ALTERNATE (b): President Haines is negotiating with India to demand Abraham Michaels' return to stand trial. The UN council is meeting again this week to implore President Gaines to repeal the state of Martial Law, his Father joined up with Milos’ gang that he started hating us. Well, that and when his Father erupted and blew up all of Las Vegas. After Cuba took in The Progenitors nobody else is going to be willing to take the risk. The nuclear treaty has already been broken. Arthur is sitting on a bed in his Fathers old apartment building holding a bottle with some undefined alcohol. ... The announcer reports that another three of the notorious “Survivors” have been captured and executed today. This brings the count up to 279 out of 283 accounted for.
Jason Forrest [missing] - (The Ghost), known to be able to go totally incorporeal, possess people’s minds, and induce hallucinations of such a extreme level that psychosomatic wounds have been seen opening on his victims bodies in response to the trauma to their psyche.
Abraham Michaels [political asylum] - (The Doc) has sought political asylum with India. President Haines is negotiating with India to demand his return to stand trial. Abraham was lauded early on as a great hero when he performed a public ‘miracle’ by healing over 300 people of various maladies, injuries, and even re-growing lost limbs on several disabled war veterans.
Arthur Redford [missing] - reliable sources have tracked him down to the downtown slums of D.C.
ALTERNATE (b) : Now 87 years old, Arthur travels back in time to 2001 to watch the events of 9/11 unfold on TV from an old bar in Boston. Due to "the Godlike Menace," President Gaines declares Martial Law in the United States.
ALTERNATE (c): After about twenty years he ... The whole neighborhood had changed. Always a plush area, the neighborhood had evidently improved several more notches. There was no litter, no vandalism, and people moved with a purposeful air. ... It’s illegal for you to even own the old world currency. Where is your tattoo? Where is your mark? Angry now the man held up his right fist, as it burst into a blazing aura of golden red fire! Was this man a fellow survivor? "General Redford, Sir!"
ALTERNATE (c): Time is our enamy, it allways has been, even in the begining. Time we lost, Time that has stolen from us. Time to fix things that went wrong, time to save friends. Its allways time thats aginst us. And I want it back! Can you do that? Unless you can dont dare call yourself 'Godlike' to me. <long pause> "Hey do you remember that time we died? -- Vice President Jack Bennett Kennedy, Alternate timeline, Addressing Survivers Reunion.
ALTERNATE (b): President Milos Wiazowski signs Super Terrorist Registration and Dehumanization act. Officially an addendum to the renewed Patriot Act, this law allows the Government to collect and “tag” any Survivor of the flight 283 at will and, if they determine that the individual represents a threat to America, the government reserves the right to deny their status as homo sapiens and thus their human rights. Over the course of the next 3 three months, 79 Survivors are killed and 25 are captured. Only seven turn themselves in to voluntarily work with the government.
January 20: President Richard Cheney's term will be completed. The next (44th) President of the United States (elected November 4, 2008) will be inaugurated.
2008 Election Timeline
Candidates began making their plans known as early as 2004. Candidates will emerge during 2006-07 because of the long lead time for fund-raising. Federal election laws require the reporting of funds raised for the primary elections, and in the past the media has anointed "front-runners" on the basis of reported fund-raising totals. Delegates to the national party conventions are selected through direct primary elections, or state caucuses and state conventions. Beginning in January 2008, the first delegate-selection contests will be held in Iowa (caucus), New Hampshire (primary) and possibly other states. The process continues through June, but in previous cycles, including 2004, the Democratic and Republican candidates were effectively chosen by the March primaries, because the leading candidates had collected enough committed delegates to win in the national convention. Most third parties select delegates to their national conventions through state conventions.
August 25 to August 28, 2008 - 2008 Democratic National Convention.
September 1 to September 4, 2008 - 2008 Republican National Convention.
November 4, 2008 - Election Day.
December 15, 2008 - Members of the U.S. Electoral College meet in each state to cast their votes for President.
January 6, 2009 - Electoral votes officially tallied before both Houses of Congress.
December 30: the Main Cast, Vivian Janell and Vernon Marks gather at the Blue Gin to enjoy a relaxing evening. Jack's young friend Dermot appears, with heroin, and reveals himself to be Milos' son. Milos and Jack's brother Patrick arrive to take Jack away.
