Forgotten Freedom:Rules
Rule Introduction
The rules of the Forgotten Freedom are designed to prevent the chaotic and often dangerous crew from going to far in their actions as a member of the ship. Although the rules are broken far to often a system of scaled punishments has been created depending on the level of the offense and the power of the crew member that broke the rule. There are well over 5000 rules for the crew to follow so they will be broken into sections. The first section is for the first 1001 that the thread was inteded to create followed by groups or 500 until the end of the list.
From Captain Jarlot, Pirate at arms....
Activities that the Crew of the Airship Forgotten Freedom are Forbidden from engaging in:
1-1001 1002-1500 1500-2000 2001-2500 crew crew crew crew crew crew crew crew
In addition to these general rules there are rule the crew must follow while in the ships bar named Erk's Place after the minotuar bartender