Clay Siegall]] [age ?]: Celera - Seattle Genetics Inc. President and CEO.

*  [[Dr. Stephen LaBerge]]: 

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** [[Cory Sellers]] [age 16]: Carrie's brother.  Apparently hated his sister for her return and her abilities to shapeshift.
** [[Cory Sellers]] [age 16]: Carrie's brother.  Apparently hated his sister for her return and her abilities to shapeshift.
** [[Jessie Trundel]] [age 15]: Young white boy from Athens, GA.    '''DECEASED''':  Jessie was killed by [[Mandy Smith]] after she burned his face/neck by snapping his neck.  Mandy's fingerprints were burned into his neck.  He was the most vocal of the boys, possibly their "leader".  
** [[Jessie Trundel]] [age 15]: Young white boy from Athens, GA.    '''DECEASED''':  Jessie was killed by [[Mandy Smith]] after she burned his face/neck by snapping his neck.  Mandy's fingerprints were burned into his neck.  He was the most vocal of the boys, possibly their "leader".  
'''The following''' is a list of people that have appeared in issues of American Gods, organized by their relationship with the [[Main Cast]]. 
==[[Brian Jaffe]]==
* '''[[Senator Lincoln Chafee]]''' [age 52]: Brain Jaffe's former boss.  Serving a six-year term in the United States Senate (until 2007).  (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
* '''[[Matthieu Chalfant]]''' [age 35]: Brian's law school chum and former biotechnology lobbyist.  He recently accepted a position with the Hopewell Foundation as Director of Biotechnology Research.  (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
* [http://www.cnn.com/CNN/anchors_reporters/cooper.anderson.html|'''Anderson Cooper'''], CNN correspondent.  Friendly but totally professional relationship; as a very moderate Republican who wasn't in an elected office but was still very much on the inside (given Chafee's Committee seats), Brian was pretty much an ideal guest to speak on any topic in American politics - he could be sure to know what he was talking about and not have the stupid, pointless rancor against one side or the other that so many other guys did.  (Brian Jaffe, 3x3 Contact)
* '''[[David Jaffe]]''' [age 59]: Brian's Father, now estranged.  A lawyer living in Hartford, Conn.  (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Contact)
** [[Miriam Vellinson]] [age 57]:  Brian's mother and first wife of David Jaffe.  She is now staying with her mother in Maine following the break up of her marriage 2 years ago.
** [[Emily Williams Jaffe]] [age 52]:  David's wife of 2 years and an old friend of the family.
*** [[Candice Williams]] [age 36]:  Emily's only daughter, she went to high school with Brian.  Currently between jobs (as a graphic designer) and has stayed near home since high school.  She drives a Toyota Celica that David bought for her.  She is technically now Brian's step-sister.
*** [[Tommy (Thomas) Jaffe]] [age 4]:  Tommy is the son of David and Emily, half brother to Candice and Brian and is the main reason for Brian's mother and father's divorce.  He is now Brian's step-brother.
* '''[[Joelle Millar]]''' [age 31]: Brian's most recent ex and policy think-tank manager.  (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
* '''[[Daniel Turner]]''' [age 32]: Brian's former Co-worker.  Daniel was Senator Chafee's Communications Director when Brian worked for Senator Chafee.  The two men were decent friends, looking out for each other and bonding against the idiocy of the others they had to work with.  They were both a little too idealistic for their own good.  (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Contact)
==[[Jack Bennett]]==
* '''The Kennedy Clan'''
** [[Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy]] [age 73]: Jack's father and senior Democratic Senator from Massachussets, serving since 1962.  Brother of both President John F. Kennedy and Robert "Bobby" Kennedy, Ted took on the role of surrogate father for their 13 children.
** [[Joan Bennett]] [age 69]: Jack's mother, long divorced from Ted Kennedy and with an alcohol abuse problem.  On coming "back to life," Jack found her living at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel but the shock of his dramatic return bumped her off the wagon and she's since returned to treatment. 
*** [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kara_Kennedy Kara Kennedy Allen] [age 45]:  Jack's older sister.  Until she was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2003 (now in remission), she worked with [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VSA_arts Very Special Arts]. 
