Midnight: Southern XP Rewards
the Vrolk Saga

* 1st Level: 0
* 2nd Level: 1,000
* 3rd Level: 3,000
* 4th Level: 6,000
* 5th Level: 10,000
* 6th Level: 15,000
* 7th Level: 21,000
* 8th Level: 28,000
* 9th Level: 36,000
* 10th Level: 45,000
* 11th Level: 55,000
* 12th Level: 66,000
* 13th Level: 78,000
* 14th Level: 91,000
* 15th Level: 105,000
* 16th Level: 120,000
* 17th Level: 136,000
* 18th Level: 153,000
* 19th Level: 171,000
* 20th Level: 190,000
...wherein the pathwalkers found that they are not the only being of difference. From the dregs of the Dead Marshes along the boarders of the Erethor the rebels rushed into the gates of hell in search of a hero of old - Sir Walden Mikhail the ShadowWall, elf-friend and battle-worn defender of the realms. The journey began as Kyuad Finustion hired Thorton of Festerun to aid him in locating the ShadowWall. The two were captured and made sport of by a local orc scout called Radagug the Dog, the gnarled iron-capped tusks had spies looking in on them... A day's sprint away Dugaz the orc turned from Shadow saw the deed to be done in a seer pool of blood, he and his friend Eranon of the woodland realm raced to intercede. And so they did, forming the beginning bonds of fellowship that would take them beyond the Black Nail of the Dead Marsh.
In the band's journey, sadly more than one friend was lost. Thorton fell to the hungry maw of a terrible bog hag and her bog orc, a danger for which Eranon still feels the bite of curse to this day. But it would be at this point where their first great victory would arise. Equally mysterious and deadly a natural Zorarin Corith, a Black Mirror of the Shadow in the North, the fellowship broke the thing and out of the fallout came away with an uneasy alliance...
Zal'Kazzir Ghulvenne Sarcosan of the Sharu Caste began his walk with the fellowship... (more coming...)
Experience as of 11/25/07
Note: 91,000 XP needed for level 14 Note: 78,000 XP needed for level 13
- DURGAZ: 80,146.3 xp Total = 13th Level (Total Signature Weapon xp spent = 400)
- ERANON: 76,732.8 xp Total = 12th Level
- KYUAD: 75,091.3 xp Total = 12th Level / (Total xp spent = 2185)
- XP Spent: 29.5 spell levels x 50 = 1475 / magic item creation: 1500 vp x 1/25 = 60
- ZAL'KAZZIR: 78,460.8 xp Total = 13th Level / (Spell xp spent = 2400)
chapter # 33:2
- ??? (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill): ??? xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [BATTLE: ?xCR?? | 4PC @ 12th]
- ??? (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): ??? xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- TOTAL = ??? [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 32.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad: (x6 (287.4 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Zal'Kazzir: (x1 (47.9 xp))
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz: (x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 32:2
- Kyuad adds to the group his skeletal golems. (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Splitting up - Zal goes southeast to Giant's Face, all others go east through the refugee villages. (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Aiding and encouraging the villagers as their human refugee village burns. (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- The archer attacks Dern's Mercs. (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill): 225 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [BATTLE: 5xCR3x.5 | 4PC @ 12th]
- The pincer attacks of Dern's Mercs. (Steve): 675 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [BATTLE: 14xCR3x.75 | 4PC @ 12th]
- Saving 5 children while 3 are killed. (Andrew and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Capturing Dern Halfhand and planning to take Dern's Hold. (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill): 346 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [BATTLE: 1xCR8 | 4PC @ 12th]
- Zal'Kazzir walks in virtually unarmed and controls Dern's Hold within three days! (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- The gathering of 87 human refugees on the way to Dern's Hold, renaming it "First-Hold". (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Refraining from killing Dern Halfhand, planning for a trial! (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Planning the next steps, while implementing the "Council of 13 at First-Hold". (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- The full scene of the celebration of First-Hold feast. (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- TOTAL = 2871 (Eranon + 675) [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Bill makes Collune's character sheet and a description of her activities
- Bill brought snacks and helped clean up
- Bill fixed Eranon's sheet
- Bill has a lot of catch-up to do for Kyuad, so if Kevin can think of anything extra to do for this, please let Bill know.
