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Arco Station & Retreat is a newly created Encampment established in the Bundleton Region of [[Alamond]]. It's located in a high mountain desert area near a confluence of natural features; desert flatlands, desert hills and hoodoos, colorful sandstone rock formations, and a large lake next to a forested mountain.  
Arco Station & Retreat is a newly created Encampment established in the Bundleton Region of [[Alamond]]. It's located in a high mountain desert area near the border of the High Rock Region and a confluence of natural features; desert flatlands, desert hills and hoodoos, colorful sandstone rock formations, and a large lake next to a forested mountain.  

Arco Station & Retreat was Founded by Rodak Arco and Raphael de la Varga with a Recommendation from Zachary Hepplewhite of [[Hepplewhite's Circus and Grand Revue]].  The main purpose of the Arco Station is as a Home Base for the Adventurers' Society (led by Raphael de la Varga), as a Residence for the Arco Boys and their families (led by Rodak Arco) and as a Residence and Permanent Venue Site for the newly added [[Rickenbacker Flying Circus]] and attached Support Staff.
Arco Station & Retreat was Founded by Rodak Arco and Raphael de la Varga with a Recommendation from Zachary Hepplewhite of [[Hepplewhite's Circus and Grand Revue]].  The main purpose of the Arco Station is as a Home Base for the Adventurers' Society (led by Raphael de la Varga), as a Residence for the Arco Boys and their families (led by Rodak Arco) and as a Residence and Permanent Venue Site for the newly added [[Rickenbacker Flying Circus]] and attached Support Staff.

The initial site chosen for Arco Station was an area populated with tall cottonwood trees surrounded by an otherwise flat desert landscape of sparse sagebrush, short cedar trees and juniper bushes. After surveying the area it was determined most of the trees could be saved and used to shade the Downtown area and surrounding Neighborhoods. As the dirt moving began it was soon discovered why the area was more verdant than the surroundings; a natural well with water nearly flowing out of it right where it was planned the townhall would be built. One of the Arco Boys was a retired Geologist and Driller, and with help from another Arco Boy who was a 30 veteran Dirt Mover and aspiring Civil Engineer, figured out where it was safe to build. So, plans were altered and now there is a park next to and behind the townhall with a well that now flows-over to feed a little stream that flows through the park to the south.
The initial site chosen for Arco Station was an area populated with tall cottonwood trees surrounded by an otherwise flat desert landscape of sparse sagebrush, short cedar trees and juniper bushes. After surveying the area it was determined most of the trees could be saved and used to shade the Downtown area and surrounding Neighborhoods. As the dirt moving began it was soon discovered why the area was more verdant than the surroundings; a natural well with water nearly flowing out of it right where it was planned the townhall would be built. One of the Arco Boys was a retired Geologist and Driller, and with help from another Arco Boy who was a 30 year veteran Dirt Mover and aspiring Civil Engineer, figured out where it was safe to build. So, plans were altered and now there is a park next to and behind the townhall with a well that now flows-over to feeds a little stream that flows through the Park to the south.

[COMING SOON: Grazing lands for a small cattle ranch to the south of Arco Station]
[COMING SOON: Grazing lands for a small cattle ranch to the south of Arco Station]

The Downtown Area Businesses and surrounding Residences were constructed first, as well as the Fish Hatchery at Varga's Lake. Two main Roads were laid out in a Compass Point Crossroads: Main Street going East/West; a soon to be paved rural highway leading into town and dead ending before the Attraction Site Areas, and Lake Road going North/South; a soon to be paved North road leading to Varga's Lake and South to the edge of town. This was followed by the Race Tracks, Fighting Pits and Tent Village areas, then the Campgrounds for Visitors then Docks and Marina at Varga's Lake.
The Downtown Area Businesses and surrounding Residences were constructed first, as well as the Fish Hatchery at Varga's Lake. Two main Roads were laid out in a Compass Point Crossroads: Main Street going East/West; a soon to be paved rural highway leading west into town and dead ending before the Attraction Site Areas, and Lake Road going North/South; a soon to be paved road leading North to Varga's Lake and South to the edge of town where it will remain an unpaved road leading to the Cattle Ranch. This was followed by the Race Tracks, Fighting Pits and Tent Village areas, then the Campgrounds for Visitors then Docks and Marina at Varga's Lake.

(Not all buildings/services/attractions that were initially planned were built prior to Arco Station's Grand Opening Celebration and First Performances... there was a priority to what got built in what order and why.)
(Not all buildings/services/attractions that were initially planned were built prior to Arco Station's Grand Opening Celebration and First Performances... there was a priority to what got built in what order and why.)
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[COMING SOON: Formula One Racing Tracks]
[COMING SOON: Formula One Racing Tracks]
When Eddie and his Crew first arrived in the Arco Station area, the influx of Non-Borns came to an immediate halt; rumors persisted of their history of shenanigans. However, after the Race Track and Air Strips were added, the flow of Non-Borns suddenly started back up again and increased in numbers, helping to fill in all the gaps in needed Manpower, Services and Talents to keep Arco Station running 24/7 if desired.

{NEAR FURTURE: A Party Zone for everyone to use to Blow Off Steam; The Thunder Dome}
{NEAR FURTURE: A Party Zone for everyone to use to Blow Off Steam; The Thunder Dome}
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***All yards and estate areas are fenced; fencing type varies by neighborhood and estate.
***All yards and estate areas are fenced; fencing type varies by neighborhood and estate.

===Attractions (12+)===
===Downtown Areas===
*Vintage Motorcycle Racing '''#'''
====Downtown Features====
**Vintage Moto Racers: [12] Pipil(Pip), Kip, Danny, Sissy, Richard, Harold, Martin, Mark, Chris, Paul, James, Robert
*Public Park '''#'''
**Training in Motorcycle Riding and Racing available to Visitors
**with Flowing Well from aquafer /  underground river.
*Motorcycle Chariot Races '''#'''
*Public (free) Drive-in Theater (nightly)
**Chariot Moto Racers: [9] Argile, Rock Hound, Tanker, Vincent, Shawn, Seth, Scott, Steve, Benjamin
*Numerous Shaded Areas (Cottonwoods) throughout the Downtown Areas
*Cycle Jousting
*Wide Shaded Avenues with ample On-Street Parking Spaces
*Cycle Mounted Combat
*Wide Shaded Sidewalks with frequent Park Benches
*Numerous Businesses providing Goods and Services for Basic Needs, Specialized Hobbies, Wholesome Entertainment and Souvenirs.
*Various Storage Buildings, Garages and Hangers '''#'''
**Hanger; Motorcycle Mechanic Shops within (near Venue Areas)
**Hanger; Racecar Mechanic Shops within (near Venue Areas)
**Hanger; Aircraft Mechanic Shops within (near Venue Areas)

*Combat Shows; Armed & Unarmed '''#'''
====Downtown Area Services (25+)====
**Training in Armed and Unarmed Combat available to Visitors
=====Public & Private Organizations=====
***[12] Boris: Manager, Doris: Manager, Hans, Frans, Sheryl, Peggy, Natalie, Kermit, Fozzy, Rolff, Dillon, Dean,
*ACPST&W Facility: Power Station
*Archery, Firearms & Siege Engine Displays & Participation
*ACPST&W Facility: S&T Recycling Center
**Training available to Visitors
**''Alamond Central Power, Sewer, Trash & Water''
**Bring Your Own is welcomed and encouraged.

*Roller Ball
*Arco Station Facility: Water Pumping Station

*Vintage Airshows '''#'''
*Town Hall & Community Center #
**Training in Piloting and Combat Piloting available to Visitors
**Rodak: Encampment Gaffer, Rafe: Civic Leader, Argile: Civic Leader, Andy: Civic Leader, Lawrence: Civic Leader,  Harry Hartz: Civic Leader, Chuck: Encampment Electrical Engineer, Davey: Encampment Plumbing Engineer, Rock Hound: Encampment Geologist & Hydrologist, Tanker: Multi-Fuel Specialist & Transport Coordinator, Danny: Encampment Chief Dirt Mover, Sissy: Encampment Sorceress
*Vintage Formula One Racing
**Racecar Training available to Visitors

***A '''#''' indicates Primary Attraction (first to be Performed regularly)
*Guardians' Guildhall #
**Guild Leaders: Raphael (Founder), Fitz, Colette, Rodak, Argile, Pipil, Carl, Marko, Kevin.
**Restricted Access to Guardians ONLY.
**Usually used as Transport & Return Location for those Serving Guard Duty.