**** [[Michael Allen]] [age ?]: Kara's husband of 15 years. 
***** [[Grace Kennedy Allen]] [age 11]: Kara's daughter, Jack's niece.
***** [[Max Greathouse Allen]] [age 9]: Kara's son, Jack's nephew.
*** [[Edward Moore Kennedy, Jr.]] [age 44]:  Jack's older brother.  In 1973 cancer was discovered in his right leg.  The leg was amputated.  After graduation he worked at the New Haven, Connecticut law firm of Wiggin & Dana specializing in disability issues.  Kennedy is the co-founder and President of the Marwood Group, a business development firm.
**** [[Katherine Anne "Kiki" Gershman]] [age ?]: Edward's wife of 12 years.  An assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine. 
***** [[Kiley Elizabeth Kennedy]] [age 11]: Edward's daughter, Jack's niece.
***** [[Edward Moore Kennedy III]] [age 7]: Edward's son, Jack's nephew.
*** [[Patrick Joseph Kennedy]] [age 38]: Jack's older brother, Democrat in the House of Representatives.  Rumors fly that he'll challenge Brian's old boss [[Senator Lincoln Chafee]] for his Senate seat in 2006, but in the meantime "Patches" keeps himself busy in the House and by harassing Jack.
** [[Victoria Reggie Kennedy]]: Jack's stepmother.
*** [[Curran]]:
*** [[Caroline]]:
* '''Team Extreem!!!!!!!''' (sic) is a group of rich ne'er-do-wells with a fetish for extreme sports and urban exploration.  Also called the "Urban Tigers," the team was made up of people who could have all gone pro if it wasn't for some quirk here or there that held them back.  The team was held together largely by Jack's personality and, when his plane went down, most members realized that it was time to grow up.  Four years later, most are just graduating from college. 
** [[Randel "Van" Styles]] [age 22]: Driver of the team's equipment van, Randy was Jack's roommate at Georgetown.  After Jack's death, Randy was galvanized and made it through the rest of college and all of law school in just four years.  He's currently employed at [http://www.akingump.com/office.cfm?office_ID=29 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP] Law Firm in Washington, DC. (Jack Bennett 3x3 Friend)
*** [[Marcy Styles]] [age 22]: Randel's wife of one year.  Formerly an editor with [http://intouchweekly.hollywood.com/ In Touch Magazine], a fashion/celebrity gossip weekly, she's since accepted a position as [[The Hopewell Foundation]]'s Director of Public Relations. 
** [[Danny "CrazyCar" Earnhart]] [age 23]: The youngest son of Dale Earnhart.  Danny drives like his daddy, only he has a penchant for driving angry and likes to smash things up.  He was kicked out of the professional NASCAR circuit for dangerious driving, crashing, reckless stunts, brawling and all around demolition derby-like driving.
** [[Bunny "The Babe" or "Brat" Bension]] (depending on who you ask) [age 20]: Hot chicks rock right?  Hot chicks who like drinking beer and watching anime ('''too much''' anime) and can skate like the devil are WAY HOT!!!!!!!!!
** [[Carl "Big Boom" Berleski]] [age 23]: A former Private 1st Class of the Army Airborn Rangers, he was given a Dishonrable discharge his second year in the Airborn and found his way into Jack's group.
** [[Mah-lahah-Lahah "Little Buddha" Kurawanimanniarah]] [age 20]: Little Buddha is the teams resident surfing expert..
** [[Mike "Scary Fucker" Patterson]] [age 21]: Mike has been learning martial arts since he was a 4 year old boy.  His father is a 3rd dan black belt with multiple styles and raised his son "not to be no wuss."  Mike has short guy syndrome; he's 4'2" and dosnt like being picked on about it.
** [[Wilhelm "Blue Balls" Barbatos]] [age 23]: Expert with pyrotechnics and extreme survival, his ideal vacation is roaming the woods with Ted Nugent, killing things with their bare hands or going dipping in a polar glacial pool.
** [[Kim "Whats in here" Martin]] [age 22]: Master spelunker and urban explorer, proficient in all manor of locks and security systems, Kim loves to seek out forbidden places.
==[[Arthur Redford]]==
* '''[[Harold James Redford]]''' [age 67]: Arthur's Father and best friend.  A retired career Colonel in the U.S. Army, he now owns the [http://www.victoryhousing.org/parkfair.html Parkfair Apartments]. 
** [[Gloriana Hanes Redford]]:  Arthur's Stepmother.  Though she was married to Harold for 17 years, she and Arthur never got along.  When Arthur returned home after his four-year absence, he found that the woman had died. 
* '''[[Dr. Ramon Naranjo]]''' [age 66]: A doctor at a free clinic in Washington, DC.  Arthur met him during his old days of vigilantism; Dr. Naranjo knew of Arthur's activities and patched him up after particularly bad nights.