chapter # 31:2
XP TOTAL: ??? [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Walking the Paths of Dalcovia! (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Discussions with Khalid / Collune's awakening (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Tricking the Hobgoblins at the Salt Mines of Aarl (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill): 25 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [BATTLE: 2xCR.5 x.5 | 4PC @ 12th]
- Facing the Orc Commander of the Salt Mines of Aarl (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [BATTLE: 1xCR7 | 4PC @ 12th]
- Dealing with the villagers of the human resistance village (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 250 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- the Return of Kyuad! (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- Planning to seek out the Eye, Collune and Faravor (Steve, Andrew, Adam and Bill): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam & Bill) [ENCOUNTER | 4PC @ 12th]
- TOTAL = 1475 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Bill's excellent work on scroll props for the game... (500 xp)
- Bill worked out a code system for identifying all of his items, and listed everything out for the other players' benefit... (??? xp)
- Bill made stats for a tohlek of dwarves... (??? xp)
- Bill made a Safati phrase list to use when casting spells or other abilities... (??? xp)
chapter # 30.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Bill and I work out Kyuad's return!...: (Bill x15 (718.5 xp))
chapter # 30:2
XP TOTAL: 73,463.5 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Dinner in the Hall of the Succubi (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Speaking with Darshod and the table guests (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Eranon spies on the Succubi through his silver spoon (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Eranon escapes Charms (for now) and uses Hell's Heart, then Captured by the Succubi (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 1300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: 13xCR7 x.5 | 3PC @ 12th]
- Waiting to escape, sending Etri to find Faravor (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Escaping Morian the Vindicator (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Durgaz turns "Morian" away from Shadow, he becomes Walden the ShadowWall once more (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Intensive plans to "save the world" (seige of Fallport, blockading the Bluff, etc..) (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- TOTAL = 3,100 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 29.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz speaks with Khalim on Bildgewater...: (Durgaz x15 (718.5 xp))
chapter # 29:2
XP TOTAL: 70,363.5 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- General conversations about the decisions of the Witch Queen (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 400 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Durgaz walks off the side of the Spear of Grief, freeing himself from the Orc Steel (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Eranon searches for Durgaz, water-walking to Tumbledown (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Eranon confronts Belal, threatening to kill it! (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Zal'Kazzir summons and confronts - a Succubus (secretly Etri), gathering intel on the powers that be (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Zal'Kazzir summons and confronts - a Ghaele (V'thai, Lightmaiden), sending her away (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Zal'Kazzir summons and confronts - a Shiradi (Faravor, the Chainbreaker), letting him make merry (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Eranon and Zal deal with Faravor... (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 150 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Durgaz meets and deals with Krell (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- Vengence upon Krell, Eranon drives off or destroys his asterix (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 1300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: 1xCR12 | 3PC @ 12th]
- Driving away Faravor for confronting Durgaz (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PC @ 12th]
- TOTAL = 2,450 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- SPECIAL AWARDS: 100 xp per player for snacks and such, 400 xp for Adam for aiding with PrC creation.