*Sorceress' Guild Hall
*Race Tracks # (Multiple, Varied)
**Guild Leaders (3): Jewelz, Missy, Sissy
**Oval Motorcycle Tracks; Paved: Banked (1), Flat (1)
**Members (13): Nancy, Vicki, Bobbie Sue, Kimberley, Priscilla, Diane, Jean, Veronica, Betty Jo, Doris, Sheryl, Peggy, Natalie
**Oval Motorcycle Track; Dirt: Banked (1), Flat (2), Jumps, Berms & Hills (1)
**Serpentine Motorcycle Track; Dirt: Jumps, Berms & Hills (1)
**Oval Racecar Track; Paved: Banked (1)
**Serpentine Racecar Track; Paved: Formula One Style (1)
*Fighting Arenas # (Multiple, Varied)
**Small Fighting Pits (12+)
**Large Fighting Pits (4)
**Huge Combat Arena (1)
*Airshow Alley #
**Paved Runway for take-offs and landings
**Stands to the far side of Runway for Spectators
***Stands are light-weight yet ultra-durable, foldable and portable.
**Various Hangers for Display & Storage of Aircraft on the Town side of the Runway
*Archery, Firearms and Siege Engine Ranges (Multiple, Varied)
*Campgrounds #
*Drive-In Theater
*Roller Ball Rink
*Public Park
*Salvage and Junk Yard
*Various Storage Buildings, Garages and Hangers
**Hanger; Motorcycle Mechanic Shops within
**Hanger; Racecar Mechanic Shops within
**Hanger; Aircraft Mechanic Shops within
*Cattle Ranch; Small (close by)
*Multi-Crop Farm; Small (close by)
***A # indicates Primary Structure (first to be constructed/built)

====Natural Features====
*Arco Station Fire Department
*Natural Well with Flowing Water (center of Downtown in Park)
**Sub-Guild of the Sorceress' Guild
*High-Mountain Desert Flatlands (surrounding Arco Station)
*Large Lake (close by; north of Town)
*River and Streams feeding into the Lake (nearby; mostly on the Mountain)
*Forested Mountain (nearby; next to the Lake.)
*Scenic Rock Formations (nearby; various locations)
*High-Mountain Desert Badlands (short distance)

====Features at the Lake====
*Clinic #
*Fish Hatchery #
**plus Pharmacy & Surgical Bay
**Andy: Fish Hatchery Operations, Larry: Fish Hatchery Worker
**Jamie: Registration Clerk, Harry: Orderly, Gina: Registered Nurse, Herb: Pharmacist
*Boat Ramp, Docks & Marina #
*Campgrounds #

====Services available in the Downtown Area (25+)====
*Town Hall & Community Center #
**Rodak: Encampment Gaffer, Rafe: Civic Leader, Argile: Civic Leader, Andy: Civic Leader, Lawrence: Civic Leader,  Harry Hartz: Civic Leader, Chuck: Encampment Electrical Engineer, Davey: Encampment Plumbing Engineer, Rock Hound: Encampment Geologist & Hydrologist, Tanker: Multi-Fuel Specialist & Transport Coordinator, Danny: Encampment Chief Dirt Mover, Sissy: Encampment Sorceress
*Guardians' Guildhall #
**Restricted Access to Guardians ONLY.
**Usually used as Transport & Return Location for those Serving Guard Duty.
**Guild Leaders: Raphael (Founder), Fitz, Colette, Rodak, Argile, Kip.
*Arco Service Station #
*Arco Service Station #
**Multi-Fuel Station & Mechanic's Shop
**Multi-Fuel Station & Mechanic's Shop
**Bernie: Clerk, William: Clerk, Lug: Mechanic, Wrench: Mechanic, Dozer: Mechanic , Jack: Mechanic, Mario: Mechanic, Vince: Mechanic
**Bernie: Clerk, William: Clerk, Lug: Mechanic, Wrench: Mechanic, Dozer: Mechanic , Jack: Mechanic, Mario: Mechanic, Vince: Mechanic
*Clinic #
**plus Pharmacy & Surgical Bay
**Jamie: Registration Clerk, Harry: Orderly, Gina: Registered Nurse, Herb: Pharmacist
*Grocery Store #
*Grocery Store #
**Crista: Clerk/Manager, Brian: Clerk, Jake: Clerk  
**Crista: Clerk/Manager, Brian: Clerk, Jake: Clerk  
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**Oscar: Cook, Michelle: Car Hop, Kelly: Car Hop
**Oscar: Cook, Michelle: Car Hop, Kelly: Car Hop
**Missy: Head Cook, Frank: Cook, Joey: Baker, Vicki: Waitress, Julie: Waitress, Diane: Waitress, Edgar: Waiter   
**Missy: Head Cook, Frank: Cook, Joey: Baker, Veronica: Waitress, Julie: Waitress, Diane: Waitress, Edgar: Waiter   
*Bowdark's BBQ
*Bowdark's BBQ
**Eddie: Cook, Bobbie Sue: Waitress, Betty Jo: Waitress
**Eddie: Cook, Bobbie Sue: Waitress, Betty Jo: Waitress
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*Tattoo & Piercing Shop
*Tattoo & Piercing Shop
**Hank: Tattooist, Gus: Tattooist, Wednesday: Tattooist & Piercer, Friday: Tattooist & Piercer,
**Hank: Tattooist, Gus: Tattooist, Wednesday: Tattooist & Piercer, Friday: Tattooist & Piercer,
*Chinese Buffet
**Xang Ming Xoa: Manager,
*Drug Store
**???: Manager,
**???: Manager, ???: Waitstaff,
*Vehicle Rentals (Off Road 4x4, Motorcycles)
*Equipment Rental Shop
*Auto Parts Store
===Venue Site Areas===
ALL Permanent Venue Sites (except Airshow Alley) are Dug-In Sites, including the Spectator Stands.
====Attractions (12+)====
*Vintage Motorcycle Racing '''#'''
**Vintage Moto Racers: [12] Pipil(Pip), Kip, Danny, Sissy, Richard, Harold, Martin, Mark, Chris, Paul, James, Robert
**Training in Motorcycle Riding and Racing available to Visitors
*Motorcycle Chariot Races '''#'''
**Chariot Moto Racers: [9] Argile, Rock Hound, Tanker, Vincent, Shawn, Seth, Scott, Steve, Benjamin
*Cycle Jousting
*Cycle Mounted Combat
*Combat Shows; Armed & Unarmed '''#'''
**Training in Armed and Unarmed Combat available to Visitors
***[12] Boris: Manager, Doris: Manager, Hans, Frans, Sheryl, Peggy, Natalie, Kermit, Fozzy, Rolff, Dillon, Dean,
*Archery, Firearms & Siege Engine Displays & Participation
**Training available to Visitors
**Bring Your Own is welcomed and encouraged.
*Roller Ball
*Vintage Airshows '''#'''
**Training in Piloting and Combat Piloting available to Visitors
*Vintage Formula One Racing
**Racecar Training available to Visitors

====Services available at the Attraction Sites (6+)====
====Venue Site Features====
ALL Permanent Venue Sites (except for Airshow Alley) are Dug-In Sites, including the Spectator Stands.
*Race Tracks '''#''' (9 - Multiple Types)
**Oval Motorcycle Tracks; Paved: Banked (1), Flat (1)
**Oval Motorcycle Track; Dirt: Banked (1), Flat (2), Jumps, Berms & Hills (1)
**Serpentine Motorcycle Track; Dirt: Jumps, Berms & Hills (1)
**Oval Racecar Track; Paved: Banked (1)
**Serpentine Racecar Track; Paved: Formula One Style (1)
*Fighting Arenas '''#''' (17+ - Multiple Types)
**Small Fighting Pits (12+)
**Large Fighting Pits (4)
**Huge Combat Arena (1)
*Archery, Firearms and Siege Engine Ranges (Multiple, Varied)
*Airshow Alley '''#'''
**Paved Runway for take-offs and landings
**Stands to the far side of Runway for Spectators
***Stands are light-weight yet ultra-durable, foldable and portable.
**Various Hangers for Display & Storage of Aircraft on the Town side of the Runway
====Services available at Venue Sites (6+)====
*Money Changer / Ticket Booth
*Money Changer / Ticket Booth
**Silver & Gold Tokens = Spending Coins for the Vendors
**Copper, Silver & Gold Tokens = Spending Coins at the Vendors
**Blue Tokens = Attraction Passes
**Red Tokens = Standard Attraction Passes
**Orange Tokens = Training Passes
**Orange Tokens = Special Performance Passes
**Red Tokens = V.I.P. = Attractions Special Access Passes
**Green Tokens = Training Passes
**Green Tokens = Invited Guest = Special Access Passess
**Blue Tokens = V.I.P. = Special Access Attractions Passes
**Purple Tokens = Ultra V.I.P. = Invited Guest = Special All Access Passes
*Food Vendors
*Food Vendors
**Varied; stationary and mobile
*Drink Vendors
*Drink Vendors
*Trinket Vendors
**Varied; stationary and mobile
*Trinkets, Wares & Specialty Vendors
**Varied; stationary and mobile
*Special Performances
*Special Performances
**Varied; stationary and mobile
*Special Training
*Special Training
**See Attractions for specifics on available training.
*Campgrounds '''#'''