==[[Mandy Smith]]==
* '''[[Elizabeth Smith]]''' [age 54]: Mandy's mother.  Currently living in a house in Staten Island that she bought with her husband's life insurance money.  Though her children have all left the nest, she still has a nearby extended family to keep her busy.
* '''NYFD LADDER 42''': The Smith family's traditional place of employment.  Located in the Bronx and founded in 1913.
** [[Matthew Smith]]: [age 56]Mandy's father.  He was Captain of the company and a good leader.  '''DECEASED''':  He died of cardiac arrest after learning that he had lost two of his four children on 9/11. 
** [[Nathan Smith]]: [age 37]:  Mandy's eldest brother.  Ladder 42's Fire Sergeant, he served as the on-site team leader.  '''DECEASED''':  He died at the World Trade Center on 9/11. 
** [[Gabe Smith]] [age 34]: Mandy's next-oldest brother.  After Nathan died, Gabe took his place on-site team leader.  He was recently promoted to Lieutenent.
* '''NYFD Ladder #47''': Mandy's pre-9/11 fire company, in Brooklyn and also organized on November 27, 1913.  [[Image:Ladder-47-NYFD.gif|frame]]
** [[Ralph MacNamara]] [age ?]: Captain of Ladder 47.  A robust, drunken sot who cares way to much about his men.  He didn't like having Mandy (a girl!) in his company at first and gave her plenty of shit.  She proved herself a valuable member of the team when she saved Mikky's life on one run.
** [[Owen Meeny]] [age ?]: Driver of the Ladder.  A practical joker who can't let anyone get away with anything.  Hated Mandy at first, but warmed up to her after a while. 
** [[Julio Manendez]] [age ?]: Break Man.  A serious Latino with an "I'm too sexy" attitude.  He is the company casanova and secretly resents Mandy not being "with" him; she doesn't do Firefighters, especially in her company.  He doesn't like to be rejected.  He did not cheer when she disappeared, but he didn't shed a tear, either. 
** [[Toddy Williams]] [age ?]: Rear Driver of the Ladder.  A young hotshot rookie who just graduated from Fire Acadamy.  Can cook like an SOB and everyone loves him for it.  He's good at the wheel, but has problems following orders on the ground.  Has 3 commendations and 6 complaints; he's never going to be anything but a driver, but thanks to the union, he'll always have a job. 
** [[Vincent Havers]] [age ?]: Hose Man.  He's as serious as a 3 alarm fire.  Cool under pressure and willing to fight the flames with his trusty hose, this man is going places... ON FIRE!  Off duty he drinks like a fish to hide the pain of his job and his dark obsession with people he can't save makes the rest of the company leave him alone.
* '''DCFD Engine #16, Tower #3''' [[Image:Engine-16-DCFD.gif|frame]] A Washington, DC Fire Department located at 1018 13th St. NW, in the heart of downtown.  Founded in 1904, Engine 16 is the Battalion Chief's quarters for the 6th Battalion, which also includes Engine Company's 1, 2, 13 and 23, Trucks 2, 3 and 10, B/C 6, Ambulance 16 and EMS 5.  [http://www.dcfd.com/e16_100.htm Photos of E-16] Today, Engine #16 operates a 2003 Pierce Dash triple-combination pumper equipped with a Detroit 50-Series Diesel Engine and Allison transmission. A 1250gpm Hale two-stage pump with a 500 gallon booster tank supplies the many lines carried by 16 Engine:
** 1600' 3" supply
** (1) 400' 1.5" attack line
** (1) 200' 2.5" attack line
** (2) 200' 1.5" attack line
** (1) 100' 1.5" bumper line
** (2) 100' 1.5" standpipe racks
** 200' 3/4" booster line
In addition, Engine 16 is one of five paramedic engine companies (PEC) in the District of Columbia. The wagon is equipped with a full compliment of ALS/BLS equipment and each shift has one firefighter/paramedic. 16 will provide first-responder service to the district while awaiting a ambulance or paramedic unit.  [http://www.midnightexpressdcfd.com/engine.html Engine Company 16 "Midnight Express"]
[[Image:Taz.jpg|frame|TAZ is the Mascot of Engine 16]]'''PLATOON #5'''
* [[George Sullivan]] [age 52]: Captain of Engine 16.
* [[Dale Vasquez]] [age 34]: Pvt. Driver of the Ladder.
* [[Bruce Stamps]] [age 35]: Pvt. Break Man.
* [[Randall Sperry]] [age 32]: Pvt. Rear Driver of the Ladder.
* [[Roscoe Swann]][age 30]:  Pvt. Hose Man.
* [[Edward Edmonds]]: [age 28] Pvt. Pumpman.
* [[Mikky Smith]] [age 28]: Pvt. Pumpman.  Mandy's younger brother.  He worked with her prior to 9/11 in the Bronx on Engine 47, but on learning that his sister had survived, he followed her to Washington, DC and got a job with her new company.