chapter # 28.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon & Zal'Kazzir talk about the Pirate Isles...: (Eranon x7 (335.3 xp), Zal'Kazzir x7 (335.3 xp))
chapter # 28.2:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon & Zal'Kazzir are given a dream by Alamath...: (Eranon x0, Zal'Kazzir x0)
chapter # 28.3:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz's vision of Eranon's dream: (Durgaz x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 28.4:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon & Zal'Kazzir are given a dream by Alamath...: (Eranon x3 (143.7 xp))
chapter # 28.5:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon's Dream vision speaking of saving Ahemia...: (Eranon x3 (143.7 xp))
chapter # 28:2
XP TOTAL: 67,913.5 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Durgaz's visions of the past (ShadowWall's capture, the Gator Pact, Valendil's death) (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Eranon and the others speaks with the Dorn gypsy Etri (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Durgaz encounters his visions, and Valendil is "real"! (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Discussion of what to do with the Vrok-beast (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Zal'Kazzir's summoning rituals (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Eranon learns of a spider demon on a ship, hunting someone from Etri (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 150 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Zal'Kazzir negotiates with the Bebilith demon (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 150 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Demon vs. Demon, Bebilith vs. Vrok & Dretch (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 550(E,Z)/450(D) xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: 1xCR9, 13xCR2 | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th, +Beilith]
- the Hunter-in-Darkness (Bebilith) turns on them! (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 733(E,Z)/600(D) xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: 1xCR10 | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Eranon slays it with one arrow, Hell's Heart (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- 2 days travel to the Corbron Isles (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Eranon spider-climbs down to guide the Spear of Grief through the reefs (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Arrival at Bildgewater Isle, Eranon/Zal go into town - Durgaz sits in solitude (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Eranon/Zal deal with the pirate cove as Durgaz kills 4 shipwright in cold blood (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- Durgaz breaks, telling all of a vision of the Witch Queen and King of the Erethor (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 300 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 2PCs @ 11th, 1PC @ 12th]
- TOTAL = 3208(E,Z)/3025(D) [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 27.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Zal'Kazzir's Visions sent...: (Zal'Kazzir x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 27.2:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon speaks to the Dorn Gypsy...: (Eranon x3 (143.7 xp))
chapter # 27:2
XP TOTAL: 64,888.5 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- The pirates approach, Eranon views Captain Norfall from the scope. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Zal'Kazzir (and the others) prepare the Spear of Grief for the pirate arrival (fake flag and dwarves) (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- The Pirate Princes attack, destroying the Grief's ores. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 320 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR?? | 4PCs @ 11th
- Eranon takes the eye out of Captain Aesir Norfall (crit with "Take an Eye Out" card). (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR?? | 4PCs @ 11th
- Standoff with the pirate boarders, Zal's illusions intimidate the dorns. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR?? | 4PCs @ 11th
- Durgaz "negotiates" through a masterful growl, intimidating the pirates. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Negotiating (buying time) with Captain Disa Norfall. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Zal Dominates Captain Disa Norfall to negotiate with the lead captain. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Zal watches the captain's conversations about taking the Grief through the eyes of Disa. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Zal "deals" with the Vrok beast possibly eating a crewman, below decks. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Learning about the pirate princes in private negotiations, Eranon stands against him and later Disa storms out. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Zal follows Disa as Eranon and Durgaz have "aggressive negotiations" with Aesir. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Durgaz and Eranon learn of Aesir Norfall's "buggery" with his bodyguards. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Eranon turns the attitude by slyly commenting about Aesir's ship being "our boat". (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Zal and Disa "negotiate/flirt", Zal returns on hypogriph. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Durgaz/Eranon make a deal with Aesir as Zal makes a deal with Disa about speaking with the Pirate Prince himself. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 11th]