====Services available at Varga's Lake (5+)====
===Varga's Lake Areas===
====Features at Varga's Lake====
*Boat Ramp, Beaching Area & Docks '''#'''
*Boat Ramp, Beaching Area, Docks w/ Marina '''#'''
*Campgrounds at the edge of the Lake '''#'''
*Campgrounds up the hill from the Lake '''#'''
*Fish Hatchery '''#'''
**Andy: Fish Hatchery Operations, Larry: Fish Hatchery Worker
====Varga's Lake Services (5+)====
*Boat & Equipment Rentals Shop
*Boat & Equipment Rentals Shop
**Bait & Tackle Shop as well
**Bait & Tackle Shop as well
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*Tiny Cabin Rentals  
*Tiny Cabin Rentals  

***A '''#''' indicates Primary Structure (first to be constructed/built)
***A '''#''' indicates Primary Attraction (first to be Performed regularly)

***A # indicates Primary Structure/Service (first to be built/operated)
===Surrounding Areas===
*Cattle Ranch; Small (close by)
*Multi-Crop Farm; Small (close by)
====Natural Features====
*Natural Well with Flowing Water (center of Downtown in Park)
*High-Mountain Desert Flatlands (surrounding Arco Station)
*Large Lake (close by; north of Town)
*River and Streams feeding into the Lake (nearby; mostly on the Mountain)
*Forested Mountain (nearby; next to the Lake.)
*Scenic Rock Formations (nearby; various locations)
*High-Mountain Desert Badlands (short distance)

==Leaders & Citizens==
==Leaders & Citizens==
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===Citizens: The [[Fort Garland Adventurers' Society]] (14)===
===Citizens: The [[Fort Garland Adventurers' Society]] (14)===

Raphael (plus The (3) Poodle Boys), Slugger (plus Curious), Fitz, Wrecker, Reggy, Colette, Runner, Gunner, Candy, Kole, Olive, Elmer, Dr. Len, Gadget
Raphael (plus The Poodle Boys [3]), Slugger (plus Curious), Fitz, Wrecker, Reggy, Colette, Runner, Gunner, Candy, Kole, Olive, Elmer, Dr. Len, Gadget
*Many of the Adventurers' Society were Changed into Other Races during The Change back on their Home World (with a few exceptions)
*Many of the Adventurers' Society were Changed into Other Races during The Change back on their Home World (with a few exceptions)
**Those Changed will have Racial Abilities and Magics
**Those Changed will have Racial Abilities and Magics
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**Leader of the Arco Boys, Mechanic, Truckdriver, Retired Military
**Leader of the Arco Boys, Mechanic, Truckdriver, Retired Military
*Argile: Civic Leader, Backup Racer
*Argile: Civic Leader, Backup Racer
**Truckdriver, Retired Military, Retired CPA
**Truckdriver, Retired Military, Retired Inveestor
*Pipil (Pip): Prime Racer, Security, Guardian Sword Bearer
*Pipil (Pip): Prime Racer, Security
**Truckdriver, Retired Military
**Truckdriver, Retired Military, Retired Professor
*Kip: Prime Racer, Security Chief
*Kip: Prime Racer, Security Chief, Guardian Sword Bearer
**Truckdriver, Retired Military
**Truckdriver, Retired Military
*Chuck: Encampment Electrical Engineer
*Chuck: Encampment Electrical Engineer
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*Tanker: Multi-Fuel Specialist & Transport Coordinator, Backup Racer
*Tanker: Multi-Fuel Specialist & Transport Coordinator, Backup Racer
**Truckdriver/Hazmat, OSHA Specialist, Retired Military/NBC Specialist
**Truckdriver/Hazmat, OSHA Specialist, Retired Military/NBC Specialist
*OTHER ORIGINAL MEMBERS (Currently traveling with the Adventurers' Society)
**Fitz William, Wrecker, Runner, Gunner, Candy, Kole

====[[Fort Garland, Colorado]] Dwarf Clan (17)====
====[[Fort Garland, Colorado]] Dwarf Clan (17)====
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**Also runs the Boat & Bait Shop at the Lake with his new wife; Nancy and her kids.
**Also runs the Boat & Bait Shop at the Lake with his new wife; Nancy and her kids.
*Nancy: Boat & Bait Shop Manager
*Nancy: Boat & Bait Shop Manager
**Carpenter, Sorceress
*Tayven(17-Elf), Troy(16-Orc), Tobias(15-Hu-Mage) & Teran(14-Dw)
*Tayven(17-Elf), Troy(16-Orc), Tobias(15-Hu-Mage) & Teran(14-Dw)
**Nancy's four kids help her at the Shops
**Nancy's four kids help her at the Shops
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**Accountant, Bookkeeper, Sorceress
**Accountant, Bookkeeper, Sorceress
*Priscilla: Camp Performer
*Priscilla: Camp Performer
**Phlebotomist, Sorceress
*Darwin: Camp Performer
*Darwin: Camp Performer
**Day Laborer, Alcoholic
**Day Laborer, Alcoholic
Line 344: Line 390:
**Ex-Drug Dealer
**Ex-Drug Dealer
*Diane: Waitress at Diner
*Diane: Waitress at Diner
**Waitress & Server
**Waitress & Server, Sorceress
*Jean: Waitress at Diner
*Jean: Waitress at Diner
**Widowed Homemaker, Sorceress
**Widowed Homemaker, Sorceress
*Vicki: Waitress at Steakhouse
*Veronica: Waitress at Steakhouse
**Office Manager for Big Firm, Sorceress
**Office Manager for Big Firm, Sorceress
*Julie: Waitress at Steakhouse, Sorceress Guild Leader
*Julie aka Jewelz: Waitress at Steakhouse, Sorceress Guild Leader
**Flight Attendant for Major Airlines, Sorceress
**Flight Attendant for Major Airlines, Sorceress
*Betty Jo: Waitress at BBQ
*Betty Jo: Waitress at BBQ
**Waitress at BBQ
**Waitress at BBQ, Sorceress
*Brian: Clerk at Grocery Store
*Brian: Clerk at Grocery Store
**Musical Artist; Amateur but still quite good
**Musical Artist; Amateur but still quite good
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**Body Builder, Artist
**Body Builder, Artist
*Doris: Combat Performer/Manager
*Doris: Combat Performer/Manager
**Body Builder, Model
**Body Builder, Model, Sorceress
*Hans: Combat Performer
*Hans: Combat Performer
**Body Builder
**Body Builder
*Frans: Combat Performer
*Frans: Combat Performer
**Body Builder
**Body Builder
*Sheryl: Combat Performer
*Sheryl: Combat Performer, Sorceress
**Female Police Hand to Hand Combat Trainer, Police Officer
**Female Police Hand to Hand Combat Trainer, Police Officer
*Peggy: Combat Performer
*Peggy: Combat Performer, Sorceress
**Dancer, Martial Artist, Sorceress
**Dancer, Martial Artist, Sorceress
*Natalie: Combat Performer
*Natalie: Combat Performer
**Martial Artist, Retired Government Agent
**Martial Artist, Retired Government Agent, Sorceress
*Kermit: Combat Performer
*Kermit: Combat Performer
**SCA Fighter
**SCA Fighter
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===Citizens from Alamond===
===Citizens from Alamond===
===[[Rickenbacker Flying Circus]]===
*Eddie Rickenbacker - Flying Master
*Hary Hurtz - Operations Master
*Ernie Udet - Shop Master
*300+ Support Staff

===Non-Borns (85+)===
===Non-Borns (85+)===
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*Friday: Tattooist & Piercer at Tattoo & Piercing Shop
*Friday: Tattooist & Piercer at Tattoo & Piercing Shop