Latest revision as of 20:30, 29 August 2006

The following is a list of people that have appeared in issues of American Gods, organized with best placement by relationship with the Main Cast.


  • Milos Wiazowski aka. AFTERTHOUGHT, [age 38]: Former Senator from Palo Alto, CA. Can mentally control those he has touched. The duration of this control is unknown. Witnessed "suggesting" things to Dr. Robert Booth of Celera, likely controlled the judge in Mandy Smith's trial and is possibly controlling Senator Lincoln Chafee.
  • Daniel Young [age 35]: Julie Young's estranged and abusive husband and father of Alex and Maggie. Legally represented by Milos, he's recently filed for divorce.


  • Survivor # ??? - Monica Amen-Asia, aka. CONTACT, [age 35]: Boston, MA. Former Executive Director with Time Warner Book Group, Current Director of Communications Kings Farm. Possesses strong telepathic abilities.
  • Survivor # ??? - Gerald 'Gerry' Suggs, aka. HOAX, [age 44]: Brooklyn, NYC. A former Fish Terminal Dock Supervisor, Gerald is a small "big man." His education comes from the streets and his old man's backhand. Growing up the son of a failed professional boxer, he's only two generations from Italy. Gerald has exhibited the ability to create life-like illusions. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
  • Survivor # ??? - Joshua Gardiner, aka. JITTER, [age 23]: Venice Beach, CA. Shit-video and porn shop manager, stereotypical "surfer/skater" personality. Can powerfully and precicely control vibrations or perhaps kinetic energy. Has also shown the ability to see and effect things on Jack's "astral plane." A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
  • Survivor # ??? - Sandra Navarro, aka. OLYMPIC, [age 26]: Thunder Bay, Canada. Canadian Olympic Team Member. Can grow her body to at least 36' tall, increasing in strength to match, while maintaining her physical proportions. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
  • Survivor # ??? - Roger Wade, aka. VEIL, [age 29]: Crystal City/Arlington, VA. Has an unknown attachment to the National Clandestine Service. A member of Milos' King Farm "Pantheon."
  • Survivor #127 - Joseph Pomeroy, aka. ZERO POINT, [age 30]: Lightning Energy Blast 15 (Extra: Area; Ground Strike, Flaw: Requires Rote/Gesture, Centered on Self Only, delayed one round; Super Con/Str/Wis, Immunity (Life Support, Own Powers), Protection 4, Super Senses 2 (Extended Sight, and Hearing), Flight 5)
  • Survivor #201 - Althea Hodges, aka. RETCH, [age 42]: Has the ability to cause Nausiation and Paralyzation. Can also mildly cure Fatigue and Exhaustion.
  • Survivor #232 - Alan Hardin, aka. TILT [age 28]: Alan's body is resistant to damage, but can dent or buckle like aluminum at this point he needs aid unbending himself! His skin has a metalic glaze. Although his main ability is a powerful punch (which collapses him fist).
  • Survivor #148 - Emma Woodhull, aka. OCKHAM [age 26]: Emma is immune to the laws of physics, she has not experimented completely with this ability but it is believed she could do anything. At present she had choosen to fly and be uneffected by gravity and weight proportions. Although she is not super strong to punch. The theory is that she exemplifies Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation being, she chooses not to believe in those laws anymore and they don't effect her. She rides on the top of aircraft for fun now, her hair doesn't move...


The Progentitors, a diverse group of Godlike who share a common philosophy. A direct result of this philosophy is that the group willingly embraces it's evolved status, and ergo claim biological superiority to humans. While the outside world view the Progentitors as a single group (the Progeny) it is actually a coalition of different interestes united by philosophy and their leader, the Future. The philosophy is that Godlike can only be governed by their peers, freeing its members from the obligations of human law.