- TOTAL = 2920 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 26.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Zal'Kazzir's Visions sent...: (Zal'Kazzir x3 (143.7 xp))
chapter # 26:2
XP TOTAL: 59,643.5 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Eranon returns with the Dragon, the Dwarves are stopped from battling it. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR- | 3PCs @ 11th
- Eranon intimidates the Dwarf Captain. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Negotiated with Dwarf captain. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Dwarven dinner, while speaking of battle plans. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Durgaz negotiates to get his armor/weapons back. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Zal'Kazzir asks the Dragon to heal his constituation, then it goes home. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Eranon sees that the ship is heading dead north (toward Highwall). (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Finding (crazy guy) to pilot the ship. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 150 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Zal'Kazzir interogates "Krell's brother". (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 75 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Eranon captured the vulture familiar of Vrolk. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 550 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew) [BATTLE: CR | 2PCs @ 11th
- Zal'Kazzir deals with the demon that was thought to be "Krell's brother". (Adam): 550 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 1PCs @ 11th]
- Removing of Vrolk's familiar's limbs, Durgaz projects into Vrolk's mind to show this. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- The sun rises with Pirates on the horizon. (Steve, Andrew, Adam): - xp per PC (Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- TOTAL = 2,325 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- SPECIAL AWARDS: Steve/Eranon is awarded a FREE Feat for the stunning turn in Eranon's character: Friendly Agent (M. 122)
chapter # 25:2
XP TOTAL: 55,140.5 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Attacks of the new incorporeal undead (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 1753 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR5 x 5, CR7 x1, CR5 x1 /2, CR7 x1 /2 | 2PCs @ 11th]
- The Lightning takes position to move the Eye (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 0 xp per PC (Bill, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Orcs and kurasatch udareen attack from below (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 1650 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR4 x3, CR2 x5, CR6 x5 | 2PCs @ 11th]
- Durgaz holds off the attack (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 150 xp per PC (Bill, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Zal'Kazzir jumps overboard to survive (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Oruks of the Spear of Grief attack with Javalins (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR2 x 12 /2 | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Into the submerged hold of the sinking ships saving the mounts, escape the shipwreck (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Bill, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Meeting the slave crew mutineers of the Spear of Grief (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Dealing with the Dwarven mutineers (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Eranon and the Dragon return (Bill, Andrew, Adam): 0 xp per PC (Bill, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 3PCs @ 11th]
- Bill - playing all the bad guys (Bill, Andrew, Adam): Bill's reward is that he shares in the HUGE xp of the 2 PCs encounters!
- TOTAL = 4,503 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
chapter # 24:2
XP TOTAL: 50,372 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Interogated Krell's man (faked his suicide) (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 300 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Zal'Kazzir & Durgaz visit Zalma (Durgaz learns truth of Ahemia) (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Zal seeks ship while others discuss Zal (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- On the ship, to meet the Arrows (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Intercepting "the Penumbra" (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Ambush of shadow arrows (finding the arrows)
- Destruction of Sails (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 206 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR5 x 2 | 4PCs @ 11th]
- Goblin warp-wood, ship crash (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Illusionary Kraken (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Durgaz & Kyuad survive the ocean (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Kyuad assaults Zaindal (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 1125 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR17 x 1 x .25 | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Durgaz vs. White Worm (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 1,687.5 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR11 x 2 x .25 | 4PCs @ 10th]
- the recovery of the Cadaverous Eye (Kyuad passes) (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- the coming of "the Spear of Grief" heading off Zardrix (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- TOTAL = 4,768.5 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Snacks & such = 100
- Quote: "We'll meet again when this undead prison rests in the ruins of the eye's library." -- Kyuad, in death.