===[[Rickenbacker Flying Circus]]===
*Eddie Rickenbacker - Flying Master
===The Arco Station Guild of Sorcery {16}===
*Hary Hurtz - Operations Master
Guild Leaders:{3}
*Ernie Udet - Shop Master
*Julie aka Jewelz: Sorceress Guild Leader
**Waitress at Steakhouse, Flight Attendant for Major Airlines, Sorceress
*Missy: Sorceress Guild Leader
**Head Cook at Steakhouse, Cook, Brewer & Distiller, Sorceress
*Sissy: Sorceress Guild Leader
**Prime Racer, Homemaker, Alternative Medicine & Herbal Remedies, Child Care
Guild Members:{13}
*Nancy: Boat & Bait Shop Manager
**Carpenter, Sorceress
*Vicki: Tailor Shop Manager
**Seamstress, Taylor, Weaver, Sorceress
*Bobbie Sue: Waitress at BBQ
**Teen-aged girl fresh from High School, Sorceress
*Kimberly: Camp Performer
**Accountant, Bookkeeper, Sorceress
*Priscilla: Camp Performer
**Phlebotomist, Sorceress
*Diane: Waitress at Diner
**Waitress & Server, Sorceress
*Jean: Waitress at Diner
**Widowed Homemaker, Sorceress
*Veronica: Waitress at Steakhouse
**Office Manager for Big Firm, Sorceress
*Betty Jo: Waitress at BBQ
**Waitress at BBQ, Sorceress
*Doris: Combat Performer/Manager
**Body Builder, Model, Sorceress
*Sheryl: Combat Performer, Sorceress
**Female Police Hand to Hand Combat Trainer, Police Officer
*Peggy: Combat Performer, Sorceress
**Dancer, Martial Artist, Sorceress
*Natalie: Combat Performer
**Martial Artist, Retired Government Agent, Sorceress
NOTE: All Members and Leaders are both Dwarven and Female.
===[[Guardians' Guild; Fort Garland Chapter]] {78}===
Guild Leaders:{9}
*Raphael (Founder), Fitz, Colette, Rodak, Argile, Pipil, Carl, Kevin, Marko.
Guild Members:{69}
*All Members of the Fort Garland Adventurers Society, the Fort Garland Arco Boys, the Fort Garland Dwarf Clan, & the Indian Hills Dwarf Clan

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**Bruce and Phyllis make friends easily and are happy to strike-up a conversation, share a fishing or camping tip and assist others if they can. They are generous and often 'adopt' young campers, singles and young couples, especially those with young children, and make sure they are doing okay and usually end up feeding them.  Phyllis was not too pleased about some of the 'bikers' and 'hotrodders' that camped near them a little too often for her liking, but Bruce scoffed and said, 'They're just people. Like you and me.'  When she found this to be true she began inviting some of them over for dinner... she now has any number of 'tough guys' calling her 'mom' while washing the dishes after dinner.
**Bruce and Phyllis make friends easily and are happy to strike-up a conversation, share a fishing or camping tip and assist others if they can. They are generous and often 'adopt' young campers, singles and young couples, especially those with young children, and make sure they are doing okay and usually end up feeding them.  Phyllis was not too pleased about some of the 'bikers' and 'hotrodders' that camped near them a little too often for her liking, but Bruce scoffed and said, 'They're just people. Like you and me.'  When she found this to be true she began inviting some of them over for dinner... she now has any number of 'tough guys' calling her 'mom' while washing the dishes after dinner.
**Bruce and Phyllis are most often found at the Lake Campgrounds area or any number of other Camping Sites or Rough Sites in and around the Scenic Areas outside Arco Station itself. They come into Town regularly for supplies, though not frequently and do ''not'' attend any of the Attractions ''except'' the Airshows.  They can usually be encountered at the Grocery Store, Hardware Store, Department Store and Arco Service Station.  They can sometimes be found at the Diner, Steakhouse or Bowdark's BBQ... but only if those establishments aren't too busy.
**Bruce and Phyllis are most often found at the Lake Campgrounds area or any number of other Camping Sites or Rough Sites in and around the Scenic Areas outside Arco Station itself. They come into Town regularly for supplies, though not frequently and do ''not'' attend any of the Attractions ''except'' the Airshows.  They can usually be encountered at the Grocery Store, Hardware Store, Department Store and Arco Service Station.  They can sometimes be found at the Diner, Steakhouse or Bowdark's BBQ... but only if those establishments aren't too busy.
**NOTE: Though they could look younger, due to the Aging Effect, they chose to remain looking old enough to look 'retired', but still young enough to enjoy it.
**NOTE: Due to the Aging Effect they could look younger, but they 'chose' to look old enough to 'look retired', but still young enough to enjoy it.

==Important Links==
==Important Links==

Latest revision as of 07:29, 10 June 2024

Yo Rodak!


Arco Station & Retreat is a newly created Encampment established in the Bundleton Region of Alamond. It's located in a high mountain desert area near the border of the High Rock Region and a confluence of natural features; desert flatlands, desert hills and hoodoos, colorful sandstone rock formations, and a large lake next to a forested mountain.

Arco Station & Retreat was Founded by Rodak Arco and Raphael de la Varga with a Recommendation from Zachary Hepplewhite of Hepplewhite's Circus and Grand Revue. The main purpose of the Arco Station is as a Home Base for the Adventurers' Society (led by Raphael de la Varga), as a Residence for the Arco Boys and their families (led by Rodak Arco) and as a Residence and Permanent Venue Site for the newly added Rickenbacker Flying Circus and attached Support Staff.

The initial site chosen for Arco Station was an area populated with tall cottonwood trees surrounded by an otherwise flat desert landscape of sparse sagebrush, short cedar trees and juniper bushes. After surveying the area it was determined most of the trees could be saved and used to shade the Downtown area and surrounding Neighborhoods. As the dirt moving began it was soon discovered why the area was more verdant than the surroundings; a natural well with water nearly flowing out of it right where it was planned the townhall would be built. One of the Arco Boys was a retired Geologist and Driller, and with help from another Arco Boy who was a 30 year veteran Dirt Mover and aspiring Civil Engineer, figured out where it was safe to build. So, plans were altered and now there is a park next to and behind the townhall with a well that now flows-over to feeds a little stream that flows through the Park to the south.

[COMING SOON: Grazing lands for a small cattle ranch to the south of Arco Station]

The Downtown Area Businesses and surrounding Residences were constructed first, as well as the Fish Hatchery at Varga's Lake. Two main Roads were laid out in a Compass Point Crossroads: Main Street going East/West; a soon to be paved rural highway leading west into town and dead ending before the Attraction Site Areas, and Lake Road going North/South; a soon to be paved road leading North to Varga's Lake and South to the edge of town where it will remain an unpaved road leading to the Cattle Ranch. This was followed by the Race Tracks, Fighting Pits and Tent Village areas, then the Campgrounds for Visitors then Docks and Marina at Varga's Lake.

(Not all buildings/services/attractions that were initially planned were built prior to Arco Station's Grand Opening Celebration and First Performances... there was a priority to what got built in what order and why.)

[COMING SOON: A multi-crop farm to the north, closer to Varga's Lake]

When the Rickenbacker Flying Circus, led by Eddie Rickenbacker, Harry Hartz, and Earnst Udet, with their Racing Teams and Airshows joined Arco Station, at the 'recommendation' of Zachary Hepplewhite and with the approval of Raphael de la Varga, more Race Tracks and Stands were added in the empty desert flatlands surrounding Arco Station. The Airshows were easily integrated into Arco Station and Retreat's Official Opening and Performances; however, the construction of the Race Tracks took more time as ALL of the Race Tracks at Arco Station are Dug-in Arenas, as are the Fighting Pits and any other Attraction that are bound to cause a lot of noise for the nearby Town and Residences.

[COMING SOON: Formula One Racing Tracks]

When Eddie and his Crew first arrived in the Arco Station area, the influx of Non-Borns came to an immediate halt; rumors persisted of their history of shenanigans. However, after the Race Track and Air Strips were added, the flow of Non-Borns suddenly started back up again and increased in numbers, helping to fill in all the gaps in needed Manpower, Services and Talents to keep Arco Station running 24/7 if desired.