December 24: The Congress of the United States rejected Condoleezza Rice's request to restore $50 million in aid to the African Union. Arthur Redford battles Godlike masked wrestler "El Cuchillo" on Pay-Per-View.
December 22: Vice President Brian Jaffe meets with the Ambassador from North Korea to discuss that country's proposed "Godlike Program." Former(?) Progeny member, Mongrel, takes Brian Jaffe's mother hostage in Maine.
December 18: U.S. Vice President Brian Jaffe is on a trip to various countries including Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. He made a surprise stop to Iraq today.
December 17: Condoleezza Rice and the African Union request additional funds to enable the A.U.'s peacekeeping mission in Darfur, Sudan to continue. Without additional aid, the African peacekeeping force will run out of funds in four months. Violence in the region has resurged recently. DCFD Engine #16 hosts its annual Christmas BBQ. The Main Cast are in attendance, as are Mandy's brother Gabe and his fiancee Ockham!
December 16: Senator John McCain persuades President Dick Cheney to accept a ban on cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees; The United States House of Representatives has requested that the Cheney administration give Congress details on any secret detention facilities overseas; The United States Senate rejects the extension of the PATRIOT Act; United States President Dick Cheney refuses to comment on whether the National Security Agency spied on American citizens without a legal warrant.
December 15: Brian Jaffe has a private dinner with Monica Amen Asia to discuss her parents' situation.
December 14: U.S. President Dick Cheney says that the decision to invade Iraq in 2003 was the result of faulty intelligence, and accepts responsibility for that decision. He maintains that his decision was still justified.
December 13: The President of the United States, Dick Cheney, acknowledges the deaths of approximately 30,000 Iraqi civilians since the commencement of the Iraq War.
November 25: The Main Cast departs for Seattle, at the request of President Cheney and Washington Governor Grigoire.
November 24: Thanksgiving. The Main Cast and their close family and friends share a festive dinner at Brian's townhouse.
November 21: As more than one million Zambians face severe food shortages due to drought, President Levy Mwanawasa declares a national disaster and appealed for international food aid.
November 17': A state of emergency and widespread rioting ends in France,
first sparked by the accidental deaths of two Muslim boys.
November 2: The Washington Post reports that the CIA has been operating, perhaps illegally, a covert network of "black site" prisons for terrorist suspects in eight foreign countries, including Afghanistan, Thailand, and several Eastern European democracies for the last four years, with little or no oversight from the United States Congress.
November 1: U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and his fellow Democrats force a closed session of the Senate over misinformed intelligence that led to the Iraq war and evasion of a congressional inquiry. This is considered a coup by the media and dirty pool by Senate Republicans.
October 20: The Barbara Walters Special featuring Brian is filmed and aired; Milos Wiazowski appears as a surprise (to Brian) guest. Jack and Arthur leave Pakistan on a secret mission to rescue Zaida from No Man's Land; all does not go according to plan and the Main Cast soon finds themselves targets of military attention.
October 19: The Main Cast is on-hand to respond to the largest of the Kashmiri earthquake's aftershocks and their quick thinking and vast power directly saves nearly 200 lives. A team from King Farm is there as well and, despite misgivings, the two teams are able to work together in the clean up project over the next week.
October 18: Lead by Mandy, The Hopewell Foundation's rescue team leaves for Kashmir to help with earthquake cleanup.
October 15: Arthur and the rest of the Main Cast battle The Reaper in Potomac Park. Though the physical fight ends quickly in our heroes' favor, the emotional score is not so settled as The Reaper is revealed to be their friend, Harley.
October 13: Khalid Atta, the last surviving hijacker of American Airlines flight 283, arrives at the office of The Hopewell Foundation, requesting asylum. After a small scuffle, Arthur and Brian bring him to the office of Amnesty International in New York. Several other Survivors arrive at the Hopewell Office, asking for help on a variety of issues.