chapter # 23:2
XP TOTAL: 48,197 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Through the Plains of Ash and Blood (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Battle with the Fire Beettle Dragonfly (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR6 x 1 | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Passing the Orc Watchpoint on the Road of Ruin (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 125 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR5 x 1, CR2 x 4 | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Passing the Trollskarl, considering going inside (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 300 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Ambushing Orc Patrol (capturing the Rime Tusks) (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 750 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR1 x 40, CR3 x 4, CR5 x 4 | 4PCs @ 10th]
- The Gate of Baden's Bluff (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR? x ? | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Safehaven in the Bluff (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Scouting the Docks (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- TOTAL = 2,175 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Snacks & such = 100 each
chapter # 22.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: On the way to the Bluff...: (Zal'Kazzir x2 (95.8 xp), Eranon x2 (95.8 xp), Durgaz x2 (95.8 xp), Kyuad x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 22:2
XP TOTAL: 46,135 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Determining how to cross the Felthera River (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Charming & convincing the Giant to ferry the party cross the Felthera (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 1000 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR11 x 13 /2 | 4PCs @ 10th]
- "the Fugitive" run chasing Radagug (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 375 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR11 x 8 | 4PCs @ 10th]
- the Execution of Radagug (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Crossing the Burning Road and a portion of the Plains of Ash & Blood (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 187 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- Determining the route north (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 10th]
- TOTAL = 2062 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Snacks & such = 100 xp for: Andrew, Steve, Adam & Bill
- Travel Distance (excel calculator) = 200 xp for: Bill
chapter # 21:2
XP TOTAL: 42,885 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Flashback of the "Dream" spell of Zal'Kazzir's family being killed. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Zal give the others his Dream information. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Nisse goes to deliver message to Collune (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Kyuad buries the 'Hand of Glory' and forces the battle of the Manticores, bringing the Manticore back into the world (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- The group is split - Eranon and Zal go toward Sharuun while Durgaz and Kyuad leave for the north. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Kyuad begins teaching the arrow/druid, including experiencing Ghoul Touch. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Radagug is forced to help bring in the Goblin Dog, Ishi-ishi, Eranon and Zal return (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Radagug and Eranon go hunting, bringing back seven 20 lbs turkeys (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Zal speaks with Ishi-ishi and unbuckles manacles (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 150 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Kyuad yells at Zal for un-manacling Ishi-ishi and begins talking about the uses of the goblins and Radagug. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 300 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Radagug and Ishi-ishi prepared elves to go scout looking for goblins (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 150 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Nearing the Plains of Ash and Blood, feeling the heat from the risdual hate of the Burning Line (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Convinced the Arrows not to go into Eisin to rescue the 'bait' elves (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Mi'shun and Eranon speak about her problems with him (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Considering how to cross the Felthera River - going through Eisin with papers, mind controlling Giant, working with Gnomes to cross (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- The real Zaindal flew over, Durgaz learns this was the REAL wyvern. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- TOTAL = 3,250 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Snacks & such = 100 xp for: Steve, Andrew
chapter # 20.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Zal'Kazzir and Eranon leave the Hamlet going toward Sharuun...: (none x0 (0 xp))
chapter # 20.2:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Zal'Kazzir's Response to His Family being murdered...: (Adam x6 (287.4 xp))
chapter # 20.3:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Conversation from Zal to Mi'shun...: (Adam x2 (95.8 xp))
chapter # 20:2
XP TOTAL: 40,260 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Award ceremony (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Assigned the Arrows and Mi'shun (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Zal resummons Balal (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Zal asks Durgaz about someone being in his room (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- The debriefing with Sovaliss the Eyemaster; learning of the Scrolls of the Witch Queen, learned about the Eyes of Aradil (Nodin & Ivilose) and Worgren's Moor was renamed "Moor of the Eyes". (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 350 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Durgaz makes sure to touch Sovaliss for future intent. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Interigation of Vrolk the Vile, learned about the Cadaverous Eye, the Slumbering Joy, Lloth. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Interigation of Vrolk the Vile, Zal'Kazzir uses Withering Speach, Dominate and Charm on Vrolk the Vile. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 675 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [BATTLE: CR11 x 1 | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Durgaz rips Vrolk's eye out. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Ending with the scene of Whitefield (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Zal'Kazzir finds his family dead and captured (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam) [ENCOUNTER | 4PCs @ 9th]
- Note: Kyuad spent 100 XP to learn one spell this session
- TOTAL = 2,625 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- The Witch Queen gives each pathwalker a special artifact.