{NEAR FURTURE: A Party Zone for everyone to use to Blow Off Steam; The Thunder Dome}

  • (ALL are welcome, but a Waiver must be Signed before entering. hehe)

Era & Themes, General Feel & Esthetic[edit]

The general Esthetic of Arco Station might be called American Vintage. All of the permanent structures and features; buildings, race tracks, parks, etc., have a look and feel of the 1930's and 40's Era America on an Earth World, despite everything being engineered and built to much higher standards and with much better building materials.

The general Theme of Arco Station's Attractions might be called Post Apocalypse American Vintage. They and are part Vintage Motorcycle Racing, Formula One Racing and Vintage Air Shows, part Fantasy Renaissance Faire, and part Post Apocalypse thrown in for fun. There are Race Tracks outside of the Downtown area with many Pavilion Tents setup in areas leading up to and around the track area that look part Ren-Fest and part Post-Apocalyptic Camp with Fighting Pits hosting Combat Displays to watch and canvas tents hosting Performers, Artists and Vendors, most with Services or Wares for sale.

Despite the high energy nature of many of the Attractions, the general Feel of Arco Station & Retreat is relaxed; without a hint of 'city hustle' present, it's obvious the Citizens tend to take their time, in general. Also, Visitors tend to slow down and take more time to enjoy the sites and sounds in and around Arco Station when visiting the area.

Attractions, Features & Services[edit]

The Attractions in the Entertainment Venues include Vintage Motorcycle Racing, Vintage Motorcycle Chariot Races, Motorcycle Jousting and Motorcycle Melee Events, as well as Vintage Airshows and Vintage Formula One Racing, most with available training for those who wish.

The Attractions also include various Armed and Unarmed Combat Attractions; shows, displays & competitions, in various sized pits and arenas, ranging from one on one pitfights to small scale battles, to large Battle Royales. All available for the Spectator to enjoy and with Combat Training available for those who wish to participate.

One of the most unusual Features of Arco Station are the Attraction Sites; most are Dug-in Arenas. This means that both the Performance Area (race track, fighting pit, etc.) and the Stands for Spectators, are dug into the ground, most looking much like a miniature to small Open Pit Mine. There are several reasons for this, the Esthetic being one reason, and keeping the sound of the Attractions from traveling across the desert flatlands and disturbing the general peace and quiet of the nearby Town and Residences.

There is also an archery range and two firearms ranges; one for handguns and one for rifles. All offer displays and shows of marksmanship and trick shooting. The ranges can provide weapons and ammo as well as training. Bring Your Own is welcomed and encouraged.

And a most unique Attraction is a Siege Weapons Range with Displays & Shows for the Spectator to enjoy... and training for those that want to be a Participant. Available siege weapons include but are not limited to: arrow flingers, spear launchers (single and multiple), ballista (small thru huge), catapults (small thru huge) and trebuchet (small thru huge). And even a special trebuchet that has been designed to fling cars.

The surrounding and nearby Natural Features provide more casual venues for Outdoor Enthusiasts. The surrounding desert flatlands and hills provide excellent areas for off-roading adventures. The scenic hills, hoodoos and rock formations provide excellent hiking, rock climbing and rough camping opportunities. The nearby lake, Varga's Lake as it's now called, with its several natural beaches, scenic canyons and rock formations provides beautiful areas suitable for camping, boating, fishing, waterskiing and swimming. The forested mountains with its several rivers, streams and tiny mountain lakes, all located on the far side of the lake, provides hiking, fishing, hunting and rough camping opportunities. Campgrounds, Cabin Rentals, Boat & Ski Rentals, Bait & Tackle Shop & an Outdoorsman Equipment Shop are all available near the Docks and Marina at the Lake.

The Downtown area has two Major Streets; Main St. and Lake St., and has an American Vintage feel with all of its buildings looking like they were built in the 1930's and 40's. It provides services for the surrounding residences as well as the Visitors... though not all Services are available to Visitors.

The Neighborhoods surrounding the Downtown area are Walled-In for the Security and Privacy of the Residents. Outsiders, Visitors and Guests are Strictly Forbidden to enter ANY Walled Neighborhood without specifically being Invited by a Citizen of Arco Station. Citizens are given VIP Guest Tokens that they are to give to those Special Invited Guests when they want a Non-Citizen of Arco Station to visit them at their Residence.

The Residences surrounding the Downtown area come in three styles:

  • Small 1-2 bedroom house with a 1 car garage or carport and a small back yard; these are located closest to the Downtown Business area.
  • Medium 2-3 bedroom house with a 2 car garage and a high carport for RV's or Semis and a large back yard; these are located next to the Downtown Neighborhood, further from the Downtown Business area.
  • Large 4-6 bedroom house with 2-4 car garage, high double carport for RV's and a large surrounding estate; these are located furthest from the Downtown area and are sometimes found in secluded or scenic area.
      • All yards and estate areas are fenced; fencing type varies by neighborhood and estate.

Downtown Areas[edit]

Downtown Features[edit]

  • Public Park #
    • with Flowing Well from aquafer / underground river.
  • Public (free) Drive-in Theater (nightly)
  • Numerous Shaded Areas (Cottonwoods) throughout the Downtown Areas
  • Wide Shaded Avenues with ample On-Street Parking Spaces
  • Wide Shaded Sidewalks with frequent Park Benches
  • Numerous Businesses providing Goods and Services for Basic Needs, Specialized Hobbies, Wholesome Entertainment and Souvenirs.
  • Various Storage Buildings, Garages and Hangers #
    • Hanger; Motorcycle Mechanic Shops within (near Venue Areas)
    • Hanger; Racecar Mechanic Shops within (near Venue Areas)
    • Hanger; Aircraft Mechanic Shops within (near Venue Areas)

Downtown Area Services (25+)[edit]

Public & Private Organizations[edit]
  • ACPST&W Facility: Power Station
  • ACPST&W Facility: S&T Recycling Center
    • Alamond Central Power, Sewer, Trash & Water
  • Arco Station Facility: Water Pumping Station
  • Town Hall & Community Center #
    • Rodak: Encampment Gaffer, Rafe: Civic Leader, Argile: Civic Leader, Andy: Civic Leader, Lawrence: Civic Leader, Harry Hartz: Civic Leader, Chuck: Encampment Electrical Engineer, Davey: Encampment Plumbing Engineer, Rock Hound: Encampment Geologist & Hydrologist, Tanker: Multi-Fuel Specialist & Transport Coordinator, Danny: Encampment Chief Dirt Mover, Sissy: Encampment Sorceress
  • Guardians' Guildhall #
    • Guild Leaders: Raphael (Founder), Fitz, Colette, Rodak, Argile, Pipil, Carl, Marko, Kevin.
    • Restricted Access to Guardians ONLY.
    • Usually used as Transport & Return Location for those Serving Guard Duty.
  • Sorceress' Guild Hall
    • Guild Leaders (3): Jewelz, Missy, Sissy
    • Members (13): Nancy, Vicki, Bobbie Sue, Kimberley, Priscilla, Diane, Jean, Veronica, Betty Jo, Doris, Sheryl, Peggy, Natalie
  • Arco Station Fire Department
    • Sub-Guild of the Sorceress' Guild
  • Clinic #
    • plus Pharmacy & Surgical Bay
    • Jamie: Registration Clerk, Harry: Orderly, Gina: Registered Nurse, Herb: Pharmacist
  • Arco Service Station #
    • Multi-Fuel Station & Mechanic's Shop
    • Bernie: Clerk, William: Clerk, Lug: Mechanic, Wrench: Mechanic, Dozer: Mechanic , Jack: Mechanic, Mario: Mechanic, Vince: Mechanic
  • Grocery Store #
    • Crista: Clerk/Manager, Brian: Clerk, Jake: Clerk
  • Hardware Store #
    • Charlie: Clerk/Manager, Jonathan: Clerk
  • Diner #
    • Bfast, Lunch & Dinner 24/7
    • Albert: Cook, Sammy: Cook, Patrick: Cook, Diane: Waitress, Jean: Waitress, Alice: Waitress, Tabitha: Waitress, Ruby: Waitress, Tamara: Waitress, Todd: Waiter, Skip: Waiter, Shelly: Waitress,
  • Bar/Pub # (24/7)
    • Bart: Bartender, Van: Bartender
  • Motel
    • Two Story, 200 Rooms
    • Two Pool Areas
    • Sterling: Day Manager, Norman: Night Manager, Abraham: Asst Mgr, Baraby: Asst Mgr, Callum: Staff, Duane: Staff, Ellington: Staff, Fletcher: Staff, Giselle: Staff, Harriet: Staff, Ira: Staff, Justine: Staff, Kyle: Staff, Nigel: Staff, Otto: Staff, Patricia: Staff, Quinn: Staff, Roy: Staff, Suzette: Staff, Tyron: Staff
  • Campgrounds #
    • Two Locations Near Downtown at the Attraction Sites
    • One has Large Shacks (actually very nice Tiny Cabins) for Rent
    • (Rotating) Derrick: Campground Host, Paulette: Campground Host, Francisco: Campground Host
  • Fabrication & Repair Shop #
    • (Restricted Access; No Visitors/Outsiders. Permission Needed from Rafe or Rodak ONLY)
  • Specialty Mechanic's Shop
    • Limited Access to Visitors/Outsiders
    • Tommy: Head Mechanic, Keith: Mechanic
  • Butcher's Shop
    • Walter: Head Butcher, Walt Jr: Asst Butcher
  • Department/Clothing Store
    • Gordon: Clerk/Manager, Nathan: Clerk, Jerome: Clerk
  • Tailor Shop
    • Vicki: Manager, Ryan: Tailor, Sabrina: Seamstress
  • Laundromat & Laundry Services
    • Irene: Manager, Irwin: Clerk, Jessica: Asst Mgr, Lily: Clerk, Leland: Clerk
  • Car Hop Malt Shop & Diner
    • Burgers, Fries, Etc.
    • Car Hops on Rollerskates
    • Oscar: Cook, Michelle: Car Hop, Kelly: Car Hop
  • Steakhouse
    • Missy: Head Cook, Frank: Cook, Joey: Baker, Veronica: Waitress, Julie: Waitress, Diane: Waitress, Edgar: Waiter
  • Bowdark's BBQ
    • Eddie: Cook, Bobbie Sue: Waitress, Betty Jo: Waitress
  • Bar & Grill
  • Drive-In Movies
  • Salvage / Junk Yard, Towing Service & Repairs
    • Scrounge: Finder & Collector, Fixer: Master of Fixing & Frankensteining
  • Barbershop
    • Floyd: Barber, Edward: Barber, Figaro: Barber
  • Beauty Shop
    • Flo: Head Beautician, Jeanette: Beautician, Marilyn: Beautician, Lynette: Beautician
    • Amy: Nail Tech, Joanie: Nail Tech, Riley: Nail Tech
  • Tattoo & Piercing Shop
    • Hank: Tattooist, Gus: Tattooist, Wednesday: Tattooist & Piercer, Friday: Tattooist & Piercer,
  • Chinese Buffet
    • Xang Ming Xoa: Manager,
  • Drug Store
    • ???: Manager,
  • Cafe
    • ???: Manager, ???: Waitstaff,
  • Vehicle Rentals (Off Road 4x4, Motorcycles)
  • Equipment Rental Shop
  • Auto Parts Store