  • Survivor # ??? - Kimberly Dow, aka. CALAMITY, [age 26]: Survivor #132. Known to have telekinetic power on both fine and high scale levels.
    "You don't get it, we're not different, we're not special, this is who we are, our power is part of us, I'm not an anomoly."
  • Survivor # ??? - Ronald Kemp, aka. GUTTERSNIPE, [age 29]: Survivor #35. Witnessed with extreme agility and wall-clinging ability.
  • Survivor # ??? - Dallas Cox, aka. MONGREL, [age 34]: Survivor #65. Possesses the ability to merge living organizms and alter their shape.
  • Survivor # ??? - Carry London, aka. PRIMAL, [age 25]: Flight Attendant, Survivor #7. Able to call and control animal of all types.
  • Survivor # ??? - Gregory Friend, aka. CONCRETE SAVAGE, [age 27]: Survivor #206. Gregory is dating John Gantt. Possessing the ability to merge with stone/concrete type materials, shaping himself into the mass. Known to have immense strength, protection and elongation ability.
  • Survivor # ??? - John Gantt, aka. BLEACH, [age 18]: Survivor #89. John has been dating Gregory Friend since they met, following 9/11 transtormation thanks to Calamity. He has the ability to spray sentient beings with a bleach-like liquid, this seemingly drains the target's mental capabilities. Also forcing control problems for Godlike abilities.
  • Survivor # ??? - Isaias Kinder, aka. SICKLE, [age 17]: Survivor #192. Isaias' limbs and body have a unique ability to slice through anything. When cutting his hands/feet/etc... seem to hone to a blade-like slant.
  • Survivor # ??? - Peter Reese, aka. BALLISTIC, [age 22]: Survivor #256. With the power to shrink to microscopic sizes as well as flight at incredible speeds when this small - using himself as a bullet!
  • Survivor # ??? - Catherina Torres, aka. FIREBRAND, [age 25]: Survivor #187. Kat has the ability to fire white hot phosferous liquid energy from her eyes at great distance. She is also able to control the direction of this energy not needing to fire in direct lines. The energy is a powerful dissintigration effect reducing the target to crystaline shards.
  • Survivor #160 - Bendis Arteaga, aka. K-BACK, [age 24]: Kinetic Energy controller
    • Survivor #161 - Ben Arteaga, aka. KID ANYTHING, [age 9]: Alt Form, can transform his body into anything he touches.


  • Khalid Atta, aka.  ??? , [age 21]: Hijacker, At the time of the hi-jacking Khalid was the youngest of the terrorists at age 18. Survivor #14. Powers unknown at this time.
  • Survivor #208 - Judith Richey [age 92]: .
    • Survivor #209 - Albert Richey [age 88]: Albert unknowingly has the ability to alter reality.
    • Survivor #198 - Tracy Richey, aka. CACOPHONY [age 15]: Tracy is the great-great-granddaughter of Albert and Judith Richey. She has the ability to baffle the senses - audio, visual, and scent - this works much like a blaring light/sound show but does not extend beyond the targets.


  • Agent Vernon Marks [age ]: Capitol Inquiry Inc, Surveillance & Investigations Protection Agency offering services regarding Security Guard & Patrol Services, Investigation Services, Private Investigators, Detective Agencies, Private Detectives, more…


  • Dick Cheney [age ]:: Vice President of the United States of America


  • James “Goat Boy” Bates [age 27]: A lieutenant and fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy's Black Knights squadron. He was in the flight scrambled to watch Brian in Death Valley and was the pilot who Brian saved from rocketting out over the horizon. He later stopped by the Hopewell Foundation's office to personally thank his rescuer.

NTAC National Threat Assessment Command[edit]


NO MAN'S LAND Facility[edit]


  • William Schulz [age ??]: Executive Director of Amnesty International. Recieved the captive, asylum-seeking Khalid Atta from Brian and Arthur. Was part of the same humanitarian mission to Darfur that Joelle was on.




  • Doctor Norio Ishida [age 53]: A surgeon and research physician; one of the three doctors assigned to remove the microchip from Jack's spine. Went to the future with the Main Cast.
  • Doctor Jerry Siegel [age 67]: A surgeon and research physician; one of the three doctors assigned to remove the microchip from Jack's spine. Since going to the future with the Main Cast, he's asked Brian to play a round of golf.
  • Doctor Joel Schuster [age 67]: A surgeon and research physician; one of the three doctors assigned to remove the microchip from Jack's spine. Since going to the future with the Main Cast, he's asked Brian to play a round of golf.