October 12: The Main Cast has a brief altercation with Milos Wiazowski, Daniel Young and several of Milos' Godlike colleagues outside of the Young family's home in Virgina over custody of Maggie and Alex. Unprepared to encounter other people as powerful as they, the Main Cast are defeated, but not before Brian wreaks unintentional, but severe, property damage in the neighborhood with his powers. Later that evening, Milos arrives at the Hopewell Foundation office to give a 24 hour ultimatum for their submission to his will. A group called The Human Foundation airs a commercial in prime time, containing footage of Survivor-caused destruction (even some from the fight at the Young's house that very afternoon), asking how the public can not fear the power of the Godlike.
October 11: In giving "the Godlike Convocation," Milos Wiazowski announces the opening of King Farm as a gated community for the Survivors. Arthur races Dale Earnhardt Jr., a horse and a cheetah; unsurprisingly, he wins. The crowd's first response is silence, followed by a deafening cheer. Brian meets with Zaida binte Shouk at the U.S. Government's facility in Hopewell, NJ. The meeting ends with no one satisfied.
October 9: Mandy and brother Mikky are two of the Engine #16 team that responds to an alarm in a Washington, D.C. restaurant. They save the only two people inside before the building collapses.
September 29: John Roberts is ratified by Congress as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
September 23: President George W. Bush is expected to ratifiy the list of bases to be closed as part of BRAC 2005.
September 18: Maggie Young's birthday party. Daniel Young returns early from a business trip and hits his wife, Julie, over the pressence of "freaks" in his home. Arthur's response is aggressive and Julie says that she no longer wants to talk to him.
September 12: Michael Brown, head of FEMA since January, 2003, resigns after FEMAs poor response to Hurricane Katrina leads to allegations that he falsified his resume.
September 11: Fourth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The Main Cast, and attendants, return from a seemingly one-day jaunt to the disasterous possible future of 2056 to discover that they have missed nearly 4 months of time.
August 29: Hurricane Katrina makes landfall a second and third time, on the Gulf Coast and in Mississippi, as a Category 4 Hurricane. Most of the city of New Orleans is flooded, thousands of lives are lost and hundreds of millions of dollars in damages accrue. FEMA and the Bush administration are widely criticized for their percieved failure to better prepare for and respond to the disaster; especially relevant are issues of race and class.
August 25: Hurricane Katrina makes landfall just north of Miami, Florida, as a Category 1 Hurricane.
August 10: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter launches.
August 9: Though its landing is moved from Cape Canaveral, Florida, to Edwards Air Force Base, California, due to inclement weather, successfully Space Shuttle Discovery returns safely home at 0511 PDT, completing STS-114, "Return to Flight." Rep. Curt Weldon, R-PA. and vice chairman of the House Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, claims that the Department of Defense had identified Mohammed Atta and 3 other 9/11 terrorists as members of Al Qaeda in 1999, through the actions of a classified military intelligence unit known as "Able Danger," but did not share this information with the FBI. article
August 7: During a Congressional recess, President Bush appoints hotly contested nominee John Bolton as the United States' ambassador to the U.N., side-stepping the need to have him approved by the Senate. Saudi Arabia's King Fahd dies; the new king, King Abdullah, is seen as a moderate who will not make many changes to the country. Republican Senators John McCain, John Warner and Lindsey Graham propose a Bill to expressly prohibit cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment of detainees in U.S. custody. McCain states that the issue of torture is "not about who they are. It's about who we are." The Bill frustrates the White House and ammendments force it to be tabled until the Senate reconvenes in September.
August 1: NASA's MESSENGER probe to Mercury makes an Earth flyby.
July 26 - Launch for Space Shuttle Discovery return to flight mission STS-114. This is the first Space Shuttle flight in nearly two and a half years since the breakup of Columbia on its return from mission STS-107.
July 24 - Lance Armstrong wins a record seventh straight Tour de France before his scheduled retirement.
July 21 - A terrorist attack on London, similar to the July 7 attacks, includes 4 attempted bomb attacks on 3 Underground trains and a London bus. The bombs failed to explode properly, and only one injury was reported.
July 19 - President Bush nominates Appeals Court Judge John G. Roberts, Jr. to the United States Supreme Court, following the retirement of Sandra Day O'Connor.
July 16 - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince released.