Venue Site Areas[edit]

ALL Permanent Venue Sites (except Airshow Alley) are Dug-In Sites, including the Spectator Stands.

Attractions (12+)[edit]

  • Vintage Motorcycle Racing #
    • Vintage Moto Racers: [12] Pipil(Pip), Kip, Danny, Sissy, Richard, Harold, Martin, Mark, Chris, Paul, James, Robert
    • Training in Motorcycle Riding and Racing available to Visitors
  • Motorcycle Chariot Races #
    • Chariot Moto Racers: [9] Argile, Rock Hound, Tanker, Vincent, Shawn, Seth, Scott, Steve, Benjamin
  • Cycle Jousting
  • Cycle Mounted Combat
  • Combat Shows; Armed & Unarmed #
    • Training in Armed and Unarmed Combat available to Visitors
      • [12] Boris: Manager, Doris: Manager, Hans, Frans, Sheryl, Peggy, Natalie, Kermit, Fozzy, Rolff, Dillon, Dean,
  • Archery, Firearms & Siege Engine Displays & Participation
    • Training available to Visitors
    • Bring Your Own is welcomed and encouraged.
  • Roller Ball
  • Vintage Airshows #
    • Training in Piloting and Combat Piloting available to Visitors
  • Vintage Formula One Racing
    • Racecar Training available to Visitors

Venue Site Features[edit]

ALL Permanent Venue Sites (except for Airshow Alley) are Dug-In Sites, including the Spectator Stands.

  • Race Tracks # (9 - Multiple Types)
    • Oval Motorcycle Tracks; Paved: Banked (1), Flat (1)
    • Oval Motorcycle Track; Dirt: Banked (1), Flat (2), Jumps, Berms & Hills (1)
    • Serpentine Motorcycle Track; Dirt: Jumps, Berms & Hills (1)
    • Oval Racecar Track; Paved: Banked (1)
    • Serpentine Racecar Track; Paved: Formula One Style (1)
  • Fighting Arenas # (17+ - Multiple Types)
    • Small Fighting Pits (12+)
    • Large Fighting Pits (4)
    • Huge Combat Arena (1)
  • Archery, Firearms and Siege Engine Ranges (Multiple, Varied)
  • Airshow Alley #
    • Paved Runway for take-offs and landings
    • Stands to the far side of Runway for Spectators
      • Stands are light-weight yet ultra-durable, foldable and portable.
    • Various Hangers for Display & Storage of Aircraft on the Town side of the Runway

Services available at Venue Sites (6+)[edit]

  • Money Changer / Ticket Booth
    • Copper, Silver & Gold Tokens = Spending Coins at the Vendors
    • Red Tokens = Standard Attraction Passes
    • Orange Tokens = Special Performance Passes
    • Green Tokens = Training Passes
    • Blue Tokens = V.I.P. = Special Access Attractions Passes
    • Purple Tokens = Ultra V.I.P. = Invited Guest = Special All Access Passes
  • Food Vendors
    • Varied; stationary and mobile
  • Drink Vendors
    • Varied; stationary and mobile
  • Trinkets, Wares & Specialty Vendors
    • Varied; stationary and mobile
  • Special Performances
    • Varied; stationary and mobile
  • Special Training
    • See Attractions for specifics on available training.
  • Campgrounds #

Varga's Lake Areas[edit]

Features at Varga's Lake[edit]

  • Boat Ramp, Beaching Area & Docks #
  • Boat Ramp, Beaching Area, Docks w/ Marina #
  • Campgrounds at the edge of the Lake #
  • Campgrounds up the hill from the Lake #
  • Fish Hatchery #
    • Andy: Fish Hatchery Operations, Larry: Fish Hatchery Worker

Varga's Lake Services (5+)[edit]

  • Boat & Equipment Rentals Shop
    • Bait & Tackle Shop as well
    • Nancy: Boat & Bait Shop Manager (Her four kids help her at the Shops), Liam: Clerk
  • Outdoor Equipment Shop
    • Taylor: Clerk
  • Campgrounds #
    • Multiple Locations
    • (Rotating) Derrick: Campground Host, Paulette: Campground Host, Francisco: Campground Host
  • Tiny Cabin Rentals
      • A # indicates Primary Structure (first to be constructed/built)
      • A # indicates Primary Attraction (first to be Performed regularly)

Surrounding Areas[edit]

  • Cattle Ranch; Small (close by)
  • Multi-Crop Farm; Small (close by)

Natural Features[edit]

  • Natural Well with Flowing Water (center of Downtown in Park)
  • High-Mountain Desert Flatlands (surrounding Arco Station)
  • Large Lake (close by; north of Town)
  • River and Streams feeding into the Lake (nearby; mostly on the Mountain)
  • Forested Mountain (nearby; next to the Lake.)
  • Scenic Rock Formations (nearby; various locations)
  • High-Mountain Desert Badlands (short distance)

Leaders & Citizens[edit]


  • Rodak: Encampment Gaffer
  • Rafe: Civic Leader
  • Argile: Civic Leader
  • Andy: Civic Leader
  • Lawrence: Civic Leader
  • Harry Hurtz: Civic Leader

Citizens: The Fort Garland Adventurers' Society (14)[edit]

Raphael (plus The Poodle Boys [3]), Slugger (plus Curious), Fitz, Wrecker, Reggy, Colette, Runner, Gunner, Candy, Kole, Olive, Elmer, Dr. Len, Gadget

  • Many of the Adventurers' Society were Changed into Other Races during The Change back on their Home World (with a few exceptions)
    • Those Changed will have Racial Abilities and Magics
  • All of the Adventurers' Society have a Basic Imprint of the Fort Garland Sigil
    • All are trained in Sigil Basics
    • All can Shape Change (5 Forms)
    • Most know Low Order Sorcery
  • Over half of the Adventurers' Society have spent a month in special training at Deselduia
  • Most of the Adventurers' Society has spent a full Season in training with Hepplewhite's Traveling Circus
  • Most of the Adventurers' Society are trained motorcycle riders & truck drivers
  • All of the Adventurers' Society have some Combat Training in Unarmed and Armed techniques
    • Some have Military or similar training

Citizens: The Arco Boys[edit]

The Arco Boys of Arco Station consists mainly of three groups: The Original Arco Boys; Truckers from Texas, The Original Fort Garland Dwarves; Residents of FG that joined with the Arco Boys, and The Original Indian Hills Dwarves; Residents of Indian Hills Suburb of Denver that joined with the Arco Boys and moved to FG.