  • Dale Earnhardt Jr. [age 30]: A famous NASCAR driver and Arthur's competitor for his publicity race. Earnhardt seemed friendly towards Arthur, until a (playfully) insulting comment from the Survivor caused him to regard him as a "jerk."
  • Geraldo Rivera [Age 62]: Fox News, Hard Point


  • Old Mrs. Crabtree [age 63]: First name is Madeline. Tenant of Harold Redford's Parkview Apts. She is a cranky snot that lives down the hall from Arthur's apartment.
  • Dermot Galloway [age 19]: Friend to Jack Bennett on his return to Georgetown. Also, the son of Milos Wiazowski.
  • Jeremiah Jack [age 54]: Friend of Harold Redford. Formerly served under Colonel Redford and has enjoyed time in retirement with Harold hunting at his camp on Ware Mt. in WV.
  • Mr. Tavernetti [age 60]: Joseph Tavernetti is the owner of a small tayloring shop in Georgetown.
    • Sandy Tavernetti [age 27]: Joseph's enterprising daughter that is helping to expand Joseph's shop, to his dismay.


  • Robbie Manx [Age ??]: Little burned boy Mandy met in John Hopkins Hospital.
  • The Reaper's Victims
    • James "Truck" Hill [age 23]: A hard-core gangbanger in the Lincoln Westmoreland crew. DECEASED: Along with G-Man, killed in Potomac Park during an attempted mugging.
    • Marcus "G-man" Gunter [age 17]: A low-key gangbanger in the Lincoln Westmoreland crew. DECEASED: Along with Truck, killed in Potomac Park during an attempted rape/mugging.
    • Nicole Simms [age 29]: A cute young reporter on the ?? beat for the Washington Times. She went to Potomac Park to meet Senator Lincoln Chafee to get background for a story. She lives in Georgetown and doesn't own a car. DECEASED: Killed in Potomac Park during an attempted rape/mugging.
    • Officer Jim Mullins [age 22]: A rookie cop in Washington, D.C. He has yet to pull his gun in the line and typically walks the Potomac Park beat at night, the site of most of the Reaper killings. DECEASED: Killed in Potomac Park during an attempted rape/mugging.
  • Carrie Sellers' Attackers
    • Tommy Dorsey [age 15]: Youngest of the 4 boys involved in the attack.
    • Chris Rand [age 16]: One the 4 boys involved in the attacks.
    • Cory Sellers [age 16]: Carrie's brother. Apparently hated his sister for her return and her abilities to shapeshift.
    • Jessie Trundel [age 15]: Young white boy from Athens, GA. DECEASED: Jessie was killed by Mandy Smith after she burned his face/neck by snapping his neck. Mandy's fingerprints were burned into his neck. He was the most vocal of the boys, possibly their "leader".

The following is a list of people that have appeared in issues of American Gods, organized by their relationship with the Main Cast.

Brian Jaffe[edit]

  • Senator Lincoln Chafee [age 52]: Brain Jaffe's former boss. Serving a six-year term in the United States Senate (until 2007). (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
  • Matthieu Chalfant [age 35]: Brian's law school chum and former biotechnology lobbyist. He recently accepted a position with the Hopewell Foundation as Director of Biotechnology Research. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
  • Anderson Cooper, CNN correspondent. Friendly but totally professional relationship; as a very moderate Republican who wasn't in an elected office but was still very much on the inside (given Chafee's Committee seats), Brian was pretty much an ideal guest to speak on any topic in American politics - he could be sure to know what he was talking about and not have the stupid, pointless rancor against one side or the other that so many other guys did. (Brian Jaffe, 3x3 Contact)
  • David Jaffe [age 59]: Brian's Father, now estranged. A lawyer living in Hartford, Conn. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Contact)
    • Miriam Vellinson [age 57]: Brian's mother and first wife of David Jaffe. She is now staying with her mother in Maine following the break up of her marriage 2 years ago.
    • Emily Williams Jaffe [age 52]: David's wife of 2 years and an old friend of the family.
      • Candice Williams [age 36]: Emily's only daughter, she went to high school with Brian. Currently between jobs (as a graphic designer) and has stayed near home since high school. She drives a Toyota Celica that David bought for her. She is technically now Brian's step-sister.
      • Tommy (Thomas) Jaffe [age 4]: Tommy is the son of David and Emily, half brother to Candice and Brian and is the main reason for Brian's mother and father's divorce. He is now Brian's step-brother.
  • Joelle Millar [age 31]: Brian's most recent ex and policy think-tank manager. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Friend)
  • Daniel Turner [age 32]: Brian's former Co-worker. Daniel was Senator Chafee's Communications Director when Brian worked for Senator Chafee. The two men were decent friends, looking out for each other and bonding against the idiocy of the others they had to work with. They were both a little too idealistic for their own good. (Brian Jaffe 3x3 Contact)