July 10 - Hurricane Dennis strikes near Navarre Beach, Florida as a Category 3 storm killing 10 people, after killing over 50 people in the Caribbean. Dennis caused 2-5 billion dollars damage in the United States.
July 7 - Four explosions rock the transport network in London, with three explosions reported on the London Underground and one on a bus. Over 50 deaths were reported, and over 200 injured. Al-Qaeda admits to the killing of Egypt's Ambassador, Ihab al-Sherif.
July 6 - The International Olympic Committee awards the 2012 Olympic Games to London, defeating the favorite Paris in the final round.
June 21 - Volna booster rocket carrying the first light sail spacecraft (a joint Russian-United States project) failed 83 seconds after its launch, destroying the spacecraft.
June 17 - A 6.7 aftershock,which followed a 5.3 earthquake the previous day, hits California making it the fourth earthquake since June 12 in California.
June 13 - Singer Michael Jackson is acquitted of all charges of harming children.
June 5 - Switzerland votes to join the Schengen area and to allow same-sex partnerships.
May 31 - W. Mark Felt is confirmed to be Deep Throat.
May 19 - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith released, effectively completing the Star Wars movie saga begun by George Lucas in 1977.
May 17 - Kuwaiti women gain the right to vote.
May 15 - A passenger ferry capsizes and sinks in strong winds in the Bura Gauranga River in Bangladesh, leaving over 100 people missing.
May 10 - A live hand grenade lands about 100 feet from United States President George W. Bush while he is giving a speech to a crowd in Tbilisi, Georgia, but malfunctions and does not detonate. The United States Department of Defense issues a list of bases to be closed as part of the Base Realignment and Closure process (BRAC 2005).
May 4 - In one of the largest insurgent attacks in Iraq to date, at least 60 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a suicide bombing at a Kurdish police recruitment center in Irbil, northern Iraq.
May 1 - A suicide attack targets a Kurdish funeral in the northern Iraqi town of Talafar, near Mosul, which leaves at least 25 people dead and injured more than 30 others. Earlier, at least five policemen and four civilians were killed in two separate attacks in Baghdad.
April 25: A passenger train derails in Amagasaki Hyogo Prefecture Japan killing 107 people and injuring another 456.
April 20: At least 46 workers have been killed and several others injured in a blast at an explosives factory in Zambia. 56 hurt as earthquake hits Fukuoka and Kasuga, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. The earthquake measured a magnitude of 5.8 on the Richter scale.
April 19 - Joseph Ratzinger elected Pope Benedict XVI on the second day of the Papal conclave.
April 15 - At least 21 people died and around 50 people were injured in a devastating fire at a hotel in central Paris.
April 9: The marriage of The Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles takes place.
March 28 - The 2005 Sumatran earthquake struck off Sumatra, 3 months after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. At a magnitude of 8.7 it is the second largest earthquake since 1965.
March 21 - In Red Lake, Minnesota, 10 are killed in a school shooting, the worst since the Columbine High School massacre.
March 20 - At least 250 people in Japan are injured and at least one killed by when a magnitude 7 earthquake struck west of Kyushu Island, just 9km (5.5 miles) below the ocean floor.
March 19 - A suspected suicide bomber in Doha, Qatar, kills one Briton and injured about 12 other people. A time bomb explodes in a Muslim shrine in Quetta, southwestern Pakistan, killing at least 29 people and wounding 40. A mine blast occurrs at the Xishui coal mine in Shuozhou and rocks nearby Kangjiayao coal mine. The death toll is up to 59.
March 10 - Jack goes onto the operating table at Genzyme in an effort to remove a microscopic computer chip of unknown origin from his lower back. The Main Cast, Vivian and three Genzyme doctors are present and the entire group finds themselves swept into the future as a strange side-effect of Arthur's powers.
March 7 - Carrie Ann Sellers dies, but her "Godlike energy" lingers on inside her body and escapes from John Hopkins Hospital, only to be stopped by Arthur and carried away by Brian.
March 1 - The US Supreme Court rules the death penalty unconstitutional for juveniles who committed their crimes under age 18.
February 22 - More than 500 people are killed and over 1,000 injured after entire villages are flattened in an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale in Zarand region of Kerman province in southern Iran.