  • All of the Arco Boys were Changed into Dwarves during The Change back on their Home World (with a few exceptions)
    • All will have Dwarven Racial Abilities and Dwarven Magics (with a few exceptions)
  • All of the Arco Boys have a Basic Imprint of the Fort Garland Sigil
    • All are trained in Sigil Basics
    • All can Shape Change (3-5 Forms)
    • Some know Low Order Sorcery
  • All of the Arco Boys have spent a full Season in training with Hepplewhite's Traveling Circus
  • All of the Arco Boys are trained motorcycle riders
    • Most are trained in Racing and Stunts
  • All of the Arco Boys have some Combat Training in Unarmed and Armed techniques
    • Some have Military or similar training

Original Arco Boys (7)[edit]

  • Rodak Arco: Encampment Gaffer
    • Leader of the Arco Boys, Mechanic, Truckdriver, Retired Military
  • Argile: Civic Leader, Backup Racer
    • Truckdriver, Retired Military, Retired Inveestor
  • Pipil (Pip): Prime Racer, Security
    • Truckdriver, Retired Military, Retired Professor
  • Kip: Prime Racer, Security Chief, Guardian Sword Bearer
    • Truckdriver, Retired Military
  • Chuck: Encampment Electrical Engineer
    • Truckdriver, Electrician
  • Rock Hound: Encampment Geologist & Hydrologist, Backup Racer
    • Truckdriver, Retired Driller, Retired Geologist
  • Tanker: Multi-Fuel Specialist & Transport Coordinator, Backup Racer
    • Truckdriver/Hazmat, OSHA Specialist, Retired Military/NBC Specialist
  • OTHER ORIGINAL MEMBERS (Currently traveling with the Adventurers' Society)
    • Fitz William, Wrecker, Runner, Gunner, Candy, Kole

Fort Garland, Colorado Dwarf Clan (17)[edit]

  • Andy: Civic Leader, Fish Hatchery Operations
    • Also runs the Boat & Bait Shop at the Lake with his new wife; Nancy and her kids.
  • Nancy: Boat & Bait Shop Manager
    • Carpenter, Sorceress
  • Tayven(17-Elf), Troy(16-Orc), Tobias(15-Hu-Mage) & Teran(14-Dw)
    • Nancy's four kids help her at the Shops
  • Danny: Encampment Civil Engineer & Chief Dirt Mover, Prime Racer
    • Heavy Equipment Operator, aspiring Civil Engineer
  • Jimmy: Farm Ops Manager
    • Farmer of Self Sufficient Farms
  • Tommy: Head Mechanic at Specialty Mechanic Shop
    • Also Head Mechanic for all Moto Show bikes
    • Motorcycle Mechanic; Master Level
  • Joey: Baker at Steakhouse, Tent Camp Vendor
    • Baker & Pastry Chef
  • Davey: Encampment Plumbing Engineer
    • Retired Plumber, Retired Plumbing Inspector
  • Vicki: Tailor Shop Manager
    • Seamstress, Taylor, Weaver, Sorceress
  • Bobbie Sue: Waitress at BBQ
    • Teen-aged girl fresh from High School, Sorceress
  • Scrounge: Finder and Collector of All Things
    • Retired Combat Vet, PTSD, Homeless
  • Kimberly: Camp Performer
    • Accountant, Bookkeeper, Sorceress
  • Priscilla: Camp Performer
    • Phlebotomist, Sorceress
  • Darwin: Camp Performer
    • Day Laborer, Alcoholic

Indian Hills, Colorado Dwarf Clan (40)[edit]

  • Lawrence Johnson: Civic Leader
    • Former Corporate Leadership & Teamwork Training Manager
    • Former Leader of the Indian Hills Clan before joining the Arco Boys Clan
    • Trying to make a Career out of being just a Civic Leader at Arco Station.
  • Richard: Prime Racer
    • Motorcycle Racer; Track & Off-road
  • Harold: Prime Racer
    • Retired Science Professor
  • Martin: Prime Racer
    • Professional Courier
  • Mark: Prime Racer
    • Draftsman, aspiring Architect
  • Chris: Prime Racer
    • Property Maintenance Supervisor
  • Paul: Prime Racer
    • IT & Networking Specialist
  • James: Prime Racer
    • Retail Store Manger
  • Robert: Prime Racer
    • Warehouse Supervisor
  • Vincent: Backup Racer
    • Homeless, Jobless, Recovering Addict
  • Shawn: Backup Racer
    • Phone Center CSR
  • Seth: Backup Racer
    • Sanitation Worker
  • Scott: Backup Racer
    • Metal Sculptor and Artist
  • Steve: Backup Racer
    • Retired Military, PTSD Survivor
  • Benjamin: Backup Racer
    • Ex-Drug Dealer
  • Diane: Waitress at Diner
    • Waitress & Server, Sorceress
  • Jean: Waitress at Diner
    • Widowed Homemaker, Sorceress
  • Veronica: Waitress at Steakhouse
    • Office Manager for Big Firm, Sorceress
  • Julie aka Jewelz: Waitress at Steakhouse, Sorceress Guild Leader
    • Flight Attendant for Major Airlines, Sorceress
  • Betty Jo: Waitress at BBQ
    • Waitress at BBQ, Sorceress
  • Brian: Clerk at Grocery Store
    • Musical Artist; Amateur but still quite good
  • Lug: Mechanic at Arco Service Station
    • Mechanic
  • Wrench: Mechanic at Arco Service Station
    • Mechanic
  • Dozer: Mechanic at Arco Service Station
    • Mechanic
  • Jack: Mechanic at Arco Service Station
    • Mechanic
  • Boris: Combat Performer/Manager
    • Body Builder, Artist
  • Doris: Combat Performer/Manager
    • Body Builder, Model, Sorceress
  • Hans: Combat Performer
    • Body Builder
  • Frans: Combat Performer
    • Body Builder
  • Sheryl: Combat Performer, Sorceress
    • Female Police Hand to Hand Combat Trainer, Police Officer
  • Peggy: Combat Performer, Sorceress
    • Dancer, Martial Artist, Sorceress
  • Natalie: Combat Performer
    • Martial Artist, Retired Government Agent, Sorceress
  • Kermit: Combat Performer
    • SCA Fighter
  • Fozzy: Combat Performer
    • SCA Fighter
  • Rolff: Combat Performer
    • SCA Fighter, Amateur Musician
  • Dillon: Combat Performer
    • Convenience Store Clerk, D&D Nerd
  • Dean: Combat Performer
    • Retired Movie Stunt Performer
  • Missy: Head Cook at Steakhouse, Sorceress Guild Leader
    • Cook, Brewer & Distiller, Sorceress
  • Sissy: Prime Racer, Sorceress Guild Leader
    • Homemaker, Alternative Medicine & Herbal Remedies, Child Care
  • Fixer: Master of Fixing, Repairing and Frankensteining
    • Don't ask... seriously.

Texas Transplants(??)[edit]

  • Unknown

Citizens from Alamond[edit]

  • Unknown

Rickenbacker Flying Circus[edit]

  • Eddie Rickenbacker - Flying Master
  • Hary Hurtz - Operations Master
  • Ernie Udet - Shop Master
  • 300+ Support Staff

Non-Borns (85+)[edit]

These Non-Borns started drifting in once some the buildings were completed, sometimes showing up individually or in small groups. Each claiming they were attracted to the area from 'somewhere else' and wanted to be a part of Arco Station. Each had varying Skill Sets that could be useful in Arco Station and Retreat, so each was welcomed in. They all found a niche where their skills were needed and they could feel useful and be a part of the community; which they were. Most took Service Industry Positions; Cashiers, Clerks & Vendors for Shops and Booths... Bartenders, Cooks & Waitstaff for Eateries & Watering Holes... Cleaners of Laundry, Businesses and Homes... and a few other specialized Professions to help fill in the gaps allowing the Arco Boys to focus on their Specialties; Racing, Combat Performances & Weaponry, and of course, Mechanics and Fabrication/Repair.