Jack Bennett[edit]

  • The Kennedy Clan
    • Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy [age 73]: Jack's father and senior Democratic Senator from Massachussets, serving since 1962. Brother of both President John F. Kennedy and Robert "Bobby" Kennedy, Ted took on the role of surrogate father for their 13 children.
    • Joan Bennett [age 69]: Jack's mother, long divorced from Ted Kennedy and with an alcohol abuse problem. On coming "back to life," Jack found her living at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel but the shock of his dramatic return bumped her off the wagon and she's since returned to treatment.
      • Kara Kennedy Allen [age 45]: Jack's older sister. Until she was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2003 (now in remission), she worked with Very Special Arts.
      • Edward Moore Kennedy, Jr. [age 44]: Jack's older brother. In 1973 cancer was discovered in his right leg. The leg was amputated. After graduation he worked at the New Haven, Connecticut law firm of Wiggin & Dana specializing in disability issues. Kennedy is the co-founder and President of the Marwood Group, a business development firm.
      • Patrick Joseph Kennedy [age 38]: Jack's older brother, Democrat in the House of Representatives. Rumors fly that he'll challenge Brian's old boss Senator Lincoln Chafee for his Senate seat in 2006, but in the meantime "Patches" keeps himself busy in the House and by harassing Jack.
    • Victoria Reggie Kennedy: Jack's stepmother.
  • Team Extreem!!!!!!! (sic) is a group of rich ne'er-do-wells with a fetish for extreme sports and urban exploration. Also called the "Urban Tigers," the team was made up of people who could have all gone pro if it wasn't for some quirk here or there that held them back. The team was held together largely by Jack's personality and, when his plane went down, most members realized that it was time to grow up. Four years later, most are just graduating from college.
    • Randel "Van" Styles [age 22]: Driver of the team's equipment van, Randy was Jack's roommate at Georgetown. After Jack's death, Randy was galvanized and made it through the rest of college and all of law school in just four years. He's currently employed at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Law Firm in Washington, DC. (Jack Bennett 3x3 Friend)
    • Danny "CrazyCar" Earnhart [age 23]: The youngest son of Dale Earnhart. Danny drives like his daddy, only he has a penchant for driving angry and likes to smash things up. He was kicked out of the professional NASCAR circuit for dangerious driving, crashing, reckless stunts, brawling and all around demolition derby-like driving.
    • Bunny "The Babe" or "Brat" Bension (depending on who you ask) [age 20]: Hot chicks rock right? Hot chicks who like drinking beer and watching anime (too much anime) and can skate like the devil are WAY HOT!!!!!!!!!
    • Carl "Big Boom" Berleski [age 23]: A former Private 1st Class of the Army Airborn Rangers, he was given a Dishonrable discharge his second year in the Airborn and found his way into Jack's group.
    • Mah-lahah-Lahah "Little Buddha" Kurawanimanniarah [age 20]: Little Buddha is the teams resident surfing expert..
    • Mike "Scary Fucker" Patterson [age 21]: Mike has been learning martial arts since he was a 4 year old boy. His father is a 3rd dan black belt with multiple styles and raised his son "not to be no wuss." Mike has short guy syndrome; he's 4'2" and dosnt like being picked on about it.
    • Wilhelm "Blue Balls" Barbatos [age 23]: Expert with pyrotechnics and extreme survival, his ideal vacation is roaming the woods with Ted Nugent, killing things with their bare hands or going dipping in a polar glacial pool.
    • Kim "Whats in here" Martin [age 22]: Master spelunker and urban explorer, proficient in all manor of locks and security systems, Kim loves to seek out forbidden places.

Arthur Redford[edit]

  • Harold James Redford [age 67]: Arthur's Father and best friend. A retired career Colonel in the U.S. Army, he now owns the Parkfair Apartments.
    • Gloriana Hanes Redford: Arthur's Stepmother. Though she was married to Harold for 17 years, she and Arthur never got along. When Arthur returned home after his four-year absence, he found that the woman had died.
  • Dr. Ramon Naranjo [age 66]: A doctor at a free clinic in Washington, DC. Arthur met him during his old days of vigilantism; Dr. Naranjo knew of Arthur's activities and patched him up after particularly bad nights.