February 16 - The National Hockey League cancels its 2004-2005 season becoming the first North American professional league to cancel a season due to a labour dispute.
February 15 - More than 200 people are killed by a blast at a mine in Fuxin, north-east China.
February 14 - A massive suicide bomb blast in central Beirut kills Lebanon's former prime minister Rafik Hariri and at least 15 other people. At least 135 other people were also hurt. Around 59 people are killed and 200 injured in a fire at mosque in Tehran, Iran.
February 12 - Fire devastates the Windsor Building, a 32 story office block, in Madrid.
February 10 - Mandy stands for arraignment in an Athens, Georgia court for the murder of Jesse Trundel, but due to the unasked for influence of Milos Wiazowski, the charges are soon dropped. North Korea announces that it possesses nuclear weapons as a protection against the hostility it feels from the United States. Saudi Arabia holds its first ever elections for municipal authorities, in which only men are allowed to vote.
February 7 | ALTERNATE (e): An 87 year old Arthur from an alternate future timeline visits the present, "main" Athur while the later sleeps and, at super speed, tells him the story of his possible, horrific futures.
February 6 - The Main Cast, Beth, Vivian, Julie, Julia Lee, Harley and Agent Vernon Marks have their "reunion" on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Marks arrests Mandy for her crime in Georgia and in the brief chaos that follows Jack is laid low by sniper fire. In Jacksonville, the New England Patriots defeated the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX, 24-21. The victory claimed the Patriots' third NFL league title in four years.
February 3 - The Washington Post reports Vigilante Strikes Again.
February 2 - The Survivors have their identities returned, their accounts and licenses restored and their legal status switched from "deceased" back to "living."
February 1 - The Washington Post reports that a "Mysterious Vigilante Stops Robbery."
January 31 - Arthur seeks to save the life of Carrie Ann Sellers by going back in time and pulling her into the present before her burns can get too bad. He apparently succeeds and places her in the care of his friend Dr. Ramon Naranjo. Mandy rides along with Engine #16 to a box alarm fire at the Park Monroe highrise apartment.
January 30 - The first Parliamentary elections in Iraq since the overthrow of the Ba'ath Party government led by Saddam Hussein take place. Jack re-locates the abandonned Subway Station that he and friends had found years before. He soon brings Arhtur to visit the site, which he has dubbed Contingency.
January 28 - Condoleeza Rice is confirmed as the new U.S. Secretary of State. Mandy finds and begins her relationship with Washington, D.C.'s Engine Company #16.
January 27 - The Main Cast, Harold and Beth return from West Virginia to Washington, D.C.
January 26 - Jack arrives in West Virginia with a van full of equipment and Beth. A helicopter crash in eastern Iraq kills 31 United States soldiers. Athens Banner-Herald reports on the death of Jessie Trundel and disappearance of Carrie Sellers.
January 25 - Brian returns to earth, landing in St. Louis, Missouri just before dawn, and quickly heads back east, in a nervous attempt to find his friends following his experience in space. Shortly after noon Mandy reaches Athens, Georgia and waits for the attack she witnessed in her vision to occur. She is soon met by Brian and they find Carrie Ann Sellers and her pursuers. Mandy kills Jessie Trunde and Carrie goes missing. (It's worth noting, though, that Mandy's vision of the event showed it being nighttime when it happened. It is also worth noting that Carrie Sellers DIED the "first time" this event happened and Arthur later "reconstructed" the event) Arthur and Harold arrive in Clarksburg around noon, while Brian and Mandy arrive an hour later due to Brian's leaping powers. Joelle Millar begins her diplomatic relations with the U.S. Government on behalf of the Sudan in the case of imprisoned Survivor 17 year old Zaida binte Shouk.