chapter # 19.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Herein we discuss the group's future plans.: (none x0 (0 xp))
chapter # 19.2:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz's Seer visions and such...: (Andrew x5 (239.5 xp))
chapter # 19.3:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Andrew and Bill talk about Zal'Kazzir...: (Andrew x3 (143.7 xp), Bill x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 19.4:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Someone was in Zal's room at the Hamlet...: (Adam x0 (0 xp))
chapter # 19.5:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz invites Radagug to come North...: (Andrew x5 (239.5 xp))
chapter # 19.6:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz speaks with Craigth Galeck...: (Andrew x6 (287.4 xp))
chapter # 19:2
XP TOTAL: 37,660 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Seeing through Shadaar's eyes. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- To the Hamlet - Vines reach out of the woods in security, Zal summons fire elemental in fear. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [BATTLE: CRx x 40 | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Eranon called out to Ossion to stop, Aradil dismisses the fire elemental. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Delivering Vrolk to the elves (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 1000 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Speaking with Ossion, Aradil, Academy Professors, etc... (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Kyuad learns Echo's Splinter is a part of Echo's Gate. (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Zal'Kazzir 'reviews' the troops being polymorphed into a wolf (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Sourceror of Shadow is mentioned and Aradil dismisses council (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 300 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- War Council meeting, elven/orcish troops, Gamarilian Front, where the Cadaverous Eye is, etc... (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 500 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Note: Kyuad spent 100 XP to learn one spell this session
- TOTAL = 2,600 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- NA
chapter # 18.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon talks to Zal'Kazzir...: (Steve x1 (47.9 xp), Adam x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 18.2:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon asks Kyuad about progress on the curse...: (Steve x1 (47.9 xp), Bill x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 18.3:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Shadaar speaks with Eranon...: (Steve x3 (143.7 xp))
chapter # 18.4:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon speaks with his sister, Alamath...: (Steve x3 (143.7 xp))
chapter # 18.5:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Eranon speak with the Sarcosan horses...: (Steve x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 18.6:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz talked with Zal'Kazzir about the killing of Ahemia...: (Andrew x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 18.7:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad (with Durgaz) tries to speak with Belal in the lore pool...: (Bill x2 (95.8 xp))
chapter # 18.8:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad speaks with Zal'Kazzir about the Undead in the party...: (Bill x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 18.9:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad speaks with Shadaar and Nisse...: (Bill x2 (95.8 xp))
chapter # 18.10:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad speaks with Shadaar and Nisse - continued in private...: (Bill x4 (191.6 xp))
chapter # 18.11:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Kyuad offers the group some charms...: (Bill x1 (47.9 xp))
chapter # 18:2
XP TOTAL: 36,000 [This is the MAXIMUM TOTAL XP (not counting Bluebooking) available at the beginning of this Chapter (game session).]
- Escape from Vrolk's ritual (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Slave Caravan with Alamath in it (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 310 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [BATTLE: CR2 x 4, CR1/3 x 15 | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Zal dominates Bugbear leader, Ahimia decapitates bugbear (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 100 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Interaction with prisoners (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 200 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- With help, Lore possesses Balal's body (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Shadaar and Nisse take Erenlanders to their village (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- The execution of Ahimia! (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 400 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Zal gives Durgaz 'freedom' and Radagug speaks with Durgaz (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 250 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Travelled toward the Hamlet (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 50 xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- See Aradil and the Dragon (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam): 0* xp per PC (Bill, Steve, Andrew, Adam, Brandon) [ENCOUNTER | 5PCs @ 9th]
- Note: during this game Kyuad learned 3 spells that cost a total of 300 XP.
- TOTAL = 1660 [XP for this Chapter (game session).]
- Seeing Aradil grants each character the Extra Feat from last session.
- Bill, Adam & Steve for painting minis = 500 xp each
chapter # 16.1:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Durgaz talks to Kyuad following leaving the Spire...: (Andrew x4 (191.6 xp), Bill x4 (191.6 xp))
chapter # 16.2:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Diero's letter to Kyuad...: (Bill x0 ( 0 xp))
chapter # 16.3:2
- Wiki Bluebooking: Zalkazzir talks with Lady Ahimia at Spire...: (Adam x5 (239.5 xp))