  • Albert - Cook at Diner
  • Alice - Waitress at Diner
  • Bart - Bartender at Bar/Pub
  • Bernie - Clerk at Arco Service Station
  • Charlie - Hardware Store Clerk/Manager
  • Crista - Grocery Store Clerk/Manager
  • Derrick - Campground Host
  • Diane - Waitress at Steakhouse
  • Edgar - Waiter at Steakhouse
  • Eddie - Cook at BBQ Joint
  • Frank - Cook at Steakhouse
  • Francisco - Campground Host
  • Gordon - Department Store Clerk/Manager
  • Gina - Registered Nurse at Clinic
  • Herb - Pharmacist at Clinic
  • Harry - Orderly at Clinic
  • Irwin - Clerk at the Laundromat
  • Irene - Manager and the Laundromat
  • Jamie - Registration Clerk at Clinic
  • Jake - Clerk at Grocery Store
  • Kelly - Car Hop at the Malt Shop
  • Keith - Mechanic at Specialty Shop
  • Liam - Clerk at Boat & Equip. / Bait & Tackle Shops
  • Larry - Worker at Fish Hatchery
  • Michelle - Car Hop at the Malt Shop
  • Mario - Mechanic at Arco Service Station
  • Oscar - Cook at the Car Hop Malt Shop
  • Owen - Extra at Tent Villages
  • Patrick - Cook at Diner
  • Paulette - Campground Host
  • Ryan - Tailor at Tailor Shop
  • Ruby - Waitress at Diner
  • Sammy - Cook at Diner
  • Sabrina - Seamstress at Tailor Shop
  • Tabitha - Waitress at Diner
  • Taylor - Outdoor Equipment Shop Clerk
  • Van - Bartender at Bar/Pub
  • Vince - Mechanic at Arco Service Station
  • Willian - Clerk at Arco Service Station
  • Walter - Butcher at Butcher Shop
  • Walt Jr.: Asst Butcher
  • Tamara: Waitress at the Diner
  • Todd: Waiter at the Diner
  • Skip: Waiter at the Diner
  • Shelly: Waitress at the Diner
  • Sterling: Day Manager at the Motel
  • Norman: Night Manager at the Motel
  • Abraham: Asst Mgr at Motel
  • Baraby: Asst Mgr at Motel
  • Callum: Staff at Motel
  • Duane: Staff at Motel
  • Ellington: Staff at Motel
  • Fletcher: Staff at Motel
  • Giselle: Staff at Motel
  • Harriet: Staff at Motel
  • Ira: Staff at Motel
  • Justine: Staff at Motel
  • Kyle: Staff at Motel
  • Nigel: Staff at Motel
  • Otto: Staff at Motel
  • Patricia: Staff at Motel
  • Quinn: Staff at Motel
  • Roy: Staff at Motel
  • Suzette: Staff at Motel
  • Tyron: Staff at Motel
  • Jonathan: Clerk at Hardware Store
  • Nathan: Clerk at Department Store
  • Jerome: Clerk at Department Store
  • Jessica: Asst Mgr at Laundromat
  • Lily: Clerk at Laundromat
  • Leland: Clerk at Laundromat
  • Floyd: Barber at Barbershop
  • Edward: Barber at Barbershop
  • Figaro: Barber at Barbershop
  • Flo: Head Beautician at Beauty Shop
  • Jeanette: Beautician at Beauty Shop
  • Marilyn: Beautician at Beauty Shop
  • Lynette: Beautician at Beauty Shop
  • Amy: Nail Tech at Beauty Shop
  • Joanie: Nail Tech at Beauty Shop
  • Riley: Nail Tech at Beauty Shop
  • Hank: Tattooist at Tattoo & Piercing Shop
  • Gus: Tattooist at Tattoo & Piercing Shop
  • Wednesday: Tattooist & Piercer at Tattoo & Piercing Shop
  • Friday: Tattooist & Piercer at Tattoo & Piercing Shop


The Arco Station Guild of Sorcery {16}[edit]

Guild Leaders:{3}

  • Julie aka Jewelz: Sorceress Guild Leader
    • Waitress at Steakhouse, Flight Attendant for Major Airlines, Sorceress
  • Missy: Sorceress Guild Leader
    • Head Cook at Steakhouse, Cook, Brewer & Distiller, Sorceress
  • Sissy: Sorceress Guild Leader
    • Prime Racer, Homemaker, Alternative Medicine & Herbal Remedies, Child Care

Guild Members:{13}

  • Nancy: Boat & Bait Shop Manager
    • Carpenter, Sorceress
  • Vicki: Tailor Shop Manager
    • Seamstress, Taylor, Weaver, Sorceress
  • Bobbie Sue: Waitress at BBQ
    • Teen-aged girl fresh from High School, Sorceress
  • Kimberly: Camp Performer
    • Accountant, Bookkeeper, Sorceress
  • Priscilla: Camp Performer
    • Phlebotomist, Sorceress
  • Diane: Waitress at Diner
    • Waitress & Server, Sorceress
  • Jean: Waitress at Diner
    • Widowed Homemaker, Sorceress
  • Veronica: Waitress at Steakhouse
    • Office Manager for Big Firm, Sorceress
  • Betty Jo: Waitress at BBQ
    • Waitress at BBQ, Sorceress
  • Doris: Combat Performer/Manager
    • Body Builder, Model, Sorceress
  • Sheryl: Combat Performer, Sorceress
    • Female Police Hand to Hand Combat Trainer, Police Officer
  • Peggy: Combat Performer, Sorceress
    • Dancer, Martial Artist, Sorceress
  • Natalie: Combat Performer
    • Martial Artist, Retired Government Agent, Sorceress

NOTE: All Members and Leaders are both Dwarven and Female.

Guardians' Guild; Fort Garland Chapter {78}[edit]

Guild Leaders:{9}

  • Raphael (Founder), Fitz, Colette, Rodak, Argile, Pipil, Carl, Kevin, Marko.

Guild Members:{69}

  • All Members of the Fort Garland Adventurers Society, the Fort Garland Arco Boys, the Fort Garland Dwarf Clan, & the Indian Hills Dwarf Clan


  • Unknown

Permanent Visitors[edit]

  • Bruce & Phyllis: Retirees and Campers
    • Commonly referred to as 'that Nice Old Couple camping at the Lake' or 'those Nice Old Campers', Bruce and Phyllis were Arco Station & Retreat's first Visitors, even though the Encampment was not yet officially 'open for business'. They stopped in one day after a fair number of businesses and attraction sites had been constructed, staffed and supplied. They went to the Arco Service Station for gas, propane and to have the truck and travel trailer looked over in the shop while they had lunch at the Diner. Afterwards they visited every open business to get supplies, then headed out to the Lake for a much deserved retirement and some peaceful enjoyment of the gifts Nature had to offer in this region.
    • Bruce and Phyllis make friends easily and are happy to strike-up a conversation, share a fishing or camping tip and assist others if they can. They are generous and often 'adopt' young campers, singles and young couples, especially those with young children, and make sure they are doing okay and usually end up feeding them. Phyllis was not too pleased about some of the 'bikers' and 'hotrodders' that camped near them a little too often for her liking, but Bruce scoffed and said, 'They're just people. Like you and me.' When she found this to be true she began inviting some of them over for dinner... she now has any number of 'tough guys' calling her 'mom' while washing the dishes after dinner.
    • Bruce and Phyllis are most often found at the Lake Campgrounds area or any number of other Camping Sites or Rough Sites in and around the Scenic Areas outside Arco Station itself. They come into Town regularly for supplies, though not frequently and do not attend any of the Attractions except the Airshows. They can usually be encountered at the Grocery Store, Hardware Store, Department Store and Arco Service Station. They can sometimes be found at the Diner, Steakhouse or Bowdark's BBQ... but only if those establishments aren't too busy.
    • NOTE: Due to the Aging Effect they could look younger, but they 'chose' to look old enough to 'look retired', but still young enough to enjoy it.

Important Links[edit]

Arco Boys

Fort Garland, Colorado

Fort Garland Adventurers' Society

Guardians' Guild; Fort Garland Chapter

Rickenbacker Flying Circus