January 24 - Brian accidentally leaps into orbit during the President's speech and quickly comes back to earth, causing an earthquake in Hartford, Connecticut (41.76° North longitude, 72.69° West latitude) and its antipode in the Indian Ocean to the west of Australia. The quake measures 7.4 on the Richter scale and its effects are felt as far away as Washington, D.C. Although no deaths are caused directly, more than 500 people are injured up and down the New England coast. Brian meets with his father a few hours later and then leaps again, intentionally heading for space and now achieving a trans-Lunar orbit. President Bush pre-empts prime time television programs to deliver his full The American Gods Address. Mandy witnesses and intervenes (anonomously) in a robbery in a small convenience store in downtown Washington, D.C. She sets herself on fire and severely injures one of the robbers, sparking many rumors in the area. After this encounter, Mandy has a vision of a lynching by fire in Georgia and steals a car in hopes of getting there in time to prevent the attack. Late at night, Arthur and his father, Harold, leave for the privacy of a hunting camp in Clarksburg, West Virginia.
January 23 - Johnny Carson dies. The Main Cast depart for their individual homes to visit family and friends who thought them dead.
January 22 - Ashton Sawyer dies of heart failure at 4:23am EST. The Main Cast and friends make a surprise appearance at a U.S. Government/Celera organized press conference and Brian Jaffe delivers a speech to announce the existence of the [[1]]. President Bush makes weekly radio address (about freedom, anti-terror and the beginings of his "American Gods" speech).
January 21 - The [[2]] leave Seattle by air for a Celera facility outside of Washington, D.C., under the power of Ashton Sawyer. Upon arrival, most Survivors scatter, paniced, for parts unknown. Late in the evening the Main Cast rescues Julie Young and her children, as well as the passengers of a city bus, from the wreckage of an accident in Georgetown. Jack collapses as the concentrated use of "Godlike power" pulls his "spirit" out of his body. A bystander captures footage of Brian Jaffe lifting the bus above his head.
January 20 - The [[3]] wake up from their "comas" at a Celera aligned facility near Seattle. George W. Bush is inaugurated in Washington D.C. for his second term as 43rd President of the United States.
January 19 - President Bush attends "Celebration of Freedom" concert for military.
January 18 - President Bush attends "Saluting Those Who Serve" event.
January 14 - The Huygens probe lands on Titan, largest moon of planet Saturn.
January 12 - Deep Impact (space mission) is launched from Cape Canaveral by a Delta 2 rocket.
March 17 - A pogrom-like organized violence breaks out over 2 days in Kosovo. Nineteen people are killed, 139 Serbian homes burned, schools and businesses vandalized, and over 30 Orthodox monasteries and churches burned and destroyed.
March 25 - British Prime Minister Tony Blair visits Libyan leader Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi, in return for the dismantling of Libya's WMD programme in December 2003 - the first time a major western leader has visited the nation in several decades.
April 1 - The Faroese Prime Minister's Office announces that from then on the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister's Office will use a new version of the Faroese Coat of Arms. The colours were inspired from the Merkið (flag) and yellow/gold was added. The new Coat of Arms depicts a Ram on a blue shield ready to defend. It can be used by the Government Ministries and by Faroese embassies, but some still use older versions of the Coat of Arms.
April 22 - Two trains carrying explosives and fuel collide in Ryongchon, North Korea, killing 161 people, injuring 1,300 and destroying thousands of homes.
April 22 - The last coal mine in France closes, ending nearly 300 years of coal mining.
May 8 - Would-be "Saudi Princess" "Antoinette Millard" surfaces in New York City claiming that muggers had stolen jewels worth of $262,000 from her (she later proves to be an impostor).
May 12 - An American civilian contractor in Iraq, Nick Berg, is shown being decapitated by a group allegedly linked to al-Qaida on a web-distributed video.
June 1 - Twelve-year-old Satomi Mitarai, a Japanese schoolgirl attending Okubo Elementary School in Sasebo, Japan is murdered. Her killer, an 11-year-old classmate identified by Japanese authorities as "Girl A", becomes the basis for the Nevada-tanInternet phenomenon.
August 9 - Footballer Lee Hughes, 28, is sentenced to 6 years in prison and banned from driving for 10 years after being found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving. Hughes also has his contract terminated by his employers West Bromwich Albion.
August 24 - Two airliners in Russia, carrying a total of 89 passengers, crash within minutes of each other after flying out of Domodedovo International Airport, leaving no survivors. Authorities suspect suicide attacks by rebels from Chechnya to be the cause of the crashes.