Mandy Smith[edit]

  • Elizabeth Smith [age 54]: Mandy's mother. Currently living in a house in Staten Island that she bought with her husband's life insurance money. Though her children have all left the nest, she still has a nearby extended family to keep her busy.
  • NYFD LADDER 42: The Smith family's traditional place of employment. Located in the Bronx and founded in 1913.
    • Matthew Smith: [age 56]Mandy's father. He was Captain of the company and a good leader. DECEASED: He died of cardiac arrest after learning that he had lost two of his four children on 9/11.
    • Nathan Smith: [age 37]: Mandy's eldest brother. Ladder 42's Fire Sergeant, he served as the on-site team leader. DECEASED: He died at the World Trade Center on 9/11.
    • Gabe Smith [age 34]: Mandy's next-oldest brother. After Nathan died, Gabe took his place on-site team leader. He was recently promoted to Lieutenent.
  • NYFD Ladder #47: Mandy's pre-9/11 fire company, in Brooklyn and also organized on November 27, 1913.
    • Ralph MacNamara [age ?]: Captain of Ladder 47. A robust, drunken sot who cares way to much about his men. He didn't like having Mandy (a girl!) in his company at first and gave her plenty of shit. She proved herself a valuable member of the team when she saved Mikky's life on one run.
    • Owen Meeny [age ?]: Driver of the Ladder. A practical joker who can't let anyone get away with anything. Hated Mandy at first, but warmed up to her after a while.
    • Julio Manendez [age ?]: Break Man. A serious Latino with an "I'm too sexy" attitude. He is the company casanova and secretly resents Mandy not being "with" him; she doesn't do Firefighters, especially in her company. He doesn't like to be rejected. He did not cheer when she disappeared, but he didn't shed a tear, either.
    • Toddy Williams [age ?]: Rear Driver of the Ladder. A young hotshot rookie who just graduated from Fire Acadamy. Can cook like an SOB and everyone loves him for it. He's good at the wheel, but has problems following orders on the ground. Has 3 commendations and 6 complaints; he's never going to be anything but a driver, but thanks to the union, he'll always have a job.
    • Vincent Havers [age ?]: Hose Man. He's as serious as a 3 alarm fire. Cool under pressure and willing to fight the flames with his trusty hose, this man is going places... ON FIRE! Off duty he drinks like a fish to hide the pain of his job and his dark obsession with people he can't save makes the rest of the company leave him alone.
  • DCFD Engine #16, Tower #3
    A Washington, DC Fire Department located at 1018 13th St. NW, in the heart of downtown. Founded in 1904, Engine 16 is the Battalion Chief's quarters for the 6th Battalion, which also includes Engine Company's 1, 2, 13 and 23, Trucks 2, 3 and 10, B/C 6, Ambulance 16 and EMS 5. Photos of E-16 Today, Engine #16 operates a 2003 Pierce Dash triple-combination pumper equipped with a Detroit 50-Series Diesel Engine and Allison transmission. A 1250gpm Hale two-stage pump with a 500 gallon booster tank supplies the many lines carried by 16 Engine:
    • 1600' 3" supply
    • (1) 400' 1.5" attack line
    • (1) 200' 2.5" attack line
    • (2) 200' 1.5" attack line
    • (1) 100' 1.5" bumper line
    • (2) 100' 1.5" standpipe racks
    • 200' 3/4" booster line

In addition, Engine 16 is one of five paramedic engine companies (PEC) in the District of Columbia. The wagon is equipped with a full compliment of ALS/BLS equipment and each shift has one firefighter/paramedic. 16 will provide first-responder service to the district while awaiting a ambulance or paramedic unit. Engine Company 16 "Midnight Express"

TAZ is the Mascot of Engine 16


  • George Sullivan [age 52]: Captain of Engine 16.
  • Dale Vasquez [age 34]: Pvt. Driver of the Ladder.
  • Bruce Stamps [age 35]: Pvt. Break Man.
  • Randall Sperry [age 32]: Pvt. Rear Driver of the Ladder.
  • Roscoe Swann[age 30]: Pvt. Hose Man.
  • Edward Edmonds: [age 28] Pvt. Pumpman.
  • Mikky Smith [age 28]: Pvt. Pumpman. Mandy's younger brother. He worked with her prior to 9/11 in the Bronx on Engine 47, but on learning that his sister had survived, he followed her to Washington, DC and got a job with her new company.