August 31 - Two suicide attacks on buses in Beer Sheva, Israel, kill at least 16 people and injure at least 60. Hamas claims responsibility for the attacks.
August 31 - A woman commits a suicide attack near a subway station in northern Moscow, Russia, killing at least 10 people and injuring at least 50. Authorities hold Chechen rebels responsible.
September 1 - Chechen terrorists take between 1,000 and 1,500 people hostage, mostly children, in a school in Beslan, Northern Ossetia. The hostage-takers demand the release of Chechen terrorists imprisoned in neighbouring Ingushetia and the independence of Chechnya from Russia.
September 3 - Russian forces end the siege at a school in Beslan, Northern Ossetia. At least 335 people (among which are 32 of the approximately 40 hostage-takers) are killed and at least 700 people injured.
September 8 - In the "Rathergate" affair, the first Internet posts appear pointing out that documents claimed by CBS News to be typewritten memos from the early 1970s appear instead to have been produced using modern word processing systems.
September 15 - "Girl A" is sentenced to be institutionalized due to the murder of classmate Satomi Mitarai.
September 16 - Hurricane Ivan strikes Gulf Shores, Alabama, as a Category 3 storm, killing 25 in Alabama and Florida, becoming the 3rd costliest hurricane in American history (currently the 4th following the destruction of 2005's Hurricane Katrina).
October 5 - A fire breaks out on the Canadian submarine HMCS Chicoutimi, leaving it stranded without power in the North Atlantic ocean, off the north coast of Ireland; 1 crewmember is killed.
October 9 - Direct elections for president are held for the first time in Afghanistan. Interim president Hamid Karzai is eventually declared the winner.
November 7 - U.S. forces launch a major assault on the Iraqi town of Fallujah, in an effort to rid the area of insurgents before the Iraqi elections in January.
November 21 - In the final round of presidential election in Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych is declared the winner. International election observers express severe criticism, and large crowds gather in a protest rally in Kiev. Twelve days later, the Supreme Court annuls the result, and a new poll is scheduled.
November 26 - A group of Iraqi political leaders, primarily from Sunni and Kurdish parties, advocate a 6-month delay in popular elections scheduled for January 2005.
November 28 - An explosion occurs in a coal mine in China. The death toll was expected to exceed 150.
November 28 - A male Po'o-uli dies of avian malaria at the Maui Bird Conservation Center in Olinda before it can breed, making the species in all probability extinct.
December 2 - David Bieber, a 38-year-old former American marine, is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a Leeds policeman and the attempted murder of two others following an incident on 26 December2003. The trial judge recommends that he should never be released from prison.
December 8 - The biggest Chinese PC producer Lenovo announces its plan to purchase IBM's global PC business, making it the third largest world PC maker after Dell and Hewlett-Packard.
December 16 - IT security company Symantec Corp signs a definitive agreement to merge with Veritas Software Corp, valued at $13.5 billion, in an all-stock transaction.
December 21 - Iraqi insurgents attack a U.S. military base in the city of Mosul, killing 22 people.
December 31 - Simón Trinidad, high-profiled FARC leader, is extradited to the United States, following the second extradition of a high drug dealer in a month and in 2004.
September 11: the events of 9/11 occur, spawning the Survivors of Flight AA 283. At age 87 (in 2051 - age 35 in 2005), Arthur was watching 9/11 in a old Boston Bar.
September 11 | ALTERNATE (b): Milos is ambushed as he leaves for the airport that morning, on the freeway, Arthur raced down the road alongside him, and with several deft slashes, cut both right tires of the limo he was riding in. Immediately the limo went out of control and crashed into the guardrail. Several other vehicles lost control as well and caused a grand pileup. No casualties or major injuries. Only a massive tangle of cars that will take hours to clear up. Milos did not make the AA 283 flight.
September 11 | ALTERNATE (c): Arriving back at Milo’s house, the night before the flight, Arthur kills Milos.
ARTHUR REDFORD's Personal Timeline
ALTERNATE (d): Arthur spent almost five years shifting back and forth between the same twenty five years, trying to undo the damage he had done. After his last attempt, one which almost resulted in the total erasure of all the Survivors, Arthur finally came to his senses.